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Federal Democratic Republic of Ikheria
Democratische Bundesrepublik Ikheria (German)
Федеративная Демократия Республика Ихерия (Russian)
Republik Demokratik Federal Ikheria (Indonesian)
Републик Демократик Федерал Ихериа (Ikherian/Cyrillic Indonesian)
Flag of Ikheria
Coat of Arms and Emblem of Ikheria
Coat of arms
Motto: Building, Serving, and Protecting Motherland!
Anthem: Our Ikheria, Our Peoples
and largest city
Federal City of Yeltsingrad
Official languagesEnglish (International uses), German, Indonesian (Latin/Cyrillic), Russian
Recognised national languagesBelarussian, Polish, Ukrainian
Ethnic groups
Indonesian (including Indo-Ikherian), Russians (including Belarussians), Poles, Germans, Ukrainians
GovernmentPresidential Federal Republic
• President
Sergey Lebankov
• Vice President
Dimitri Ivanovich Belankovic
LegislatureFederal Representative Assembly
Federal Representative Council
General Representative Council
Independence from USSR
• Independence from USSR
25 October 1991
• Joining CSTO
15 May 1992
• New Independence constitution in force
7 November 1992
• Joining EU
27 December 2000
• New Federal constitution in force
10 December 2010
• Joining EEU
29 May 2014
• Overthrow of Socialist government
5 June 2015
• 2020 estimate
114 million
• 2015 census
87.64 million
GDP (nominal)2020 estimate
• Total
113 trillion
• Per capita
HDI (2020)0.8630
very high
Time zoneUTC+1-3 (CET, EET, MSK)
Date formatDD-MM-YYYY
Driving sideleft
Calling code+375
ISO 3166 codeIK
Internet TLD.ik, .by, .id, .pl, .ru (ethnic ccTLDs), .su

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ikheria, commonly referred as Ikheria, is a federal republic, consisting 11 states and 2 Federal City, Yeltsingrad and Minsk. Ikheria border Germany in West, Czech Republic and Slovakia in Southwest, Ukraine in Southeast, Russia in East, and Lithuania and Baltic Sea in North.


As Ikheria implementing AI personhood policy and universal sapient rights, like other developed countries, many Androids consider Ikheria as one of 10 most tolerant countries. Ikheria also known as "Fortress of Muslims" because this country are regarded as most largest muslim base and most many mosque in Europe and are considered as "very successful" brother of Indonesia, as the former possessing very high technology capabilities, such as DTIS, satellites, nuclear and conventional ICBMs, and many other technologies.

In international politics, Ikheria are one of nations whom became member of EU, Eurasian Economic Union, CIS, and CSTO. Ikheria also became one of warring parties in Donbass Civil War, partner of Russia in Syrian Civil War, and held military exercise in Pacific Ocean for threaten China and other territory claimer in South China Sea dispute for claiming Natuna Islands.





Politics and Government

Ikheria is a presidential federalized republic. The present-day constitution of Ikheria is 2010 Federal Constitution from Socialist era. Ikherian federal government are divided as three part; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Executive branch is President of Ikheria. President are helped by Vice President. Currently serving President and Vice President is Sergey Lebankov and Dimitri Ivanovich Belankovic. Legislative branch of the federal government are Federal Representative Assembly consisting Federal Representative Council as upper chamber and General Representative Council as lower chamber. Federal Representative Assembly member are elected every 5 year and President/Vice President election every 15 year, very unusual for democratic country in Europe.


Foreign Relations



Major electrical and heating energy are produced from nuclear energy. Ikheria currently operate 10 Nuclear power plants, 25 Windmill sites, 27 Solar panel energy generation sites.



Ikherian roads and ports are one of priority infrastructure whom under government oversights. The Moskow-Minsk-Yeltsingrad-Berlin Highway and High-speed Railway are crossing Ikherian territories. Water supplies and other infrastructure are mostly operated by Regional/Provincial companies.

In Ikheria, most of Internet and Telecommunication infrastructure are operated by INTTC or Asnet, rarely Vodafone Ikheria. Ikheria also operate National Internet Infrastructure Network whom can operate even when their public internet not working. Most of Ikherian houses' are connected via fiber optic.






Music and Art

