Riverlandian Conquest of Grythshead

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Riverlandian Conquest of Grythshead
Part of King Malcom's War
Date8th January 1750 - 11th May 1750
Kingdom of Grythshead, Vionna-Frankenlisch

Treaty of Dragenburgh (1750)


Kingdom of the Riverland

Kingdom of Ballaeter

Kingdom of Grythshead
Kingdom of Larkinge

Lordship of Harroway (Harrington)
Commanders and leaders

Earl of Tarringway
Alexander II
Viscount of Braedon

Lady Taewen

James V Surrendered
Prince Robert  (WIA)
Princess Heather  Surrendered
Sir Eustace Salter
Osgood Stanley

Richard IV

The Riverlandian Conquest of Grythshead was the conquest and annexation of the Kingdoms of Grythshead and Saxondale by the Kingdom of the Riverland. Part of the wider King Malcom's War and a key event in Vionnan Unification, it is generally considered to have lasted from the Battle of Helderny to the signing of the Treaty of Dragenburgh, in total a campaign lasting five months.

After an unexpected victory at the Battle of Helderney, Riverlander forces under the Earl of Tarringway crossed the Grythshead-Ballaeter frontier and launched an audacious invasion of the south Vionnan kingdom. In spite of setbacks at Northburn and Redmalden, Lord Tarringway's army nonetheless forged a path across central Grythshead. Supported by large Ballaetan reinforcements, the Riverlanders laid siege to the City of Grythshead iself. A relief effort by King James V' two children, Prince Robert and Princess Heather, was repulsed in a great battle at Staffmoore and much of the Grythsheader field army fell into captivity. His hopes for relief dashed and the great bastions of the city falling to Riverlander attacks, James surrendered the city to spare the population the horrors of a siege.

Grythshead's garrsion and captured field army were granted the full honours of war and capitulation talks ended in the Treaty of Dragenburgh. The Treaty annexed Grythshead and Saxondale into the Kingdom of the Riverland and forced King James to abdicate, though his son Robert was granted the Duchy of Grythshead so the region would remain within the family.


Helderny and Invasion

Battles of Northburn and Redmalden

Siege of Grythshead

Staffmoore and Relief Efforts

Fall of Grythshead

Treaty of Dragenburgh