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Sandbox:Noble Dog Tribes

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Veszpremic Family



  • Name: Veszpremic, Balatoni
  • Breed: Golden Retriever
  • Regions: Imperial West (Balaton, Heviz), Imperial Central (Andrassy)


The Veszpremic, formerly known as the Balatoni are a subtribe within the Veszpremic Family and the largest tribe within the family. They are also the largest subtribe in the Empire. They are natives of the Imperial West and share the dominion of the Imperial East with the Redicsi Family. During the Proto-Imperial Era, they established themselves to be a dominant force within the northern parts of the Imperial West and conquered the lands that were held by the village-states of the Keszthelyi.


Greetings: The traditional way of the Veszpremic greeting that is mainly used by the Empire is the cheek kiss. This is considered to be the Imperial Standard for greetings, however many of the cultures and their noble families still practice their own subtribal traditions concerning greetings.

Deer Archer: The most highly decorated of the army during the Proto-Imperial Era, they are comparable to the Instigators of the Kis-Redicsi and the Ezüstnők of the Hoditok. The leaders of villagers who often claimed their position by having the largest bounty during hunts, Deer Archers often wore a crown carved from antlers. If not a crown, they would often substitute for antlers attached to headgear. Deer Archers were always mounted warriors and the tradition of Deer Archers in the Empire have kept to this tradition. Despite being much more of a cultural symbol, Deer Archers are still around but exist in an honorary position.

Veszpremic Archer Dance: A traditional way of dancing that dates back to the beginning of the Proto-Imperial Era.

Simplicity: A large amount of Veszpremic live extremely simple lives, often being self-sufficient and rejecting certain concepts that are propagated by the formation of the Empire. The majority of Veszpremic marry other Veszpremics and do not marry outside the Balatoni tribe. The Veszpremic live primarily off the land, and while a majority live off of agriculture, much of that agricultural product is used by the family.

Noble Families

  • Esterhazy: One of the founding noble families that participated and spearheaded several wars during the Proto-Imperial Era, the Esterhazy won the election to lead the Empire during the Seven Canid Accord. The Esterhazy have enjoyed a relatively tranquil dynastic rule over the Empire.
  • Kohary: A primarily Veszpremic noble family, they are the second largest noble family that controls parts of the large Estates of Balaton, but hardly can make any profits due to their land being primarily dense with trees and forestland.



  • Name: Kis-Veszpremic, Keszthelyi
  • Breed: Tolling Retriever
  • Regions: Imperial West (Balaton)


The Kis-Veszpremic or the Keszthelyi are a subtribe of the Veszpremic family and a Kisebb Férfiak, or a Lesser Man. Much of their history in the Proto-Imperial Era is spent under the dominion of the Veszpremic. Not necessarily a war-faring tribe but neither an entirely peaceful tribe, the Keszthelyi were never a unified tribe and instead spent much of their time dedicated to independent village estate government. Often serving as farmers, the Keszthelyi rarely ever went to war with each other, and often conflicts between villages were settled through the tradition of Keszthelyi Tábor, a game that has since become a staple within the Empire. During the Great Northern War, the Keszthelyi were drafted by the then Balatoni to serve as frontline soldiers, something that contributed to the failed war effort from the Balatoni.


Keszthelyi Tábor: A board game that originated from the village members who often preferred not to shed blood during the Proto-Imperial Era, Tábor means Encamp.

Tolnai Veszpremic


  • Name: Tolnai Veszpremic
  • Breed: Samoyed
  • Regions: Imperial North (Tolna)



Ároktő Ice Skating

Redicsi Family



  • Name: Redicsi, Hevizi
  • Breed: Great Pyrenees
  • Regions: Imperial West (Heviz, Szeged)


The Redicsi or the Hevizi are the second largest subtribe within the Imperial East and the dominant subtribe of the Redicsi family. They are the second largest sub-tribe within the Imperial West, after the Veszpremic. The Redicsi established themselves centered in the village of Heviz, centered around a thermal lake. The Redicsi during the Proto-Imperial Era had a strict heirarchy and caste system that acted as the blueprints for Imperial Society. The Redicsi are the pioneers of social stratification and the concept of nobility, with Heviz acting as the center of their government and nobility with the surrounding area as the population for what they called the Citizens, or Polgarsag. During the unification of the Empire under the Seven Canid Accord, the Redicsi agreed to abandon the more extreme parts of their social caste system.

