Sandbox:Noble Dog Characters

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This sandbox is part of a series on the project, "Noble Dog".
Outline Link

Major Characters

András I


  • Name: András Géza Velencei
  • Series: Second of Gézan Males, Second of Gézan Descendants.
  • Species: Dog, Beagle.
  • Gender: Male.
  • House: Velencei.
  • Tribe: Erdős.
  • Position: Alispán of Velencei Németújvár.
  • Alignment: Coalitionist.
  • Weapon: Erdősi Sword


András Géza Velencei is one of the main characters and the central protagonist of Noble Dog. At the time of the story's beginning, András is a young man that is made an Alispán against his will by his father, Géza III of Velencei. He is made the Alispán of the Estate of Velencei Németújvár at the age of 16 and finds himself in charge of a village he does not want to control. Looking to take on adventure but still continue with the household goal of knowledge, he determines to complete the Reliquary of Álmo I, one of his ancient ancestors who had began a Reliquary in the Castle Upon Velencei Németújvár that was privy to the Bystríki monks who once lived in the Abbey Upon Velencei Németújvár. Against the wishes of Father Márfi, András begins his search of the final Seven Relics that were listed by Álmo. Beginning his combing of the archives under the castle, he begins to cross reference the ancient stories and myths that surround each of the relics.

Unbeknownst to András, three separate conflicts are brewing that are about to involve him in his hunt for the Seven Relics. The Empire faces a successionary crisis among the House of Esterházy that threatens to divide the Empire into two family factions. His father Géza III and mother Beleknegini both have their devilish plots that they intend to begin, András being primary victims or pieces in both plots. In his search of the relic of the ancient Apostolic Presbyter Dezső of Veszprém, he is dragged into the power struggle occuring between a coalition of Noble Southern Veszprémic Households and one of the most powerful Hódítók Warlords.

Physical Traits & Appearance

András is a Erdős male, as such is of Beagle descent. Standing at around 5'11", he is the tallest living Velencei member. He hold the majority of his traits directly from his patrilinial heritage of the Velencei Males. On his forehead lies the Lambda of Velencei, holistering within the Lambda Tridot, thought to be the Undertowed Lambda Circles. His coat is more resemblent of his ancestor Álmo II than it is of Géza III, in that he has three main colors: Black, Tan and White. He has Beleknegini's eyes, with his eyes being a shade of deep blue.

András often wears the typical set of clothing for a Nemesség of his ranking, that being of an Alispán. As an Alispán, he wears a single plum on the top of his hat that is pinned down by a silver emblem of the Lambda of Velencei. His fur hat is a deep rich brown fur color. His standard dressing when with royalty includes a black cape, but the majority of the time he does not wear the cape. His strap is teal with a golden pattern on it.


András is an excitable and yet anxious person with a mixed outlook of intensity and the aftermath thoughts. He often does not like being the center of attention to certain situations, specifically situations that involve The Empire and politics. Since he was young he had held a considerable amount of distain for the Empire and authority, preferring to think of himself as an adventurer that would break the mold of the Velencei legacy.

András often follows his heart over his mind and lacks good judgement, which he considers Clarence to be his judgement. As such, András has extremely poor judgement on objectives as well as people. He is not perceptive of other people and the threat that they pose to him, which others will often take advantage of.

Relationship with Clarence

The relationship that is shared between András and Clarence is a close male bond that is not meant to be reflected with other characters or relationships. While not romantic, it is also not percieved as platonic or sibling-like. The exact nature of the relationship between the two is reflected by the respect and trust the two give to each other, but is never fully revealed. András often shows Clarence understanding and acceptance of his nature, something that is shown by almost no other character save for Matthew. In turn, Clarence acts as a sort of diary for András. Much of what András needs to get off his mind that he cannot say publicly or to other characters he will share with Clarence. Much of their lives have been spent around each other, from adolescense to young adulthood.

Throughout their time together out traveling, the implications of their relationship being at least somewhat romantic begin to intensify.


  • Géza III: Géza is nothing but unloving of his second son. The overshadowed failure after the successful son Sesztek I, Géza III spared no expense to relieve him and Beleknegini of any need to care or any responsibility in the raising of András I.
  • Beleknegini: Beleknegini did not feel much for András as she did with any of her children, due to their tribal affiliation of the Edrős and their lack of Hódítók affiliation. András never particularily felt close to Beleknegini. Knowing she was his mother and did not love her still gives a lot of emotional problems for András which he still deals with.
Group Name
  • Calisto:

Distorted Dimension

During the progression of his journey, András develops the ability to begin lucid dreaming. He eventually is able to see and enter the Distorted Dimension, a weird space of reality. It exists within the mind of András, parallel to his world. András is the only one in the story who is aware of what the Distorted Dimension is. He can only enter the Distorted Dimension in his sleep. He is able to control certain variables and create almost simulations of the world, and can partially see outcomes to different decisions of the world.

The Distorted Dimension is damaging towards András's mental health and pysche, the more time he spends within the Distorted Dimension, the more twisted characters become with their personalities and the way they act. When András sleeps for an extended period of time and spends too much time within said Dimension, he will eventually portray his own self-doubts and problems. Alongside this problem, András cannot interpret simulations more than once per time. The more that he creates within the Dimension, the more strain is put on his mental health. This is mostly seen when characters that are created, such as Clarence and the group, will begin to either attack or act hostile to András's presence.

The Distorted Dimension sometimes acts a herald of good or bad situations and outcomes, other times it portrays inevitabilities that are to come to András. Othertimes it comes as a nightmare to András, creating fictional scenarios that were never meant to happen. The Distorted Dimension's existence of great intrigue to Calisto and Matthew, who wish to hear more of the Distorted Dimension.



