BBV Season 1: In-Depth Episode Synopsis

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Introductory Statement
This is the episode synopsis for Big Brother Season 1!

Each episode of the season will be receiving an in-depth synopsis, which will include confessionals. Confessionals are private moments when the contestant will tell the camera information, such as their thoughts on things or even strategy. In short, these are noted as CC or "Confessional Cam" in the synopsis. Their location in the synopsis is based off the edit on the episode.

Week 1

Week 1 Episode 1 The host, Sofia Venoa, welcomes the audience to Big Brother. Every week, the houseguests will compete for luxuries, as well as power. As the game begins, the houseguests will nominate each-other for eviction. Then the audience decides who goes home.

Short Synopsis (cause Season 1):

Episode 2 Happenings This Week:

  • Cristovao Paiva discusses his family struggles growing up and how they are so much closer than before.
  • Antonio, notably, flirts with every woman in the house. Aviana, however, shuts him down.
  • Matt's condescending attitude rubs a lot of people the wrong way causing a huge argument on Day 5 between him and Antonio.

Public Perception:
Alina: A loving mother to her five children.
Angela: Eye candy.
Antonio: Eye candy.
Aviana: Strong.
Carina: Eye candy.
Cristovao: Compassionate.
Gabriela: Eye candy.
Jordan: Somebody who loves to party a little too much.
Jude: Funny.
Matt: A massive jerk.
Melvin: Boring.
Monica: Boring.
Ondina: A kind, motherly woman.
Rodolfo: Boring.

Episode 3
Episode 4

Week 2

Week 2
Episode 5 Happenings This Week:

  • A lot of massive arguments happen due to Matt's condescending attitude, Monica's holier-than-thou attitude and Antonio making sexist comments.
  • Alina and Ondina argue throughout the week due to a massive misunderstanding regarding a conversation.
  • Antonio doesn't take being rejected by Gabriela well, leading to the two of them to argue.
  • Jordan believes Cristovao to be fake and instigates an argument between the two.
  • Carina is, notably, jealous with how close Angela and Jordan are getting.
  • While many in the house anticipated Antonio being nominated, most of the house were shocked at Cristovao being nominated.

Public Perception:
Alina: A loving mother to her five children.
Angela: Eye candy.
Antonio: Sexist.
Aviana: Funny.
Carina: Petty.
Cristovao: Compassionate.
Gabriela: Eye candy.
Jordan: A jerk.
Jude: Funny.
Matt: A massive jerk.
Melvin: Boring.
Monica: A jerk.
Ondina: A kind, motherly woman.
Rodolfo: Boring.

Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10 The first eviction on Day 14 happens. Antonio vs Cristovao!

Antonio is evicted.

Week 3

Week 3
Episode 11 Happenings This Week:

  • Alina and Ondina make up and become friends again.
  • The love triangle of Angela, Carina and Jordan continues. Angela catches on to how Carina is and the two argue throughout the week.
  • Gabriela flirts with all of the men in the house and openly tells Alina that she is doing this so no man nominates her. This causes Alina to argue with her about it.
  • Alina talks to Aviana about it. Aviana calls Gabriela out in front of the whole house.
  • Jude is heavily unsure about Melvin, wondering if he even wants to be here.
  • Around nominations, "the old Matt" returns and he starts having a rude attitude towards people

Public Perception:
Alina: A loving mother to her five children. Also, confrontational.
Angela: Eye candy. Also, she deserves better than Jordan.
Aviana: Funny.
Carina: A mean girl.
Cristovao: Compassionate.
Gabriela: A jerk.
Jordan: A jerk.
Jude: Funny.
Matt: A massive jerk.
Melvin: Boring.
Monica: A jerk.
Ondina: A kind, motherly woman.
Rodolfo: Not genuine.

Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16 The second eviction on Day 21 happens. Gabriela vs Matt!

Matt is evicted.

Week 4

Week 4
Episode 17 Happenings This Week:

  • It was announced that more than one person will leave this week. Additionally, from now on, everybody would nominate TWO people as opposed to one. The top four will face eviction.
  • After "doing nothing" for three weeks, according to some of the houseguests, Monica goes on a tirade and begins insulting everybody.
  • The love triangle comes to an end after Angela finds that Jude is more of a gentleman while Jordan is a jerk.
  • Aviana begins to question if Rodolfo is genuine.

Public Perception:
Alina: Loving and confrontational.
Angela: Glad that she chose Jude over Jordan.
Aviana: Hilarious.
Carina: A mean girl.
Cristovao: Compassionate and hilarious.
Gabriela: A jerk.
Jordan: A jerk.
Jude: Hilarious.
Melvin: Boring.
Monica: A mean girl.
Ondina: ???
Rodolfo: Not genuine.

Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22 The third and fourth eviction on Day 28 happens. Angela vs Carina vs Jordan vs Monica!

Monica is the first to be evicted.
Jordan is the second to be evicted.

Week 5

Week 5
Episode 23 Happenings This Week:

  • On Episode 24/Day 30, it is discovered that Rodolfo has been trying to mess with nominations. Production finds a cellphone, a pen and a paper in his bag, leading them to search EVERYBODY'S belongings. Rodolfo is promptly ejected from the house, shocking everybody.
  • Gabriela acts a lot more kind to people and less manipulative.
  • Jude shares many, many stories about his college days.
  • Cristovao comes out to everybody as gay and reveals that he has been seeing this guy for five years.
  • It is revealed that there will be an immunity challenge this week. Whoever doesn't win immunity will be nominated for eviction.

Public Perception:
Alina: Loving and confrontational.
Angela: Glad that she chose Jude over Jordan.
Aviana: Hilarious.
Carina: A mean girl.
Cristovao: Compassionate and hilarious.
Gabriela: ???
Jude: Hilarious.
Melvin: Kind and caring.
Ondina: ???

Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28 Gabriela is evicted.

Week 6

Week 6
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34

Week 7

Week 7
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40

Week 8

Week 8
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 46

Week 9

Week 9
Episode 47
Episode 48
Episode 49
Episode 50