During the Proto-Imperial Era, the Hevizi engaged in a brutal war with the Lorevi over domination of the Southern part of the Imperial West, the Lorevi Conquest. The Lorevi had at this point forced the Koszegi and Szegedi under their banner. During this point, the Hevizi had joined forces with the united Jeno Coalition and the Salgoi Union that came from the Imperial Central in an uneasy alliance that later collapsed into total neutrality. The Lorevi were afterwards subdued and forced to join the Hevizi, who were then named the Redicsi. Under the banner of the Hevizi, the Redicsi tribal family was consecrated with the Seven Canid Accord.




  • Name: Kis-Redicsi, Lórévi
  • Breed: Pyrenean Mastiff
  • Regions: Imperial West (Heviz)


The Kis-Redicsi or the Lórévi are a subtribe of the Redicsi family and a Kisebb Férfiak, or a Lesser Man. During the Proto-Imperial Era after the Farkasi Era, the Lórévi were considered to be one of the most belligerent tribes within the Imperial West, rivaling that of the Balatoni and Hegyhati. During the evolution of the Hevizi, the Koszegi and the Imperial West territories were absorbed into the control of the Lórévi tribe, and the Koszegi were subsequently subjugated by the Lórévi. The specific conflict that surrounded the Lórévi war on the various tribes of the Imperial West and Imperial Central are known as the Lórévi Conquest.


Skull Helmets: During the subjugation of the Koszegi and Szegedi and their initial conflicts with the Imperial East, the most noble warriors during the Proto-Imperial Era used helmets that were carved from the skulls of the Koszegi and Szegedi. While this tradition has died out since the end of the Lórévi Conquest and their subsequent subjugation by the dominant Redicsi, the Skull Helmets are still considered a representation of their culture.

The Instigators: The Instigators were the war lords of the Lorevi during the Proto-Imperial Era and are comparable to the Deer Archers of the Veszpremic and the Ezüstnők. The traditional leaders of Lorevi warbands, they were often lacking in armor but made up for it in their bravado and skill in combat that often drove fear into the enemy. Instigators often had Skull Helmets that were varved from their slain enemies and in reality often relied on scare tactics than actual combat.

Koszegi Redicsi

  • Name: Koszegi Redicsi
  • Breed: Tatran Shepherd
  • Regions: Imperial West (Heviz), Imperial Central (The Felföld)



Koszegi Redicsi are a subtribal member of the Redicsi Family and reside in the Estates of Heviz in the Imperial West as well as the Estates of The Felfold in the Imperial Central. The only subtribe member of the Redicsi member to have a significant population in the Imperial Central, the Koszegi Redicsi are not natives of the Imperial West but actually migrants from the Imperial Central. Their tribe was forced out of their homeland during the War of Highlanders .


Koszegi Cheese: The Koszegi Redicsi are the curators of the famous Koszegi cheese, simply referred to as Koszegi. The small tribe had perfected the cheese from remenant formulas from the Farkasi that were passed onto them.

Szegedi Redicsi


  • Name: Szegedi Redicsi
  • Breed: Kuvasz
  • Regions: Imperial West (Szeged)


Szegedi Redicsi are a subtribal member of the Redicsi Family and reside strictly in the Estates of Szeged, which they consider their homeland.


Szegedi Keringő: The Szegedi Keringő is a variation of the orthodox Redicsi Keringő. It is much more fast paced than the Eszak-Hevizi.

