Arren the Great

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Arren as depicted in the Arenland Coat of Arms, slaying Orryn the Dragon-King which sealed his position as the Ishlantor of the Five Islands.

Hansa Arrentau, known posthumously as Arren the Great and The First Ishlantor was an Arenoran hero and general who in 987, united the disparate factions of the Arenoran Isles in order to repel an invasion of the Isles by an unknown force during the Rebirth Trial. He became the First Ishlantor of a unified Arenoran people and wielded considerable influence across the Islands during his reign, setting forth many traditions and precedences that are still followed today. While his military empire fell apart following his death in 1022, his vision of a unified Arenoran domain would be realized in the form of the modern day Commonwealth of Arenor.