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The Communes of Oceania
Flag of Oceania
Motto: Oceania 'tis for thee
Location of Oceania
CapitalNew Manchester
Official languagesNewspeak
GovernmentOne-party Socialist totalitarian dictatorship
• Supreme Commander
Orwell Willis
Legislaturethe Party Chambers
Inner Party
Outer Party

Oceania is a nation in Europe. It comprises of two sectors, Anglia and Welshland. These lands are ruled by the Supreme Commander, Orwell Willis.


The story of Oceania traces back to after the flare hit. A couple of years after the flare many people underground started to live communally, sharing whatever they had and sharing it fairly amongst the populous. As this continued, in 1848 a man named Edward Lawrey wrote a book called the "Socialist Ideal". It was based around and ideology of a system where the communal sharing seen in the bunkers of England were present, but a strong leader with absolute power was at the top. His book spread and many began to agree with it. Eventually, the English Socialist Party formed (:trollface:) and started to gain influence in the underground communes. When they rose out of the bunkers to go explore again, the people who followed "IngSoc" (:trollface:) quickly took over. What was seen there is what you would see today. State propaganda in the form of government newspapers and posters layer the streets. English does not exist either, as it has evolved into what is called "Newspeak". State police regulary patrol the streets looking for dissenters, though many can slip through if they are sly enough. The communalism seen in the bunkers is still present, as expected. The party holds absolute power and no one outside can really see into it.

Foreign Relations

