Memory Lane

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Memory Lane (Chinese: 内存通道; pinyin: Nèicún Tōngdào) is Mirage's Shùnéng. It uses black and blue .


Memory Lane is first and foremost a telepathic Shùnéng, allowing its user to read and manipulate the minds of others, as well as mentally communicate with them. This is particularly useful for picking the opponent's mind for any memories and/or thoughts of powerful allies or adversaries for Mirage to conjure as a Memory as both a means of combat and demoralization. The telepathic nature of Memory Lane also allows for the usage of illusions to subdue an opponent without even touching them.

Memory Lane's unique property is the ability to create copies of individuals from Mirage's own memories or that of others within her sight, with the copies aptly named Memories. While these copies retain the skills, knowledge, personality, and Shùnéng of the original individuals, they are extensions of Mirage's will and thus do her bidding, allowing her to gain allies who would never fight alongside her otherwise.

Weaknesses and limitations

Memories created with Memory Lane cannot have power exceeding it's user, so any Memories made of people much more powerful than Mirage would be reduced to "watered down" versions of the real people. The Qi cost for summoning Memories are scaled to the power of said Memories, meaning summoning a Memory of a particularly powerful person (for example, Tianshi) is much more exhausting than summoning a Memory of someone less powerful (such as Shard). Coupled with Mirage's already limited Qi capacity, this limits her options on how many Memories to summon and of whom.

Like any other Shuneng, illusions from Memory Lane can be dispersed by realizing said illusions are not real and inflicting pain on oneself, disrupting one's own Qi flow, or having an ally do so.



Summoning: Memories

The main Shù of Memory Lane, this summoning technique takes the memories of an individual from another individual (usually Mirage herself) and gives it form known as a Memory.

The Qì cost for summoning and maintaining Memories on the field depends on the individual Memories' power and the total number of Memories. She can either summon one powerful Memory or multiple weaker Memories. When she no longer has the Qì to maintain a Memory, it is dismissed. Memories are also dismissed after sustaining a certain amount of damage, which varies depending on the Memory itself. Mirage can also dismiss Memories whenever she pleases.

Feather clones

Mirage can summon crows, usually in flocks, and integrate them into clones of herself to distract and confuse opponents.