  • Name: Clarence.
  • Species: Cow, Frisian.
  • House: Velencei.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Position: Personal confidante to András.
  • Alignment: Unaligned, personal alignment to András.
  • Weapon: Hungarian Bow.


Clarence is one of the main characters and the central deutertagonist of Noble Dog. Clarence is András slightly older caregiver, the age difference is estimated to be about 5 years older but is not known. András was requested a caregiver by Géza III and Beleknegini from Szerafin, the Apostolic Presbyter, to which Father Márfi bestowed Clarence to take care of András. At an infantile age, Clarence was abandoned to the Cathedral of Esztergom by his parents. He was then sent to the Abbey Upon Velencei Németújvár where he was taken care of by Father Márfi, the only Bystríki monk in the Imperial East. He was one of the few permenant inhabitants of the Abbey until he was volunteered by Father Márfi to take care of the young Ispán András.

A rather humble individual that touches to his Bystríki roots that were taught and sowed by Father Márfi, he dons the usual wear of a Bystríki monk. Very unassuming clothes that consist of a simple undyed robe with a Bystríki Aureola, alongside shaving his head. He is not able to fluently speak the language of the Empire, but can read and write the language. He often relies on the written word, gestures and his body language to signal what he thinks. András having grown up with Clarence is able to interpret his body language better than anyone else. Very rarely he will express his emotions in the form of spoken language, but will only speak to András.

Physical Traits and Appearance

Clarence is taller than András and is posed as one of the more taller characters in the cast, trading off with a slim bodyset. Clarence is a Frisian Cow who comes from an unnamed country. He is unique in that his cow horns are tipped with wood that was hand crafted by Márfi as a gift. Clarence attempts to appear as clean as possible due to his relationship to the nobility. His main coat colors are primarily white and secondarily black. Alongside this, he wears a brass Aureola that was gifted to him by Márfi around his necklace. It is strung together with simple rope, and extends no further than his torso.


Clarence is a rather quiet individual due to his lack of understanding of native language and his background as a Bystríki monk. He is considered to be a mute by many and often does not address other people outside of a headnod and a bow for important individuals. He often does not make noise outside of humming, nods and sounds of rejection, specifically when talking about András's plans or answers to specific questions. Clarence does not show much emotion outside of what is displayed through his mouth. Often times he is seen with a neutral expression with a slight grin. He often will naturally smile when András talks to him or when he is in the presence of Father Márfi. Outside of those two characters, he does not show much other expression.

Clarence is open-minded. He easily grasps concepts that are introduced and demonstrated to him, picking up new skills extremely fast. He takes quite some time to actually get adept at skills, and very seldom is able to truly master certain skills. His most notable skill that is introduced through Noble Dog is archery, picking it up from a Veszprémic tribesman and soon expanding on it.

His committance to silence is a hinderance on his development of relationships with other characters and is often seen as the character to reflect humor off of. This is easily demonstrated with Kallisztó, who is often perplexed by his lack of a verbal response to many situations or Clarence's lack of a sense of humor.

Relationship with András

Clarence and András share a rather close male bond that emphasizes the cross-sectional background and traits that the two share. It is a relationship that is meant to be unique and is not reflected with other characters and their own relationships. The interpretation of the relationship on Clarence's side had always been seen as friends throughout their lives, and András almost as a safe-haven from the world. Clarence often does not get along with other characters that are encountered. Due to his race as a cow and lack of ability to speak the language, Clarence's silence often earns him suspicion from strangers. The majority of the characters that join András treat him with mystery, distrust or outright ignore his presence. As such, András is often seen as the only friend that Clarence has.

Clarence finds himself to hear out András, even if he cannot respond properly he attempts to do his best to respond and come up with effective solutions. His emotions are also tied with András's. András negative emotions affect Clarence and as a result, Clarence will become defensive on subjects concerning András or people interacting with András.


  • Father Márfi: Márfi is usually referred to as simply father by Clarence due to the existing relationship between the two. When Clarence was abandoned in Esztergom, he was sent under the care of Márfi by Szerafin. Initially seemingly like a plot to once again fill the empty Abbey, Márfi instead eventually began to view the young calf as his own son. Clarence would be taught by Márfi about the ways of a Bystríki monk, and later one Márfi would volunteer the young Clarence to help take care of András.
  • Mother & Father: Clarence has no concept of who his biological parents are and does not wish to be associated with him or his place of origin. The relationship that is demonstrated by Géza and Beleknegini towards András and himself, alongside his own parents willingness to abandom him leads to him have an askewed perception of parental relationships.
  • Kallisztó: Initially, Kallisztó is extremely wary of Clarence when the two are first introduced. Clarence, being an outsider from a foreign country of a different race is something that throws him off. It is not helped at all by Clarence's decision not to speak and as such, Kallisztó views Clarence in a somewhat untrustworthy manner. However, the relationship that Kallisztó believes the two to have is not mutual. Clarence does not really feel much other than the emotions that he displays to Kallisztó. He varies between showing friendship and an attempt to open himself the same way András and Clarence open up to each other.
  • Rhea: Rhea and Clarence do not interact much outside of when it concerns András. Neither Rhea nor Clarence go out of their way to really engage with each other, and Rhea is often found to be rather abrasive and in poor taste with her cavalier attitude towards András and Kallisztó. Clarence also finds the wear of Rhea to be rather odd. Despite Rhea considered to be a Kis-Jenő, she wears clothing not like the Kis-Jeno or the Jeno themselves, resembling outfits that are typically worn in the Imperial Southwest.
  • Mátyás: Mátyás is the most well liked character by Clarence within the group, over Kallisztó and Rhea. Mátyás attempts to be understanding of Clarence's nature unlike Kallisztó and is rather respectful of András unlike Rhea. Outside of András, Clarence often is seen interacting the most with Mátyás. However, Matthew's interest of his nature is sometimes interpreted as simple intrigue into Clarence's odd nature, something Clarence is against.

