Legal system of Mesogeia

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Mesogeian law refers to imperial acts of parliament, in addition to imperial edicts and decrees isued by Emperors past and present, which can range from prostagmas, Sigillions, chrysobulls, and framana. Mesogeia has no official constitution, possessing instead an uncodifed consitution consisting of various statutes, ancient customs and established laws.

While Mesogeia is technically a federal state, Imperial law is considered to supersede all regional laws and decrees, having precedence over any laws issued by local legislatures. Being independent from the other two branches of the Mesogeian government, the Mesogeian judicial system consists of a strict hierarchy

Imperial Tribunals

Supreme Imperial Tribunal

Officially known as the Kritai katholikoi (Universial judges) is the supreme judicial authority in the empire of Mesogeia, aside from the Empress whose word is final. The Supreme Imperial Tribunal consists of 12 members, with 6 members having eccesiastical expertise.

The motions of this court are final and there are no appeals from it, except special instances where the monarch would hear cases as an ultimate final court. Typically the Supreme Imperial Triubunal heals about 200 of the more then 7,000 cases appealed to it

Tribunal of Intercession

The imperial Tribunal of Intercession deals with all appeals from lower tribunals. Because of the size of the empire, there are 4 Tribunals of Intercession located in Pharopoli, Troiana, Chrysopolis, and Fasargadae. These four courts typically handle both civil and criminal appeals.