BBT Season 2: In-Depth Episode Synopsis

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Introductory Statement
This is the episode synopsis for Big Brother Timeria Season 2!

1) One player becomes the Head of Household and has their own private bedroom and bathroom. They are also the player who is able to nominate two houseguests for eviction (elimination).
2) Two houseguests are nominated for eviction at the Nomination Ceremony.
3) The HOH, the two nominees and three people chosen for random draw are picked to play in the Veto Competition.
4) The winner, known as the Veto Holder, is able to, when the Veto Ceremony happens, take off one of the nominees or not use it at all and leave both of them "on the block" (term comes from "chopping block"). Should a nominee be taken off, the Head of Household must choose somebody to replace them. This person, however, can not be the Veto Holder. Winning the Veto makes you immune from being the Replacement Nominee that week.
5) At the end of the week, the Eviction Ceremony happens. The two nominees give a thirty second speech as to why they should stay. after that, each houseguest, one at a time, goes into the Diary Room (where they normally give confessionals) and state who they want to evict. As one houseguest leaves the Diary Room, another enters, rinse and repeat, until everybody (expect for the nominees) has voted. The Head of Household only votes in the event of a tie.
6) "By a vote of _ to _, (houseguest), you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. Please say your goodbyes and head out the front door."
7) The Head of Household competition begins! The outgoing HOH, however, can not compete.

Week 1

Week 1 Episode 1 As everybody enters, Andrea can't wait to get drunk, Cal is excited to explore every inch of the house, Francesca is a bit hyper, Leonell is a bit extra, Miles just wants to relax and Trevor, in his CC, is attracted to Malia. As everybody sits down, they all talk about themselves:

Leonell: He is happily married to his husband, Colin [Portner].

The host, Gunnar Gottlieb, appears on screen and welcomes everybody to Big Brother Timeria Season 2! However, the first week will introduce a very familiar twist from Season 1: Reverse Week!

Everybody votes. Francesca and Jude are nominated.

Episode 2 During the first night, Francesca and Jude are annoyed over the twist but decide to just move on. In the bathroom, they propose a secret alliance to each-other. Meanwhile, Andrea gets on the nerves of Miles, Shawn and Trevor with her college stories while Claudia, Owen and Veora enjoy them.

The next morning, the immature Cal, the resourceful and reliable Claudia, the good-natured and humourous Jude and the lazy Owen make a four person alliance called "The Union". After that, Owen then makes an alliance with the supportive Deliza, the arrogant Shawn and the athletic Trevor called "The Cosmos Pact". The boisterous and outgoing Andrea makes an alliance with the untrustworthy Miles in one of the bedrooms.

Jude wins the Power of VETO!

Francesca and Jude celebrate quietly in the pantry. Jude promises to find a way to save her this week.

At the Veto Ceremony, Jude uses the Power of VETO, meaning that the person with the thirdmost votes, Andrea, is the replacement nominee.

Episode 3 In private, in one of the bedrooms, Malia and Trevor flirt quite a bit. When Andrea finds out that Miles has been throwing her name under the bus, the two end up in a loud argument in the living room.

Miles wins Head of Household! He chooses to evict ... Andrea.

After Andrea leaves the house, she is told by Gunnar Gottlieb that her adventure doesn't end just yet. On the screen, Gunnar reveals that Andrea is not out of the game just yet! He says that, as the victim of Reverse Week, she will re-enter the house ... as the new Head of Household! However, the previous Head of Household, Miles, will be immune and will gain a special power: an additional vote he can use at any point in the game, except for when he is on the block. Andrea then re-enters the house.

Week 2

Week 2 Episode 4 It is the next day. In the Safe House, Mia Joyce, Nina Black, Toby Cooper and Wayne Bishop enter. It is a much, much, much smaller house set up like a bachelor pad. The four are told that they are part of a special twist where TWO of them will enter the house. Nina and Toby express familiarity over the twist. Gunnar reveals that, this time, Nina and Toby have a much, much bigger shot at entering the house but more details on that later.

In the main house, Gunnar shows the four Safe House members on screen. He reveals that there are two pairs: Nina and Toby, who were denied access to the house last year, and Mia and Wayne, who are new members of The Safe House. Two of them will be entering the house where they will have immunity for the week. The twist within this twist is that one man and one woman will be entering and who goes in will not be the decision of the country ... it will be their decision. They will be voting for either Nina or Toby and that will decide if Mia or Wayne enters alongside them. Everybody is shocked, while Toby is visibly annoyed.
Nina is chosen to enter, which means Wayne will join her. Mia and Toby are sent home.

Throughout the episode, Cal, Miles, Shawn and Trevor make a four person alliance called "The Brogade". They are all very confident that they can control the game and are not worried about Andrea one bit. Trevoris the only one who is not arrogant, rude and cocky. Meanwhile, Owen's laziness really bugs Andrea, Shawn and Veora. Claudia, Deliza and Leonell compare notes and realize that Owen has alliances with everybody. Claudia goes to HOH Andrea, who feels like that, on top of him being very lazy, means that he is her target this week. Owen tries to control Andrea's HOH and get her to target Claudia and Wayne (despite Wayne being immune). His insistence causes a loud argument.

Cal and Owen are nominated.

Episode 5 Miles' behaviour causes Simone to argue with him. Throughout the episode, the two get into a couple other arguments. Claudia also argues with him due to his behaviour.

Wayne wins the Power of VETO!

Owen trying to strongarm Wayne to use the VETO (as well as threaten him with "making sure he goes next week") causes Wayne to argue with him. Owen then goes around, trying to get people to go after Wayne next week. The Brogade (Cal, Miles, Shawn and Trevor) discuss their targets for next week: Andrea, Jude, Simone and Wayne.

At the Veto Ceremony, Wayne does not use the Power of VETO.

Episode 6 A lout of arguments happen this episode. In order, they are: Owen vs Wayne, Claudia vs Miles, Cal vs Leonell, Simone vs Miles, Owen vs Wayne Part 2, Andrea vs Owen.

By a unanimous vote, Owen has been evicted.

Week 3

Week 3 Episode 7 Cal wins HOH. Gunnar Gottlieb reveals that this week's twist will see three nominees and the return of The Safe House in some way. More details later. The Brogade discuss their targets from last week (Andrea, Jude, Simone and Wayne) and decide to add Claudia to it.

Andrea, Claudia and Simone are nominated. They are told to go to The Safe House where they will have a very important decision to make.

Episode 8 In The Safe House, it is revealed that the three will have to vote on which one of them gets evicted immediately while the remaining two will stay on the block. This is a very emotional moment for the three girls. After the three vote, Simone is evicted. Andrea and Claudia return to the house to deliver the news.
Episode 9 Before the Eviction Ceremony, Gunnar reveals that it is a Double Eviction tonight, meaning that, in just one week, three people will be going home.

Andrea is evicted.

Shawn wins HOH and tells his alliance that he is sending Malia (Trevor's showmance) home no matter what. The only one to object is Trevor but the others tell him that they are doing this so he stays focused.

Malia is evicted.

Week 4

Week 4 Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12

Week 5

Week 5 Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15

Week 6

Week 6 Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18

Week 7

Week 7 Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21

Week 8

Week 8 Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24

Week 9

Week 9 Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27

Week 10

Week 10 Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30