Vándorolt Redicsi


  • Name: Vandorolt Redicsi
  • Breed: Mixed
  • Regions: Imperial East (Salavar, Gesta)



Népvándorlás Fesztiválja (Festival of the Migration): The Festival of the Migration is a festival that is held specifically by the Vandorolt Redicsi that live in Salavar and Gesta that celebrates their coming to the land. The Festival is also celebrated by the Erdos Family and was born in Salavar as a means to integrate both the Vandorolt Redicsi and the Erdosi.

Noble Families

Lipot: The Lipot family are the largest Vandorolt Redicsi family and control a majority of the departments within the Estates of Salavar and smaller departments of the Estates of Gesta. They are noted for their rather underhanded ways in dealing with any Erdosi. The Lipots are one of the main proponents of an Anti-Erdosi sentiment within the Vandorolt Redicsi.

Zamo: The Zamo family are the second Vandorolt Redicsi family and control small departments of the Estates of Salavar and a single department within the Estates of Gesta. They are a major proponent for Pro-Erdosi sentiments within the Vandorolt Redicsi and are noted for their rivalship with the Lipoti. They are also the primarily funders and hosters of the Festival of the Migration.

Sio Family


Sio Icons.png


  • Name: Sio, Csongradi
  • Breed: St. Bernard
  • Regions: Imperial North (Csongrad)


The Sio or the Csongradi are the largest subtribe within the Imperial North and are one of the two dominant subtribes that opted to unite with neighboring subtribes to form a larger political entity during the Proto-Imperial Era. The Sio get the name Csongradi from Csongrad Island, an island that is located in the Tolna Mountains that was considered the homeplace of the gods in the Proto-Imperial Csongradi-Morahalomi Panentheon that lived in a black stone construction. The Sio, as a caste, are typically of the Imperial Religious Order which propagates throughout The Empire. Being considered the religious leaders, the Sio singlehandedly make up over 75% of all religious authority figures within the Empire.

During the Proto-Imperial Era, the Sio came into contact and trade with the Morahalomi and afterwards, both the Ároktő and Tolnai. The Veszpremic, then known as the Balatoni, had began an invasion of the Estates of Tolna, where the Ároktő and Tolnai inhabited. Having subjugated and annexed the land of the Kisbalatoni, the Veszpremic moved to subjugate the Imperial North region. A hasty union that was brought to the Sio and Morahalomi by the Ároktő and Tolnai was accepted and began a large defensive strategy. Despite being less warlike than the Veszpremic and having no interest in partaking in war, the union was able to stop the Veszpremic in their tracks through overwhelming numbers in what is known as the Great Northern War


Greeting: The Sio greeting is unique in that it derives from the Sio affixation on the Snout. Greetings within the Sio will involve the two holding both hands with each other as they touch snouts.

Monk Mating Dance: A rather mysterious dance that is said to have originated from the caretakers of the Chapel of Desda, the Monk Mating Dance is a one on one that is done specifically by monks. While originally only having been done by Csongradi, the dance spread to the Morahalomi, the Eszak-Tolnai and the Tolnai Veszpremic.

The dance itself somewhat resembles the Redicsi Keringő in movement but is not related. A bunch of monks will congregrate at the center, sometimes in an enclosing circle and clap their hands. Two monks will then dance in the center, usually locking arms. The center dancers will unlock arms and jump and spin at the eigth clap, which usually the surrounding monks will increase the speed of how much they clap their hands.

Mórahalomi Sio


  • Name: Mórahalomi Sio
  • Breed: Caucasian Shepherd
  • Regions: Imperial North (Mórahalom)


The Morahalomi Sio, often just known as the Morahalomi by other Sio are a subtribe that live in the Imperial North and are considered the second dominant subtribe due to their unity with the Csongradi as a political entity during the Proto-Imperial Era. The name Morahalomi comes from the Mora family, an extinct noble Morahalomi family that is considered to be the protogeniators of the tribe. The Morahalomi are one of five tribes who inhabit the Tolna Mountain Range. The Morahalomi, as a caste, are divided between the traditional Sio dedication to the Imperial Religious Order and defenders. The majority of Morahalomi live religiously under the guidelines of the Imperial Religious Order, but there are a number of Morahalomi who live as Csikós, explorers of the Empire that grew their culture from the Great Northern War that united the Tolna Mountain Range tribes against the Balatoni.


Morahalomi Greetings: The Morahalomi have a greeting that is a variation of the traditional snout-focused greeting that the Sio use. The greeter of either sex will traditionally hold the head of the greeted and kiss the snout. This version of greeting is used only between younger or mid-aged Morahalomi, and elderly Morahalomi are instead kissed on the hand as a gesture of good will.

Yearly Snout Festival: During the Proto-Imperial Era, the Morahalomi celebrated the Yearly Snout Festival as a means of community gathering and a way to celebrate the coming of a new year in hopes of good tidings. This tradition was picked up by the Csongradi, Arakto and the Tolnai Veszpremic who now celebrate it today in the same way the Morahalomi celebrate the Yearly Snout Festival. The Festival is precluded by the Pilgrimage of the Snout, which is celebrated by the Imperial Religious Order. The final and most notable part is the


  • Name: Ároktő Sio
  • Breed: Tibetian Mastiff
  • Regions: Imperial North (Tolna)


The Ároktői Sio, also known as the Ároktői by the other Sio are a subtribe that live in the Imperial North and are considered a regional subtribe, close to the dominant tribes due to their unity with the union that the Morahalomi and Csongradi had during the Proto-Imperial Era. The Ároktői, compared to most other tribes, inhabit a relatively small amount of land being mostly restricted to the Estates of Tolna within the Imperial North. They are one of the five tribes who inhabit the Tolna Mountain Range. The Ároktői are typically encouraged to join the traditional Sio caste dedication of the Imperial Religious Order, but are not as populous compared to the Sio and Morahalomi. The majority of Ároktői are not involved in the Empire or Imperial affairs and prefer to stay out of government affairs. They share a kinship with the Tolnai Veszpremic, one of the Veszpremic Subtribes that occupy Tolnai alongside them.

Due to their solitary nature, they lack any real noble family that is recognized within the Imperial Court. The majority of the Estates of Tolna are administered in a division of the Morahalomi and Sio noble families that stay out of the affairs of Tolna.


Ároktő Ice Skating:

Hegedű: The Eszak-Tolnai Sio are famous for their use of the Hegedű in their music that evolved from the use of the stringed instruments from the Archers Dance from the Veszpremic. Evolved from Veszpremic Lyres that were brought over in the Imperial Era after the conquering of the Tolnai Veszpremic by the Veszpremic, the Eszak Tolnai continued to shape the Lyra to form what is considered the Hegedű.

Erdos Family



  • Name: Erdos
  • Breed: Beagle
  • Regions: Imperial East (Esztergom, Gesta, Salavar)


The Erdos, also known as their former name Solvái are the dominant tribe of the eponymous Erdos Tribal Family. The Erdos are the primary governing faction within the Imperial East. The Erdos hold the most amount of noble families of any single sub-tribe with around twenty one different noble families who are recognized within the Imperial Court.


Noble Families

  • Velencei: The largest noble family of the Erdos, they hold the Departments of Esztergom, Velencei Németújvár, Kisnána within the Estates of Esztergom. They hold the Departments of Gesta and Mezőtúr within the Estates of Gesta. They own the largest amount of land of any of the Erdos families and are recognized within the Imperial Court as an Imperial Noble Family. They are the primary benefactors of the Imperial Ministry of Knowledge and Archives, having many of their own family members or benefactors promoted to positions within the Ministry. They hold control of the two largest libraries, the Circle of Esztergom and the Circle of Gesta.
  • Szőgyény: A noble family of the Erdos, they hold the Department of Mezőhék in the Estates of Esztergom and the Department of Kisgesta in the Estates of Gesta. They are officially recognized within the Imperial Court as an Imperial Noble Family.
  • Kendeffi: A noble family of the Erdos, they hold the Departments of Rém and Kisrém in the Estates of Salavar and are one of the few Erdos families that hold a department within the Estates of Salavar. They are officially recognized within the Imperial Court as an Imperial Noble Family with the exception of the House of Lipot, who does not recognize their control of the Departments of Rém and Kisrém.



  • Name: Kis-Erdos, Gestai
  • Breed: Wire Fox Terrier
  • Regions: Imperial East (Gesta)



Jászapáti Erdos

The Jászapáti Erdos, also known as the Jászapáti are a subtribe that live in the Imperial East and are considered a regional tribe under the Erdos Family that unified with the Kis-Erdos and Erdos tribes. Unlike the other Erdosi subtribes, the Jászapáti Erdos are not typically guardians or archivists. They consider the Tolna Mountain Range to be their homeland and are one of the five subtribes that live in the Tolna Mountain Range. Similar to the Morahalomi, the majority of Jászapáti Erdos leave home to become explorers. Similar to the Araktoi, they hardly participate within Imperial Politics, but this policy among the tribe has ended since the ramped up violence against Erdos family members by Vandorolt Redicsi committed by the House of Lipot. The majority of Jászapáti Erdos live as Hegymászók as a profession, often acting as the guides within the Tolna Mountain Range.


  • Name: Salavari Erdos
  • Breed: Chow Chow
  • Regions: Imperial East (Salavar)



Salgoi Family



  • Name: Salgoi
  • Breed: Borzoi
  • Regions: Imperial Central (The Felföld, Andrassy)



Noble Families

Ákos: The Akosi are the largest noble family of the Salgoi and hold direct control of the Estates of Szentkirály.



  • Name: Kis-Salgoi, Kassai
  • Breed: Afghan Hounds
  • Regions: Imperial Central (The Felföld, Andrassy)


The Kis-Salgoi or the Kassai are a subtribe


Felvidéki Salgoi


  • Name: Felvidéki Salgoi
  • Breed: Taigan
  • Regions: Imperial Central (The Felföld, Andrassy)



Dance of the Mountains: Said to have originated from the traditional kings of the mountains that once led the Felvidéki, the Dance of the Mountains is usually done by a single male surrounded by several women, typically eight.

Hoditok Family



  • Name: Hoditok, Hegyhati
  • Breed: Komondor
  • Regions: Imperial South (Kallo, Hegyhat, Kaposvar)


The Hoditok or the Hegyhati are the largest subtribe within the Imperial South and the dominant subtribe of the Hoditok family. The Hoditok are noted for their dominance of the Imperial South where they retain all of the Estatess under their direct control and have the fewest amount of noble families, with only three noble families. The Hoditok originate from the Estates of Hegyhat and created a monarchial government structure in their Proto-Imperial state. They are one of the few sex segregated subtribes within the Empire, with women being of higher status and the men being of lower status.


Hoditok Greeting: Hoditok greetings are one of the few greetings within the Empire which are gendered. The greeting that is often used by the Empire, cheek kissing, is reserved only for use for the same sex. Hoditok women will often greet with a cheek kiss with other women, but not with men. This is seen by the Hoditok as a method to preserve their womanhood. The Hoditok women will often be greeted by men with a bow as a symbol of respect. This greeting tradition is seen as taboo with a majority of other tribes, but Hoditok noblewomen still carry the tradition to the Imperial Court. No other Hoditok subtribe practices this gendered greeting. The bow is seen to have been taken from the Kallo Hoditok, as both the Kiskalloi and Nagykalloi practice bowing as a means of greeting over Imperial Standard.

Ezüstnők: One of the famous warrior classes that existed, it is compared to the Kis-Redicsi Instigators and the Veszpremic Deer Archers. The Ezüstnők were aristocratic women who led warbands and covered themselves entirely in armor. The most heavily armored of Hoditok armies or warbands, these women were often seen mounted on horseback charging into the enemy with cavalry units. Shock and awe were their primary methods of achieving victory on the battlefield.

