Johnville (Vitosian Cult)

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Johnville is a Vitosian remote settlement and cult that was founded and led by John Patrick Longetti in 1989. The settlement can be found two miles east outside of Sassarta, Vondera, Vitosium.

The cult gained notoriety when a few celebrities opened up about their experiences there and spoke of the sexual abuse brought about by Longetti himself. On April 18th, 2008, Longetti led the cult to kill around 2820 people in Sassarta, Vondera before manipulating the cult to kill themselves to avoid capture by the police. The incident became known as The 2008 Johnville Massacre or just The Johnville Massacre. The massacre resulted in the largest single loss of Vitosian civilian life with around 8 000 lives lost.

A movie titled The Insanity Cult, directed by Marsden Sashia, was released retelling the events that led up to the fateful day in 2008. The movie was released in 2018.


In 1989, John Longetti was, at the time, a priest in Sassarta. Many who knew him prior to the cult's formation described him as charismatic and charming. While he was married at the time, he had cheated on her with 25 different women, including the now infamous Marianna Sosorito. In a journal entry found in 2009, Longetti described Marianna as the inspiration for the cult, having manipulated her into chopping off her right pinky. His ability to manipulate her fueled his ego, as he said, and he founded the cult to try his tactics on others. Sosorito described Longetti as a "saviour who had all the answers" and encouraged others to join "Johnville". In rallies, Longetti promised tranquility and properity to all those who joined his village outside of Sassarta. All those who joined had to give up their lives outside of the village, as well as shun everybody who was deemed a "non-believer" of Longetti. Eventually, Longetti had convinced many to believe that he was an angel sent down to Iearth and help them get into Heaven upon death.

Longetti's wife at the time, Silvia Sanacruza, had no idea what was going on at the time and described her husband as thoughtful and caring of the public. When he bought the land used for the settlement of Johnville, his refusal to bring his wife there led to her getting suspicious. Her investigation led to her discovering the cult he was making and she filed for divorce.

"John had inherited twelve million from his parents so I knew he had the money to buy the land," she said. "When I found out why he had bought it, something told me that John was not the person I thought he was and every part of me told me to get as far away from him as possible."

The Cult's Expansion

On August 1991, Johnville had a population of 1500 people with 100 of those being celebrities. A couple journalists who went to interview members of Johnville described the place a self-sustaining town with a kind and caring community who preferred to be off the grid. Newspapers also described John Longetti as a charitable man who donated two million to cancer research. When Silvia Sanacruza spoke up and tried to talk to the press about her suspicions of "Johnville", many celebrities, who had a secret connection to the cult, relentlessly demeaned her character and tried to paint her as a sociopath who John divorced to get away from.

By September 1998, it was public perception that Johnville was also a charity foundation as around three additional million dollars was donated to a variety of charities. The population of the cult had expanded to four thousand around this time due to this, alongside Longetti's usual manipulation tactics. In his journal, he described his donations as a "distraction from my true intentions". Many who have read the journal online interpreted this as John Longetti wanting others to view him as a saintly person to discredit anybody who spoke against him and, at the time, it worked very well.

By 2008, the cult had a population of around seven thousand members.

The Cult Gained Media Attention

Andrea de Coso, an actress, recalled her time in Johnville, describing it as "a wild experience". She said that she had to give up her husband and her children as they didn't believe Longetti's words and move to the village. She was to never speak of them again and, to this day, her relationship with her kids is still rocky.

"Every day was hard labour and worship and every night was an orgy," she told the press in 2004. "For some odd reason, you would enjoy the madness. You truly believed that, despite everything telling you that this was a bad situation, you were destined for Heaven because of this con man."

Other former actresses like Susi Carili and Zia Printo spoke up in 2006 and told the press that anybody who wasn't completely dedicated to him were tortured or killed. This led to their attempts to escape in 2003.

The Inheritance Investigation

A now famous journalist, Tony Brago, spoke with Susi Carili in a live interview on January 8th, 2008, and discussed the possibility of fraud surrounding Longetti's twelve million dollar inheritance. The reasoning used was that, if the stories of Longetti's tortuous and murderous behaviour was true, perhaps there is a chance that he showed signs of this when he was younger and pointed to the accident that claimed Longetti's parents, which led to him gaining the inheritance. John Longetti, upon hearing about the accusation, attempted to sue for defamation of character. However, many citizens who had watched the interview demanded to know the truth on what happened to Longetti's parents and the case was re-opened.

While a man named Cody Cavarili was initially blamed for the accident back when it happened, it was revealed that he had no involvement in a press conference held on April 14th, 2008. The police chief told the press that the whole department believes that the evidence points to Cavarili being framed for what happened and accuses the original investigators of the case of overlooking what happened for the sake of a paycheque. He had then revealed that they had reason to believe that it was not an accident but a murder and they had narrowed it down to three suspects, including John Longetti, himself.

The revelation led to mass hysteria from Longetti who decided to use chaos as a distraction to go into hiding, leading to the infamous Johnville Massacre.

The Johnville Massacre

The Cult's Mass Suicide