Géza III


  • Name: Géza Álmo Velencei III.
  • Series: Second of Álmon Males, Third of Álmon Descendants.
  • Species: Dog, Beagle.
  • House: Velencei.
  • Tribe: Erdős.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Position: Első Nemes of the House of Velencei.
  • Alignment: Unaligned, personal alignment.
  • Weapon: Edrős Longsword


Géza Velencei III is one of the main characters and is a semi-hidden antagonist in Noble Dog, later becoming a full antagonist. Ruthless in his method, he is the stone-hearted ruler of the House of Velencei seated in Esztergom. Nicknamed by his own father Álmo II as the Hódítók Bastard, he is shown to be both savage and calculating in his rise to power. His removal of his elder brother Kálmán I through brutal murder and the removal of his elder sister Rozina I through elegant poisoning showed the extent to how far he was willing to gain power. He would later commit to the assassination of his nephew Emerbik II to prevent the only Kálmánian descendant from holding onto property. He was only striken sad by the death of his son Sesztek I, who he had seen as a true son. He does not seem to hold the same love or passion to András or the rest of his offspring, showing little regard for András when he begins an attempt at completing the Reliquary of Álmo I until András becomes involved in the politics of the Empire after the Lakottial Conference of Andrássy.

Géza III is not seen until the beginning of András's adventure where András is informed of the whereabouts of the book, Journal of Saint Gyöngyi, which will help him pinpoint the place the first relic will be in. When he arrives at the Circle of Esztergom, Head Archivist Mürón makes Géza aware of his son's appearance within the city.


On the surface, Géza III is a rather old and stern man with a lot on his mind, not much of which he is willing to say. He exudes a forboding atmosphere whenever he appears to be angry and his manner of talking is rather terse. Those he believes are underneath him in status he talks to with lack of empathy or any sort of real emotional acknowledgement. This is most present in discussions and mail between Géza and András. While András attempts to reconcile the relationship with Géza, Géza shows no real attempt at reconciliation or including András into what he saw as the bigger picture.

His most notable yet most hidden trait is his cunning and calculating nature. Paired with his arrogance and shrewdness, he sees nothing but the achievement of the ultimate goal of supplanting the Veszprém Emperor and the ruling House of Esterházy with a Erdős Emperor and the House of Velencei. He lacks any emotional bonds and keeps himself closed off from the world. The only person he truly held any passion towards was his eldest son Seszták I, who later died. His cunning and calculating nature was revealed when his murder of Kálmán I came to light, alongside his murder of both Rozina II and his nephew Emerbik I. He is obsessed with the goal of attaining political power.

Physical Traits and Appearance

Géza is an Erdős male, as such is of Beagle descent. Geza stands at around 5'9". In the ranking of his immediate family, he is smaller than András but a smidge taller than Beleknegini. He does not share the majority of his traits with the patrilinial heritage of the Velencei Males. Unlike either his brother Kalman and sister Rozina, he is of pure white coloration with no blemishes or secondary/tertiary colors visible. On his chest lies the Lambda of Velencei, holistering within the Lambda's Tridot, thought to be the Undertowed Lambda Circles. It is speculated that his color is descendended from a possible ancestor with one of Álmo's wives, but is unknown. He has Álmo's eyes, with his eyes being a shade of hazelnut brown. He also has a fur mustache stemming from his age.

Géza as the highest ranking member of the House of Velencei wears a significantly more extravagant set of clothing aligning with his rank and wealth. As the Első Nemes of the House of Velencei, he wears a plumage of red feathers that are pinned down by a golden emblem of the Lambda of Velencei. His fur hat is completely black. When dressing to be seen in court or in royal presence, he dresses in a richly designed cape with a primarily green color. His strap is dark green with a silver jaded pattern on it.


  • Beleknegini Velencei-Hegedüs: The relationship between Beleknegini and Géza is almost very clearly a farce. Neither of the two truly have any love for each other in their hearts and only desire to accomplish their own true goals.
  • Sesztek Velencei I: Sesztek was arguably the only offspring that Géza truly believed to be his successor. Sesztek was his first offspring and was beloved by Géza and Beleknegini and the one that was proclaimed to be the only successor of Géza as the Első Nemes of the House of Velencei. Géza was a true father to Sesztek and kept Sesztek around while he tutored the young man. However, Sesztek was later killed due to Betegség, to which Géza mourned over greatly at the loss of what he considered to be his only son.
  • András Velencei I: Géza never really considered András to be one of his potential successors, but at the death of his first son and András's elder brother Sesztek, Géza decided to push András into the political scene as the Alispán of Velencei Németújvár.

Beleknegini Velencei-Hegedüs


  • Name: Beleknegini Nehémiás Velencei-Hegedüs
  • Series: Third of Nehémián Females, Fourth of Nehémiás Descendants.
  • Species: Dog, German Shephard
  • House: Velencei and Hegedüs.
  • Tribe: Hódítók
  • Gender: Female
  • Position: Wife of Géza III.
  • Alignment: Unaligned, personal alignment.
  • Weapon: Arquebus.


