
Revision as of 20:58, 6 August 2021 by Delamaria (talk | contribs)
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Here is a brief explination of the nations in my proposal , as well as links to the wiki pages created for them. All of this is subject to change and input.

Proposal Map.

A.1 Berdolch

(Mainland German, Czech, Slovak, Polish)

A.2 Varslands

The Varslands was an independent kingdom until the 16th Century when the Habstrian Empire invaded. It gained independence in 1922, opting not to join the Dolchic Confederation, it would be a kingdom until 1944, as the Dolchic confederation was collapsing socialists and plebists seized control of the capital and soon the rest of the nation, forcing the monarchy into exile. The plebist state was very unstable, and soon collapsed. A congress was called and it was decided that the Varslands would be reformed into a constitutional monarchy, with a parliament elected by the people.

(Dutch, Frisian, Flemish, Walloon, Luxembourgish, maybe some Northern German)

A.3 Habstria

Formerly the Habstrian Empire, it ruled over much of Dolchic Europa until the 20th Century under the empire and later the Dolchic Confederation. Now is a far smaller landlocked state, with a neutral attitude towards international affairs. (Austrian, Bavarian, German Swiss, some Hungarian)

A.4 Cresiatia

(Slovak, Slovene, Croatian, Maybe Bosnian & Serbian)

A.5 Berstevia

(Romanian, Hungarian, some Ukranian)

A.6 A

(Czech, Polish, Ukranian)

A.7 A


A.8 A


A.9 A
