Cargo Shipping Seamen’s Union

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The Cargo Shipping Seamen’s Union is a controversial union representing sailors (ranked apprentice to Chief Petty Officer) in Al-Khilafah’s cargo shipping industry.

Cargo Shipping Seamen’s Union
Motto in English“The backbone of Al-Khilafah’s exports”
Predecessorvarious national, metropolitan and regional unions
SuccessorAbdul-Rahman Al-Harbi
Current affiliation date2121
AffiliationAl-Khilafah Confederation of Workers’ Unions
Key peopleAbdullah Malah


It was founded in 2111 from a merger of smaller unions. From 2114 till his death in 2121, Abdullah Malah was it’s President.

For much this time, whilst being praised as highly effective in advocating for cargo sailors it was controversial due to a widespread belief (with evidence) that it was institutionally sexist and for connections to organised crime, this controversy increasing after it’s President at the time (Abdullah Malah7 was caught in the act of firearms smuggling.


It was staunchly anti-communist from it’s foundation supported the Traditionalist Party until Abdullah Malah switched it’s support to the Labor Party. Abdul-Rahman Al-Harbi condemned many of Abdullah Malah’s actions but continued to support Labor due to “the interests of [the union’s] members”


As well as being accused of institutional sexism due to their being only on their 50 person executive committee the fact that two smugglers, both of them ringleaders in the crimes, were it’s members.

One of these was their President, Abdullah Malah.

See also Labor Party of Al-Khilafah