Lumenic Air Force

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Lumenic Air Force
Aeronautica Militare
CRUZEX 2013 (10798460426).jpg
Several Rigoli A.89 Tigre attack aircraft from the 513° Gruppo Attacco, 51° Stormo at Scanna Royal Air Base
Active1923 - Present
Country Luminerra
KingLorenzo III
LegatusAmore Stavola
Colonnello generaleNevio Capozzi
Flag of the Lumenic Air ForceAirForceFlaLum.png
Roundel of the Lumenic Air ForceAirForceRound.png
Low-visibility roundel of the Lumenic Air ForceAirForceRoundLV.png
Fin flash of the Lumenic Air ForceFinFlash.png

The Lumenic Air Force (Nova Lumenic Aeronautica Luminerra) is the aerial component of the Lumenic Legion and is the youngest of the three branches of the Legion, having been established as an independent branch of service in 1923 following the separation of the Lumenic Army Air Corps from the Lumenic Army.


Lumenic Army Air Corps

Lumenic Air Force


  • Tactical Mobility Command



Officer's in the Lumenic Air Force occupy positions of leadership and responsibility, assuming direct command responsibility for formations, and instillations of the service. Commissioned officers are considered commanding officers under royal authority. A superior officer is an officer with a higher rank than another officer, who is a subordinate officer relative to the superior.

Officers may receive commissions within the Lumenic Air Force through a number of methods, including attending the Lumenic War College or the Lumenic Royal Air Force Academy, attending a four year university which sponsors a Lumenic Air Force officer training program, or attending a officers candidate school sponsored by the Lumenic Air Force. This latter option is the preferred method for enlisted servicemen and women to advance into commissioned officer ranks, though being a current member of the Lumenic Air Force is not a requirement to attending OCS, however, all applicants, both existing service and new inductees, must possess a four year degree from an accredited university. In some rare cases, a two year degree in a specialized field may be accepted for OCS applicants. Graduates of either an officer training program from a four year university, or from either the Lumenic War College or Air Force Academy, will receive their degrees prior to commission, and will then attend an abbreviated officer candidate school designed to provide them with training deemed necessary for military applications.

In rare cases, are appointed by superior officers from enlisted or non-commissioned officer ranks through a process known as direct commissioning, which can occur as a battlefield promotion or be granted to a certified civilian professionals such as scientists, pharmacists, physicians, nurses, clergy, and attorneys. These airmen will bv directly commissioned upon entry into the Lumenic Air Force. However, these officers generally do not exercise command authority outside of their specific branches, and are highly regulated along their career tracks.

Officers of the Lumenic Air Force can be divided into three levels; junior officers, senior officers, and general officers. Junior officers, sometimes referred to as flight officers, consist of officers in ranks E-1 through E-3. These officers preform a variety of functions, often overseeing enlisted members of the Lumenic Air Force in the execution of tasks. Senior officers are officers ranked E-4 and E-5. These officers generally hold staff positions for senior officers, squadron or wing level commands, or are tasked with overseeing a group of junior officers and enlisted personal assigned to a specialized mission. General officers consist of officers ranking between E-6 and E-9 and command large elements of the Air Force, such as air groups or entire Air Force instillations, and command missions and programs of great responsibility.

Grade Image Rank
N/A No insignia Aspirante
C-1 10-Montenegro Air Force-2LT.svg Sottotenente
11-Montenegro Air Force-1LT.svg Tenente
C-2 12-Montenegro Air Force-CPT.svg Capitano
C-3 13-Montenegro Air Force-MAJ.svg Maggiore
C-4 14-Montenegro Air Force-LTC.svg Tenente Colonnello
C-5 15-Montenegro Air Force-COL.svg Colonnello
C-6 16-Montenegro Air Force-BG.svg Tenente generale
C-7 17-Montenegro Air Force-MG.svg Capitano generale
C-8 18-Montenegro Air Force-LG.svg Maggiore generale
C-9 19-Montenegro Air Force-GEN.svg Colonnello generale

