Tales of Rikard Guardsman

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The Tales of Rikard Guardsman, or in Imerian Rikard Riksnkekts sagorna, is a series of children's books and movies aimed at young men and is often compared to Harald Harding as the two series often compete for readers and much ink and even blood has been spilt between fans of both series about who would win in a fight. While Harald Harding follows the adventures of a line of rugged survivalist and adventurers do Rikard Guardsman follow a small section of Imerian guardsmen lead by Rikard Guardsman himself, not his real name but his last name is not ever given so it is assumed that rikard Guardsman is a soldier name and not a birth name.

The stories follow Rikard and his independent attachment of soldiers that are sent from regiment to regiment on all manners of adventures and stories and tend to follow more down to earth and military adventures compared to harald harding. Like most books aimed at a young audience does Rikard Guardsman include helpful educational bits however these are often more military in nature and teaches everything a young man might need for his service in the high king from sewing buttons and repairing kits to how to fieldstrip and clean the ever popular KVG to even how to drive a tracklayer and squad based tactics and management.


Name Published Summary
Guard at the advance! 1991 Rikard is a newly deployed guardsman, however fighting in the dense jungles of Aqualisha against foul dark magic using serpent men is his entire regiment destroyed and he and a handfull of survivors are caught behind enemy lines as they must figure out a way to gather stranglers and organise a counter offensive to rejoin their lines. Can our heroic fighters win the day against their foul foeman?
Hammer wielder 1992 While the conflict in Aqualisha brews on is Rikard and his merry men of survivors redeployed this time not as infantrymen but instead are they deployed in the armoured enclosure of the hammar class medium tracklayer as the federal lines now stabilised are readying themselves for a counter offensive. Can our heroes enable themselves to break through the enemy lines and secure victory of the forces of good?
Hammer of witches 1992 As the glorious offensive continues in Aqualisha after the death of warlord Ssssnek are the federal troops ready to perpare the final assault against the vile witch-queen of the serpentmen, as such are Rikard and his tracklayer section assigned to the troops that are going to launch the final assault on her dark stronghold. Their tracklayers are upgraded for city fighting and they are reformed to a mixed formation of one tracklayer and infantry to fight their way into the enemy city. However despite that can even the might of federal armour stand against such vile magic as they might face?
Horse soldier! Horse soldier! 1995 A disturbance has arisen in the far distant colony of Shugorland where a revolt against the crown led by evil nercomancers are threatening the natives and federal authroties alike, assigned to the 26th regiment of lancers are Rikard and his independent attachment assigned to clear out this dastardly foe. However on the eve of the campaign does it become clearer and clearer that the arch necromancer himself might be within reach. Can our brave heroes solve this situation with a glorious charge with lance and blade, or will the long grueling work of bayonet and bullet be the nature of this conflict? Only the divine gods can know the outcome when a charge is ordered for glory or death.
An adventure in the sky 1998 A foreign state has forced the federation's hand as war is declared in the name of honour and glory, however the nature of the enemy is a shallow archipelago meaning that the large naval attacks must be carried out only after the skies are secured. In enters Rikard and his independent attachment in the form of an airwing. However up against him is the dangerous ace simply named the red commissar. Can our brave heroes fight down such a horrid foe and secure victory for the forces of light and civilisation?
Necromancer's folly 1999 A necromancer has put up shop on the blessed home continent itself and is raising hordes of the living dead to overthrow the order of light and righteousness that most blessed continent gave birth to. However two thing was not something he expected to deal with. One is the nearby 23th regiment of grenadiers. The Second is the 213th independent attachment assigned to them. Can the elite of the infantry be enough to put a spawn into the plans of darkness?
Duel in the desert 2000 A short sighted local nobleman has raised his banners in revolt against his rightful king and made a stronghold for himself in the desert, in command of a great number of light tracklayers and hovercraft is he ready to defend his new stronghold and as such is it the glorious task of the 25th light tracklayer regiment from Blåland to deal with their opposite numbers. Amongst the heat and lightly armoured vehicles can we also find the glorious and elite fighting unit that is the 213th independent attachment.


The books follow the stories and adventures of the 213th independent attachment as they are shuffled around from battlefield to battlefield, at times serving as infantry, naval assets, pilots, tracklayer drivers and crews, artillery men, etc etc. While the characters of the 213th tend to shift along a lot is Rikard Guardsman the one common constant. He is proud, aggressive and a very skilled officer, to an ridiculous degree. While it is true that the federation do make use of so called independent attachments that can be shuffled around as need be between regiments and these can at times be the most skilled and elite of the guard are they mostly local guides, scholars, experts on local cultures that serves as avisors to regimental commands.

Books and movies