Beleknegini Velencei-Hegedüs is one of the main characters and a hidden antagonist in Noble Dog, later becoming a full antagonist. She believes fully in her roots as a Hódítók that she was meant to conquer the lands not hers, and she considers the marriage to Géza III as a ploy to grow and consolidate her power in the name of the House of Hegedüs. As a child she was ordained as a Hódítók warlord under the House of Hegedüs in combat, and was raised in the typical fashion of Hódítók warlords. A decree from Nehémiás III, the leader of the House of Hegedüs, was made offering the marriage of his sons and daughters in an effort to strength the position of the House of Hegedüs within the Imperial Government. Beleknegini found herself wed to Géza III, who to her seemed to be a stranger. Nevertheless, she feigned to be swooned and won over by him while she began her plot to overthrow the House of Hegedüs.


Beleknegini lives up to the idea of a savage Hódítók that was introduced during the Hódítók Disunity. Having no love for the Empire or the other races that inhabit the empire, she views all she does as justified in the name of the House of Hegedüs.

Beleknegini does not display much of her own real personality. She often remains quiet out of a lack of interest in most things.

Father Marfi


  • Name: Father Márfi
  • Species: Dog, St. Bernard
  • Gender: Male
  • Position: Abbot of Velencei Németújvár.
  • Alignment: Unaligned.


Father Márfi is the Abbot of the Abbey Upon Velencei Németújvár and the sole inhabitant of said Abbey, living in solitude. He is the last known Bystríki Monk that lives in the Imperial East and stays within the Abbey in an effort to preserve the religious history of the Abbey as a Bystríki monastery. Born under the elder ruler of Emperor Zgismond Esterházy I, Márfi's origins are relatively normal until his teenager years where he went to study the teaching of Bystríki monks who had began a pilgrimage to the Basilica of Erdős, which lied in the Imperial East. Running away from his family to join the Bystríki monks, he picked up on their way of living and was soon an ordained monk of the Order of Bystríki, and was to report to the Abbey Upon Velencei Németújvár. At the time, the Abbey Upon Velencei Németújvár was the first Bystríki Abbey that existed in the Imperial East.

Father Márfi, against the wishes of the Apostolic Presbyter Szerafin, refuses to host non-Bystríki monks as permenant inhabitants of the Abbey. As an elder of the community, he was alive during Álmo II's rule as the Első Nemes of the Velencei. During his time living in the Abbey, he grew a considerable collection of religious literature, being good friends with Álmo II who took considerable interest in the young Sió. In the migration of the Bystríki monks back to the lands of Sió, Father Márfi refused to leave the Abbey, and as such has remained the sole inhabitant. In the friendship that grew between Álmo II and Márfi, between Álmo II's curiosity and Márfi's gentle heart, Márfi was offered to become the godfather of all of Álmo II's descendants. When Álmo II died, Father Márfi became a hermit for almost a year in grieving, not speaking to anyone or responding to any corrospondence. The death of Álmo II's children, his godchildren strick him with grief as he had been introduced to them all. He would later stop grieving when a young calf was reported abandoned by its parents on the steps of the Holy Cathedral of Esztergom. He volunteered to raise the child, which was later approved by Szerafin due to a lack of people willing to raise the foreign calf. He raised the young calf in a manner consistent with Bystríki monks, living a life of asceticism and love. He showed the calf an acceptance and love of strangers with open arms.

Physical Traits and Appearance

Father Márfi is a Sió male, as such is of St. Bernard descent. Father Márfi stands at 5'8" and is smaller than either Clarence or András. He is often seen carrying a tall wooden staff that is visibly aged over time. A notable distinction of his fur coat is that his ears are three different colors: dark brown, black and white. Specifically, he has white tipped ears. He wears glasses due to his poor eyesight. He keeps his overall appearance as clean as his can, similar to clarence. Well trimmed fur and no outlying chest hair of a typical Sió male. Father Márfi overall has an unassuming, rather plain and generic presentation to most people. He wears the same clothing that is normally worn of a person of his order, a set of plain brown robes.

Typically, Father Márfi will be carrying something as a result of his occupation of Abbot, as he is the only inhabitant of his Abbey and the only one to actually maintain it. He is most often seen with the staff that he carries. Other times, he will be carrying books for his studying. From time to time, when he is in the village itself he will be carrying both a book and the Kereszt.


Father Márfi is less quiet than his pupil Clarence but is still relatively quiet. He does not mainly speak unless spoken to coming from his background as a Bystríki monk. He demonstrates the same calming demeanor that he instilled in Clarence and often found himself the silent among the violent in his youth.

He shows his benevolent side in his outreach to transients into the village or his hospitality shown to anyone who enters the Abbey. He often opens the Abbey gates to others, but will show himself to be a stern individual with those who desecrate the Abbey or those who overstay. He often runs into conflict with non-Bystríki monks and the Apostolic Presbyter Szerafin due to his solitary nature. He is protective of the fact he is the last Bystríki monk within the Imperial East and does not appreciate Szerafin's efforts to have himself removed from the Abbey and placed back to the Imperial West in another abbey.


  • Álmo Velencei II: Father Márfi was always within Álmo's eye of interest. Despite being older than Márfi, Álmo was extremely curious in the monk who refused to leave the Abbey in spite of his solitude and the pleas of the Apostolic Presbyter of the Imperial East, Szerafin. Márfi was originally the caretaker of Álmo II's ancestral reliquary, the Reliquary of Álmo I. Álmo II was the first one to learn of this as he had spent much of his freetime within the Abbey talking with Márfi. Márfi eventually decided that, due to the incompletion of the reliquary, he handed it over to Álmo II, under the promise that he complete the reliquary. Álmo II's death greatly affect Márfi and Márfi went into an extended period of mourning, closing himself off from the outside world and reclusing into the Abbey. Often times the Abbey was stated to feel completely empty as Márfi did not exit the buildings within the Abbey. Those who attempted to talk to him were often met with head gestures, and he would not respond to open-ended questions. The deaths of his godchildren Rozina and Kálmán also deeply affected him.
  • Clarence: Like father like son, Clarence considers himself to be the son of Márfi and the two have an extremely close relationship. Márfi initially Clarence into the Abbey as one of the few permenant inhabitants of the Abbey. Instilling the same values that were taught to Márfi when Márfi became a monk, Clarence reflects with his actions. Márfi, having no wife or real offspring, sees Clarence as his true son and the future taker to the Abbey.
  • Géza III: Unlike Álmo, Márfi does not concern himself with Géza and Géza does not concern himself with Márfi. While the relationship between the two is not openly hostile, he is one of the few people who knows of Géza's true nature of a ruthless savage that akins him to Álmo's nickname for Géza, the Hódítók Bastard.



  • Name: Kallisztó
  • Species: Dog, Beagle.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Tribe: Erdős.
  • Position: Archivist of the Circle of Esztergom.
  • Alignment: Coalitionist.
  • Weapon: Paramerion


Kallisztó is one of the main characters of Noble Dog and the first person to join András's journey. One of the unnamed archivist assigned to the project by Mürón, Kallisztó is a rather young man. Having grown up around Salgói as his family friends, he finds the tribal tradition of knowledge and archiving to be rather boring. Already embroiled in a familial conflict over his ambition that left him stranded after the end of his archivist position, he allows his young mind to wander to the side of danger and asks to join András's accompanyment.

Younger than Clarence but just a smidge older than András, he often relates to the same emotions and feelings of András. An anxious, timid man who isn't really even considered a man by standard, he shows hesitation in following directly into the heat of adventure. He also shows a large amount of childness and pampered background. Not used to the idea of how adventuring would actually be, he often finds extreme discomfort in the ways of adventuring which he shares with András. He is extremely obfuscated by Clarence, a member of a race outside of The Empire despite his adherence to Imperial culture and much of his mannerism.


With a key emphasis put on impulsive, Kallisztó embodies the typical young soul that has yet to experience the true horrors or the reality of adventure and the world around it. He doesn't shy away from a trial or pain, instead encouraging the team to ontake certain risky, even deadly tasks. However when he realizes just how severe some trials are, he can easily fall into a state of fright.



  • Name: Rhea
  • Species: Dog, Chow Chow.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Tribe: Kis-Jenő.
  • Position: Mercenary.
  • Alignment: Unaligned.
  • Weapon: Glaive.


Rhea is one of the main characters of Noble Dog and the second character to join András on his journey. Rhea is a member of the original "Kings Marauders". She is a rogue Kis-Jenő who was born of criminals in the urban slums of Balaton. Her family were Kis-Jenő migrants, bound to roam the lands of the Empire. When she grew to the age of 16 she had moved on from her family and began work as a brute mercenary. She has been fighting since the Hódítók Disunity and has kept her swords hand as valuable as the gold she's paid. During the beginning of the Hódítók Disunity, she was hired by one of the Southern Veszprémic Warlords that was attempting to push competing Hódítók out of control of the Imperial West. She earned a name for herself in her service, specifically her bravado which was often mistaken for foolishness.

While still a mercenary on the surface, she still has a somewhat sisterly nature within her heart which shows with Kallisztó.



  • Name: Mátyás
  • Species: Dog, Pug.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Tribe: Jenő.
  • Position: Exiled Administrator of the Lipót Estates.
  • Alignment: Coalitionist.
  • Weapon: None.


Mátyás is one of the main characters of Noble Dog and is the third character that joins András in his journey. Mátyás was a member of a presitigious group of Jenő and Salgói that served the House of Lipót in the Imperial East. Specializing in administration, Mátyás and his group of Jenő and Salgói were turned against when the conflict between the Rédicsi and the Erdős began to reach a violent level. Under the presumption that the Jenő and Salgói were out to assassinate him, Auer exiled his prestigious group and forced them to leave Gesta into Esztergom. When András comes across Mátyás on his way to Gesta in a tavern, Mátyás appears as a mix of both the intelligentsia and the poor.



  • Name: Bethlen
  • Species: Dog, Komondor.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Tribe: Hódítók.
  • Position: Karmester of Lipót's Wings.
  • Alignment: Coalitionist.
  • Weapon: Halberd.


Bethlen is one of the main characters of Noble Dog and the fourth person to join András in his journey. The Karmester of the infamous bandit group known as Lipót's Wings, she was a fierce combatant who traces her origins from one of the original tribes that partook in the war with the Southwest Veszprémic King. Since the end of the Hoditok Disunity, her family sought to bring peace back into their lives. With the establishment of the Empire, she and her family migrated into the Imperial East within the Estate of Salavar. When she grew bored of her peaceful life and discovered the true origins of her family, she ran off to attempt to reconquer that legacy by becoming the Karmester of Lipót's Wings.

As the Karmester of Lipót's Wings, she answered directly to the House of Lipót, most importantly her employer Polixena II. Becoming a band of highwaymen, Lipót's Wings began to terrorize the Estate of Gesta, in aplot for the Rédicsi Lipót to overrule any Erdős noble family in the Imperial Court. All of this was for the purpose of gaining more jurisdiction and land for the House of Lipót. When she encounters András and his band, she and Lazlo show how inexperienced the majority of the band was for adventurers until Rhea and Kallisztó teamed up to defeat the two. Under the threat of death, András conscripted both of them into his group.



  • Name: László
  • Species: Dog, Great Pyrenees.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Tribe: Rédicsi.
  • Position: Highwayman.
  • Alignment: Zsoldosa of Lipót's Wings.
  • Weapon: Inverted Axe.


László is a main character in Noble Dog and the fifth person to join András on his journey. He is a member of Bethlen's group of bandit warriors, the Lipot Wings. László himself works as a messanger, but is versed in the way of a Highwayman. When Bethlen and Lipot's Wings are defeated and the majority of the bandit warriors are killed, László returns to join the fray protecting Bethlen. When it is obvious how fierce László would be with the loss of Bethlen coupled with Bethlen's dire situation, László is taken advantage of by András and Rhea and pressured into working with them in exchange for not meeting the same fate as the rest of Lipot's Wings.

Minor Characters



  • Name: Szerafin
  • Species: Dog, Borzoi.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Tribe: Salgói.
  • Position: Apostolic Presbyter of the Imperial East.
  • Alignment: Unaligned.


Szerafin is the Apostolic Presbyter of the Imperial East, and is considered to be the religious authority of the Imperial East. Szerafin is a Salgói priest who was appointed to his position by the Lakottial Deák. A stern and uptight Salgói, he is the first of his kind to ever hold the position of Apostolic Presbyter of the Imperial East. Taken as the messanger and administrator, he often deals with situations with the iron grip, with a rather forgiving luster. Szerafin was one of the main benefactors and trustees that helped create the Gésta Circle, a offshoot circle of libraries dedicated to theology and the research of science.

Álmo II


  • Name: Álmo Velencei II
  • Series: X
  • Species: Dog, Beagle.
  • Gender: Male.
  • House: House of Velencei.
  • Tribe: Erdős.
  • Position: Former Első Nemes of the House of Velencei.
  • Alignment: Unaligned.

Notification: By the events of Noble Dog, this character: Álmo II, is dead. As such, this character is relegated to their effects on the storyline and overall history.

Kálmán I


  • Name: Kálmán Álmo Velencei I
  • Series: First of Álmon Males, First of Álmon Descendants.
  • Species: Dog, Beagle.
  • Gender: Male.
  • House: House of Velencei.
  • Tribe: Erdős.
  • Position: Former Első Nemes of the House of Velencei.
  • Alignment: Royalist.

Notification: By the events of Noble Dog, this character: Kálmán I, is dead. As such, this character is relegated to their effects on the storyline and overall history.


Kálmán I was the former Első Nemes of the House of Velencei and took the post after the passing of his father Álmo II. A rather greedy individual, his rule was largely overshadowed by his own father's rule. While Álmo II had increased the overall wealth of the House of Velencei, Álmo II died in the middle of a dispute with the Rédicsi House of Zamo. Kálmán attempted to continue the overall wealth growth to no avail with pressure mounting from the House of Zamo, specifically over the rule of the Circle of Gesta.

In the face of the pressure, Kálmán resorted to selling rare and valuable copies of select books that were highly sought out, especially specific books that discussed the life of several saints that followed in the wake of the Seven Apostles; and several books discussing the history of the Farkas. This venality would cost him his life. When this was found out by Géza III, Géza determined to kill Kálmán. Kálmán was later herded into his living space with Géza, where Géza confronted Kálmán and would eventually overthrow Kálmán by personally beating him with a sceptre.

Rozina I


  • Name: Rozina Álmo Velencei I
  • Series: First of Álmon Females, Second of Álmon Descendants.
  • Species: Dog, Beagle.
  • Gender: Female.
  • House: House of Velencei.
  • Tribe: Erdős.
  • Position: Former Alispán of the House of Velencei.
  • Alignment: Royalist.

Notification: By the events of Noble Dog, this character: Rozina I, is dead. As such, this character is relegated to their effects on the storyline and overall history.


Rozina I was a former Alispán of the House of Velencei and the only daughter from Álmo II. Rozina prided herself in her faith and trust, seeing trust as honorable and did not get along with either Kálmán's venality or Géza's plotting. She was initially considered to be the true heir of Álmo II as the Első Nemes of the Velencei. At the forefront of the disputes with several different Redicsi Noble Houses, Rozina put a valiant effort into resecuring the countryside which she had suspected had been under threat from Redicsi-hired bandits and highwaymen. Rozina spent much of her adult life with her father in Gesta until his passing, where Kálmán instead was crowned due to a lack of a proclaimed Első Nemes successor.

Rozina was the one who originally discovered Kálmán's venality through the selling of rare and valuable records and books that were considered to be the property of the Velencei. Most notably, she had discovered a caravan of Redicsi who were making their way back to Redicsi-controlled Gesta that was filled with books. She told Géza, who saw it as both a way to eliminate Kálmán and a way to redeem the House of Velencei from the path Kálmán set them on. Unfortunately, this would cost Rozina's life, as after Géza killed Kálmán he set his sights on Rozina by poisoning with the help of Beleknegini.

Emerbik II


  • Name: Emerbik Kálmán Velencei I
  • Series: First of Kálmán Males, First of Kálmán Descendants.
  • Species: Dog, Beagle.
  • Gender: Male.
  • House: House of Velencei.
  • Tribe: Erdős.
  • Position: Former Alispán of the House of Velencei.
  • Alignment: Royalist.

Notification: By the events of Noble Dog, this character: Emerbik II, is dead. As such, this character is relegated to their effects on the storyline and overall history.


Emerbik II is the son of Kálmán I and the former Alispán of Velencei Németújvár before his death.



  • Name: Mürón
  • Species: Dog, Beagle.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Tribe: Erdős.
  • Position: Lead Archivist of the Circle of Esztergom.
  • Alignment: Royalist.


Mürón is the Head Archivist of the Circle of Esztergom. Mürón is a rather quiet and respectful person who is rather modest about his positions and is a firm believer of justice. Under the service of Géza, he knows of András but does not hinder any of András's progress. He assigns a group of archivist to help with András, and would later notify Géza to András's appearance within the Circle.

Polixena II


  • Name: Polixena Auer Lipót II
  • Series: First of Auer Females, Second of Auer Descendants.
  • Species: Dog, Great Pyrenees.
  • House: Lipót.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Tribe: Rédicsi.
  • Position: Alispán.
  • Alignment: Royalist.


Polixena II is a member of the migratory noble Redicsi House, the House of Lipót. One of many of the migratory houses, they originated from their homeland in the Imperial West and migrated towards the Imperial East. She is the second-in-line for the head of the House of Lipot, however she acts more like the Elso Nemes of the House Lipot. She is the main Lipot claimant to several departments within the Estate of Gesta. She is the true commander and the mastermind behind Lipot's Wings and an investor in war profiteering. Ever since the death of Zgismond I and the installment of his son Janos IX, Polixena has invested more money into efforts to overthrow several different Noble Erdos Houses that control the departments she claims.

When Bethlen and Laszlo defect away from Lipot's Wings and join András, she reforms Lipot's Wings with the introduction of the infamous mercenary Rákóczi. She reforms the Kings Maraders with the former leader Rákóczi and merges both the Wings and Marauders to create Lipot's Band.

Fenenna IV


  • Name: Fenenna István Koháry II
  • Series: Second of István Females, Second of István Descendants.
  • Species: Dog, Golden Retriever.
  • House: Kóhary.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Tribe: Veszprém.
  • Position: Ispán.
  • Alignment: Unaligned - Independent.


Fenenna IV is a member of the noble Veszpremic House, the House of Koháry. She is not considered in line for succession due to her father's position in his grandfather's descendency. As a result, she does not own land and is only an Ispán. Fenenna is mainly responsible for the capture of András and his group when they approach Fenenna's camp, in which she surrounds and outnumber's András's forces with Veszpremic tribesmen and women. Unlike most other nobles that is seen throughout, because Fenenna is a Veszprem; she wears much more simpler and culturally focused clothing that is seen as almost barbaric by some character's within the group.

János IX


  • Name: János Zgismond Esterházy IX
  • Series: First of Zgismond Males, First of Zgismond Descendants.
  • Species: Dog, Golden Retriever.
  • House: Esterházy.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Tribe: Veszprém.
  • Position: Emperor.
  • Alignment: Royalist.


János IX is the current emperor of The Empire and the leader of the House of Esterházy, the largest noble house within the Empire. János was considered by Zgismond to be the Son of the Rabbits, in reference to János rather sly and cowardly nature compared to his other siblings. János is a farcry from his father's reign as emperor. As soon as János took the throne, much of the crisises that were looking to be settled by Zgismond were then enflared by János stubbornness to come up with good solutions and his lack of resolve to be confrontative.

Miklós IV


  • Name: Miklós Zgismond Esterházy IV
  • Series: Second of Zgismond Males, Second of Zgismond Descendants.
  • Species: Dog, Golden Retriever.
  • House: Esterházy.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Tribe: Veszprém.
  • Position: Alispán.
  • Alignment: Royalist.


Miklós IV is the younger brother of János IX and the older brother of Katalin III. He is one of the three claimants to the title of Emperor. He is an Alispán of the House of Esterházy and the second son of the former emperor Zgismond I. Known for his bravado and for some people, his foolishness, Miklos is most known for being confrontative and quick on the draw when it comes to decisions.

Katalin III


  • Name: Katalin Zgismond Esterházy III
  • Series: First of Zgismond Females, Third of Zgismond Descendants.
  • Species: Dog, Golden Retriever.
  • House: Esterházy.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Tribe: Veszprém.
  • Position: Alispán.
  • Alignment: Royalist.


Katalin III is the younger sister of János IX and Miklos IV and one of the three claimants to the title of Emperor. She is an Alispán of the House of Esterházy and the only daughter of the former emperor Zgismond I. She is most well known for her decieptive nature and she stands out from her elder brothers by being overall more cunning than the either of them and uses this to her advantage.

János (Veszprémic)


  • Name: János Kühnel
  • Species: Dog, Golden Retriever.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Tribe: Veszprém.
  • Alignment: Unaligned.



  • Name: Árpád
  • Species: Farkas.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Tribe: Farkas.
  • Position: Fugitive.
  • Alignment: Unaligned


Historical Characters

Árpád III (Farkas)


  • Name: Árpád III
  • Species: Wolf.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Position: Farkaskirály.
  • Alignment: Unaligned

Notification: By the events of Noble Dog, this character: Árpád III, is dead. As such, this character is relegated to a mainly historical viewpoint.


Árpád III was an emperor of the Farkas and the creator of the Circle of Orosháza, which belonged to the Hódítók until the Disunity. Not much is known about Árpád III as much of the information was destroyed when the Circle of Orosháza was destroyed, however his own personal journals still exist under the watchful eyes of the Velencei. Árpád III's journal reveals just how deep the Circle of Orosháza was, and allowed for the underground depths to be discovered alongside the last surviving Farkas in the Imperial South.

Zgismond I


  • Name: Zgismond Sándor Esterházy I
  • Series: Second of Sándor Males, Second of Sándor Descendants.
  • Species: Dog, Golden Retriever.
  • House: Esterházy.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Tribe: Veszprém.
  • Position: Former Emperor.
  • Alignment: Royalist.

Notification: By the events of Noble Dog, this character: Zgismond I, is dead. As such, this character is relegated to a mainly historical viewpoint.


Zgismond I was the former Emperor and the leader of the House of Esterházy, the largest noble house within the Empire. He was the father of Janós IX, the incumbent Emperor; alongside his siblings Michael IV and Katalin III. Zgismond's rule was marked by his consolidation of central powers and his dedication to, what he percieved as an enlightened authoritarian. He filled his court with both intellects and nobles in an effort to draw more participation into the affairs of the Empire. In his stead, he left the Empire in a stronger, more unitarian state than it had faired earlier.



  • Name: Névtelen
  • Species: Dog, Unknown Breed.
  • Gender: Unknown, Hypothesized to be Male.
  • Alignment: Unaligned.

Notification: By the events of Noble Dog, this character: Névtelen, is dead. As such, this character is relegated to a mainly historical viewpoint.


Névtelen was a writer of different important books.

Folklore Characters

Apostle of the Hunt


  • Name: Apostol János
  • Tribe: Veszprém
  • Species: Dog, Golden Retriever
  • Patron Apostle: the Hunt, traditionialism, simplicity, beauty, and Veszprémic life.
  • Symbols: The Gilded Quiver, the Wreath of Antlers, the White Eyed Deer, and the Trail of the Square.
  • Books: Letter of the Hunt and the Book of Traditions

Apostle of Religion


  • Name: Apostol Bernát
  • Tribe: Sió
  • Species: Dog, St. Bernard
  • Patron Apostle: Religion, nature, devotion, monastacy, and the Sió life.
  • Symbols: The Loyal Aureola, the Wooden Starred Cross, the Lost Arboreta, and the Trail of Saliceta.
  • Books: Book of Religion and the Devotion to Nature.


The Apostle of Religion, named Apostol Jakab is the Second of the Seven Apostles and the representative patron apostle of the Sió tribe. He is the leader of the Sió males who take care of the considered origin and his home, the Lose Arboreta. He is symbolized by the Loyal Aureola that he dons on his head, and the Wooden Starred Cross which serves as the representative symbol of the Imperial religion. Most Sió Noble Houses are representated by variations of the Trail of Saliceta, a downwards-pointing triangle.

Apostle of Nobility


  • Name: Apostol Bertalan
  • Tribe: Redicsi
  • Species: Dog, Great Pyrenees
  • Patron Apostle: Nobility, riches, wisdom, and philosophy.
  • Symbols: The White Feathered Plumage, the Split Rhombus, the Collections of Olvasmányok (Readings), and the Trail of Rhombi.


The Apostle of Nobility, named Apostol Bertalan is the Third of the Seven Apostles and the representative patron apostle of the Redicsi tribe. He is known for the writings within the Collections of Olvasmányok, which described his theorized system of noble government which is taken as inspiration by the current Imperial government. He is symbolized by the White Feathered Plumage, a full set of white feathers that he wears on a noble hat pinned by the Split Rhombus. Most Redicsi Noble Houses are represented by variations of the Trail of Rhombi.

Apostle of Order


  • Name: Apostol Tamás
  • Tribe: Salgói
  • Species: Dog, Borzoi
  • Patron Apostle: Military, discipline, courage, mercy, and the Salgói life.
  • Symbols: The Blinded Helm, the Bashful Shield of Abathon, the Boar Tusk Spear, and the Trail of Shields
  • Books: Wisdom of Order and the Letter of Military.


The Apostle of Order, named Apostol Tamás is the Fourth of the Seven Apostles and the representative patron apostle of the Salgoi tribe.

Apostle of Knowledge


  • Name: Apostol András
  • Tribe: Erdos
  • Species: Dog, Beagle
  • Patron Apostle: Knowledge, written word, music and medicine
  • Symbols: The Horned Crown, the Chested Kithara, the Staff of Gránátalma, and the Trail of Rectangles.

Apostle of the Domestic


  • Name: Apostol Árpád
  • Tribe: Jeno
  • Species: Dog, Pug
  • Patron Apostle: Domesticity, family, statehood, and architecture.
  • Symbols: The City of Ándrassy, the Fire Upon the Jenő, the Falcon's Descent, and the Trail of Trapezoid.

Apostle of Conquest


  • Name: Apostol Asma
  • Tribe: Hoditok
  • Species: Dog, Komondor
  • Patron Apostle: War, destruction, bloodshed, fear, and the Hoditok life.
  • Symbols: The Gilded Helm, The Bloodied Trident, the Shrike's Fury, and the Trail of the Irregular.


The Apostle of Conquest, named Apostol Asma is the Final of the Seven Apostles and the representative patron apostle of the Hoditok. She is known for her brutal nature which makes her a juxtaposed apostle to Apostol Tamás. She is symbolized by the Gilded Helm she wears into battle, alongside weilding the Bloodied Trident. She often is seen as the Queen of the Shrikes and as such, is considered to be the Shrike's Fury. The four Hoditok Noble Houses base much of their representative designs on the Trail of the Irregular, a series of odd polygons that were used in the Book of Conquest.