Warrant Officer

In the Lumenic Air Force, warrant officers are known as sottufficiale and are considered to be non-commissioned officers, outranking the senior-most enlisted ranks, as well as officer cadets and officer candidates, but below the officer grade of C‑1. They are primarily utilized to handle the upper administrative tasks of the Lumenic Air Force, serving as senior non-commissioned officers at the wing and air group level. Sottufficiales are employed in highly skilled, single-track specialty roles. In general, the Lumenic Air Force utilizes Sottufficiales as technical specialists, though in some cases a  Sottufficiale may also command detachments, units, activities, vessels, or aircraft. A Sottufficiale primary mission is to serve as a technical expert, providing valuable skills, guidance, and expertise to commanders and organizations in their particular field.

One special exception to this general rule is the rank of Maresciallo dell'aviazione or Marshal of the Air Force, who serves as the senior most non-commissioned officer in the Lumenic Air Force. The Maresciallo dell'aviazione is appointed to serve as a spokesman to address the issues of enlisted soldiers to all officers, from other Sottufficiales and Sottotenente's to the Air Force's highest positions. in effect making the Maresciallo dell'aviazione the senior most enlisted advisor to the Generale dell'aviazione, or the General of the Air Force. The exact duties vary depending on the Air Force's current Generale dell'aviazione, though much of the Maresciallo dell'aviazione's time is spent traveling throughout the nation to various Air Force bases and facilities, observing training and talking with soldiers and their families.

Grade Image Rank
S-1 Rank insignia of maresciallo di terza classe of the Italian Air Force.svg Maresciallo Terza
S-2 Rank insignia of maresciallo di seconda classe of the Italian Air Force.svg Maresciallo Seconda
09-Montenegro Air Force-CWO.svg Maresciallo dell'aviazione
S-3 Rank insignia of maresciallo di prima classe of the Italian Air Force.svg Maresciallo Prima
S-4 Rank insignia of primo maresciallo of the Italian Air Force.svg Maresciallo Superiore
S-5 Rank insignia of primo maresciallo luogotenente of the Italian Air Force.svg Maresciallo Capo

Non-Commissioned and Enlisted

Grade Image Rank
A-1 No insignia Aviere
A-2 01-Montenegro Air Force-LCP.svg Aviere Scelto
A-3 02-Montenegro Air Force-CPL.svg Primo Aviere
A-4 03-Montenegro Air Force-JSG.svg Aviere Capo
A-5 04-Montenegro Air Force-SGT.svg Sergente
A-6 06-Montenegro Air Force-SSG.svg Sergente Primo
A-7 08-Montenegro Air Force-WO.svg Sergente Maggiore


Name Origin Number Notes
Altomare C.11 Spettro  Luminerra C.11: 72
Scorza C.96 Squalo  Luminerra C.96C: 48
C.96E: 84
C.96F: 36
Altomare C.87 Ciclone  Luminerra C.87C: 72
Scorza A.82 Leone  Luminerra A.82 48
Rigoli A.89 Tigre  Luminerra A.89: 216
Altomare A.79 Ciclone  Luminerra A.79B: 72
Tancredi A.06 Argento  Luminerra A.06: 12
Belloli B.54 Avvoltoio  Luminerra RB.54:
WB.54: 12
Scorza F.82 Leone  Luminerra F.82
Rigoli F.84 Mela  Luminerra F.84
Rigoli G. F.15 Bacca  Luminerra F.15
Rigoli G.90  Luminerra G.90:
Tancredi G.70 Avorio  Luminerra G.70:
Tancredi G.06 Argento  Luminerra G.06:
Tancredi G.09 Alce  Luminerra G.09:
Electronic warfare and support
Tancredi E.05 Fulmine  Luminerra E.05: 24
Altomare E.93 Ciclone  Luminerra E.93: 24
Tancredi E.06 Argento  Luminerra E.06: 12
INAESA P-97 Aparejo  Luminerra P.11: 12
Surface to air missiles systems
TIM-04 Patriota  Hyboria TIM:04C: