Kalea Confederation

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Kalea Confederation
Aupuni Hui Kalea
Flag of Kalea
Motto:     “He aliʻi ka ʻāina; he kauwā ke kanaka.” (Hawaiian)
      “The land is the chief; man is its servant.”
Anthem: "Lōkahi (Unity)"
Location of Kalea
and largest city
Official languagesKalean (Hawaiian)
Recognised national languagesKalean (Hawaiian)
Recognised regional languagesNiʻihau (Kalean (Hawaiian) dialect)
Ethnic groups
Kalean (96%), Ni'ihau (3%), Other (1%)
Buddhism (52%), Taoism (31%), Atheist (10%), Ni'ihau folk religion (5%), Other (2%)
Demonym(s)          Kalean, Niʻihau
Government  Libertarian socialist federated semi-direct democracy
• Haoa (traditional title); Co-President (official title)
Alana Kalama
• Haoa (traditional title); Co-President (official title)
Pika Akamai
• Haoa (traditional title); Co-Chair (official title)
Eleu Kamea
• Haoa (traditional title); Co-Chair (official title)
Na'au Kealoha
LegislatureKalean Legislative Assembly
• Total
282,383 km2 (109,029 sq mi)
• 2020 estimate
7.46 million
CurrencyKalean Dala
Date formatDD/MM/YY
Driving sideright
Calling code+900
Internet TLD.kal

Kalea, officially known as the Kalea Confederation, is a sovereign nation comprised of the Kalean island chain in the geographic region West of the continent of Ausiana. It is situated in the eastern portion of the Toyana Ocean, just south of the Alutia Sea and just west of the Sancheon Gulf. The climate consists of mostly subtropical forests. Its government functions as a libertarian socialist federated semi-direct democracy currently administered by a coalition of leftist parties. It consists of self-governing sub-regions in the provinces of Ho'olua, 'Akau and Hema. It has a population of 7.46 million inhabitants. It has a total area of 282,383 sq. km (109,029 sq. mi). Its capital and largest city is Heiau, located on the largest and northernmost island of the southern province of Hema.


The word "Kalea" means “happiness” and “joy” in Kalean. The Confederation was named after the man most Kaleans consider as the "Father of the Confederation" and the "First Haoa," Kalea Apekalmoa. As well as naming Kalea after him, the most commonly spoken language at the time, the language now known as Kalean today, and the demonym of the people of Kalea, were also named in honor of him.


Not much is known of the origin of Kalea's people, which is odd considering its neighbors are very much different from them. The founder of the Confederation, Kalea Apekalmoa, had a dream of unifying the three major tribes of the islands to bring their common culture together and to thwart possible aspirations of foreign powers subjugating the Kalean people. Each major tribal leader was given sovereignty over a select geographical region of the Kalean island chain, and subsequently all those within their tribe and minor tribes inhabiting the islands, establishing what are now the Three Provinces of the Confederation: Ho'olua, 'Akau and Hema. Over time, this union has grown and evolved in its many forms, but all have taken a somewhat similar model to that of Kalea Apekalmoa's original Confederation. What can be seen today is the result of millenia of collaboration into what is now known as the Kalean Confederation.

Ancient history (Pre- 1 AD)

Classical history (1 AD - 1,000 AD)

Modern history (1,001 AD - Present)

Geography and environment

Kalea has three provinces, Ho'olua, 'Akau and Hema, made up of a number of islands totalling at thirty-one. Ho'olua has the most islands at 17, followed by 'Akau at nine islands, and finally Hema at five islands. The various bodies of water surrounding the islands is what makes up the boundaries between each of the province. Separating several islands of the Ho'olua province is the Ho'olua Sound. Seperating several islands of the 'Akau province is the Sea of Apekalmoa.


Due to its location, Kalea's climate is dominated by subtropical forests. These types of forests are characterized by low variability in annual temperature and high levels of rainfall (>200 centimetres (79 in) annually). Monsoons are a frequent occurrence during rainfall in Kalea. Forest composition is dominated by evergreen and semi-evergreen deciduous tree species. These trees number in the thousands and contribute to the highest levels of species diversity in any terrestrial major habitat type. These forests are home to more species than any other terrestrial ecosystem. A perpetually warm, wet climate makes these environments more productive than any other terrestrial environment on Earth and promotes explosive plant growth.

Wildlife and fauna

Among the diversity of Kalea's climate, it boasts some of highest number of species in the world despite its geography and size. Kalea is home to varying bird species such as hornbills, toucans, and the harpy eagle, as well as verying mammal species such as deer and the hoary bat. These forests contain an unparalleled diversity of invertebrate species. Aquatic life is no exception, with Kalea home to several species of anglefish, barracuda, blenny, butterflyfish, cardinalfish, and many, many more.

Flora in Kalea is just as diverse as its wildlife. The pendant kihi fern, bird's-nest fern, males tree fern, serpent woodfern, amaumau fern, and whisk fern are just a few of the ferns native to Kalea. Among the trees native to Kalea, there are several trees of the genuses Dracaena, Pritchardia, and Myrsine just to name a few. Native flowers to Kalea include anthurium, bird of paradise, Kalean gardenia, pikake, blue ginger, Kalean hibiscus, plumeria, and so much more.


Politics and government

The political system of the region is based on its adopted constitution, officially titled "Charter of the Three Provinces". It provides that all residents of the region shall enjoy fundamental rights such as gender equality and freedom of religion. It also provides for property rights. The region's system of community government has direct democratic aspirations.

Executive branch

Legislative branch

The Kalean Legislative Assembly is a unicameral legislature and the sole legislature of Kalea. It is comprised of a total of 253 seats, each seat being added per 15,000 resgistered voters in Kalea. It is currently dominated by a coalition of left-wing parties, the largest of which are the Democratic Confederalist Party, Syndicalist Party, and Buddhist Socialist Party. The Opposition is comprised of a coalition of minor parties, most of which are center-left to center-right. There are a total of 253 seats in the Legislative Assembly.

Judicial branch


Foreign relations


The history of Kalea's economy can be traced through a succession of dominant industries: sandalwood, whaling, sugarcane, pineapple, the military, tourism and education. The majority of Kalean exports include food and clothing. The country's food exports include coffee, macadamia nuts, pineapple, livestock, sugarcane and honey.






The population of Kalea as of 2020 is estimated to be around 2020 7.46 million. An overwhelming majority of around 96% of the population is homogeneously Native Kalean, while the remaining 4% is divided between around 3% being part of the Ni'ihau tribe and 1% other ethnicities.



Religion in Kalea is dominated by over half (52%) of the population practicing Buddhism, while just under a third (31%) of the population practices Taosim. Buddhism and Taosim form a close relationship in Kalea with either of the religions influencing the other. The remaining population is either Atheist (10%), or adheres to Ni'ihau folk religion (5%) or another religion (2%). The Ni'ihau folk religion is rarely seen outside of the Ni'ihau community.



Music and art



Customs and etiquette

Ni'ihau tribal culture