Praetorian Guard

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The Praetorian Guard is solely responsible for the protection of the presiding leader of the Republic, the Praetor. They are one of only two military units, besides the City Guard, allowed to be armed within the confines of the capital, Dartha. The Guard operates out of a barracks within the Praetor's Palace complex.

The total number of Praetorians is 4,500 soldiers, though only a third are on active duty at any time except in times of war. Praetorian soldiers are widely considered the most honorable and battle-hardened fighters in the entire Republic, many of whom have served as the most experienced centurion in their respective army unit, others have shown to be highly dedicated and showed tremendous courage and valor while in battle, being recommended personally to join the Guard by their commanding officers. There are even a few members who have earned highest military honors and awarded a position within the Praetorians by the Praetor himself.

When in the thick of actual combat, the Praetorians have access to the best weaponry in the Republic, but most of the time they are acting as ceremonial guards and are seen equipped with arms that most would consider ancient relics. These include Lirash polearms, Bazdja spears, Vrelnec swords, and Neca daggers. Their uniform consists of purple crested helmets and black armor while on ceremonial duty but dons a more practical battle variant of their uniform when on the battlefield.

The Praetorian Guard, despite its honorable reputation, has been potentially involved, though not confirmed, in the dangerous environment of Rihannsu politics from taking bribes to outright assassinating their sole charge, the Praetor. The Praetorians are commanded by their Prefect, Velal tr'Hiren.