Procession of the Queen: Hoditok society, specifically Hegyhati society, is matriarchial and appoints a queen with a male consort. The Procession of the Queen is a festival that dates back to the Proto-Imperial Era where the Hoditok noblewomen would have the men and women of villagers of the Hegyhati and Kishegyhati as a means of hoping for a good harvest. It has since become a sociopolitical event that is usually used to strengthen the position of the Hoditok noblewomen. In the eyes of the Hoditok family, the event is a social dancing event that attracts politicians and noble families from around the Empire. The Procession is meant to take place every 4 years.

Noble Families

  • Hegedus: The largest family of the Hoditok, they hold direct control of the Estates of Hegyhat and control a large amount of departments within the Estates of Kallo and Kaposvar.



  • Name: Kis-Hoditok, Kishegyhati
  • Breed: Cane Corso
  • Regions: Imperial South (Kallo, Hegyhat)



Nagykalloi Hoditok


  • Name: Nagykalloi Hoditok
  • Breed: English Mastiff
  • Regions: Imperial South (Kallo, Kaposvar)



Kiskalloi Hoditok


  • Name: Kiskalloi Hoditok
  • Breed: Great Dane
  • Regions: Imperial South (Kallo)



Kalloi Duel: A Kalloi Duel is a sport that both the Nagykalloi and Kiskalloi Hoditok participate in that originated from the Kiskalloi. The Kalloi Duel involves two people of the same sex who's hands are tied and locked in combat with each other. The goal of the duel was that the first person to be knocked down would be considered out. The target was to knock down the opponent by any means necessary. Usually involving legwork, the use of the head and chest was also considered as a legitimate mean to knock down the opponent.

Jeno Family



  • Name: Jeno, Kossuthi
  • Breed: Pug
  • Regions: Imperial Central (Kossuth)


The Jeno, formerly the Kossuthi are the largest subtribe within the Estates of Kossuth and the leading subtribe within the eponymous Jeno Family. They are considered to be the architects of the Empire as the majority of the unification process was led by primarily Kossuthi Jeno. During the Proto-Imperial Era, the Jeno established themselves as a regional power within the Imperial Central and built the city of Kossuth, which now serves as the capital of the Empire.

In the Proto-Imperial Era, the Jeno were a notable economic power with Kossuth acting as a center of trading for many of the current Jeno and Salgoi subtribes.


  • Greetings
  • Architecture

Ásotthalomi Jeno


  • Name: Ásotthalomi Jeno
  • Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
  • Regions: Imperial Central (Andrassy, The Felfold)


The Ásotthalomi Jeni or simply the Ásotthalomi are a subtribe within the Estates of Kossuth and the Estates of The Felfold. One of the five tribes that opted to join the Jeno Union, the Ásotthalomi joined out of fear of the Salgoi, who had begun to encroach on the Ásotthalomi territory within The Felfold.


Hair & Grooming: Like the Kis-Salgoi, the Ásotthalomi view hair as one of the most important traits of a person and place great importance on it. As such, Ásotthalomi men and women are often considered to be the most beautiful and graceful of all breeds in the Imperial Central, rivaled with the Kis-Salgoi who place an equal amount of importance Masked Theater: The Ásotthalomi practice a form of theatrics called Masked Moon Theater. Often involving themes such as the moon, the Ásotthalomi view the idea of masks in any form as culturally taboo and reject masks.

Noble Families

Ásotthalomi: The eponymous noble family of the Ásotthalomi Jeno and the largest noble family of the Ásotthalomi Jeno, they control a minor amount of departments within the Estates of Andrassy.

Vásárosnamény: The second noble family of the Ásotthalomi Jeno, they are the only other recognized noble famile of the Ásotthalomi Jeno and control a minor amount of departments within the Estates of Andrassy and the Estates of the Felfold.

Tatabanyai Jeno


  • Name: Tatabanyai Jeno
  • Breed: Shih-Tzu
  • Regions: Imperial Central (Andrassy)



Felvidéki Jeno


  • Name: Felvideki Jeno
  • Breed: Lhasa Apso
  • Regions: Imperial Central (The Felföld, Andrassy)





  • Name: Középjeno
  • Breed: Havanese
  • Regions: Imperial Central (Andrassy)

