History of Quibella

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Early Quibella

Pre History

The oldest traces of human life in what is now Quibella date from approximately 1.6 million years ago. Early Humans were then confronted by a harsh climate, marked by long glacial eras and a constantly changing landscape. Early humans led a nomadic hunter-gatherer life. Quibella formerly had a large number of decorated caves from the upper Palaeolithic era, however many have been destroyed by modern humans through both resource exploitation and tampering with the cave paintings.

At the end of the last glacial period (10,000 BC), the climate became milder; from approximately 7,000 BC, this part of Eastern Eirene entered the Neolithic era and its inhabitants became sedentary. After strong demographic and agricultural development between the 4th and 3rd millennia, metallurgy appeared at the end of the 3rd millennium, initially working gold, copper and bronze, and later iron. Quibella has numerous megalithic sites from the Neolithic period, including the exceptionally dense Desicivi stones site (approximately 2,000 BC).


Around 500 BCE, is when we see the migration of the Quibellator to what is now modern day Quibella. The first record of this is by a Rothian trader by the name of Gaius Severus. He refers to them as a very 'warlike people' hence the name Quibellator. It is widely believed and accepted by many historians that these Quibellator displaced a variety of different tribes of what now amount to the modern people of the Solivirains and the Culsivans.

Shortly after their settlement to the area the Quibellator quickly became a domineering force in the area going as far as to openly chalenge various city states along the coast and further push back the Solivirains and the Culsivans.

Shortly after the Rothians came up with a term for the are in 135 BCE, 'Quibella' or the Land of the Warrior People. Though while there is numerous circulating theories about the true Rothian name of the area prior to their settlement, the name would nonetheless stick to the area till this day. Though soon after this Rothian expansion into the area became rapid as Rothians soon set up a number of forts and settlements along their border with the area of Quibella.

The original area of expansion into the area was officially established with the Rothian province called 'Nova Rothia' or New Rothia in 82 BCE. Though Rothia would continuously expand into Quibella bringing with them a host of new ideas, anew religion, and most importantly a new language. While the Solivirians and Culsivans would quickly adopt these ideas, language and religion hoping to find an ally among the Rothians to drive out the warlike Quibellator.

In 73 BCE the first city was founded in New Rothia, the city of 'Urus Civit' or better known in modern Quibella as Baissierville. The city quickly expanded with settlers not only from Rothia but from across all of Quibella becoming a major hub for the Rothian Empire and an important outpost for the empire as a whole.

Ultimately, most of modern Quibella would be conquered in 60 BCE over a short two year campaign known as the Rothian Conquest of Quibella. Despite the Quibellator tribes being able to unite as one force, the disciplined Rothian Army was too much for them and they would eventually be defeated culminating in the complete conquest of the Quibellator. This conquest would result in the Province of Quibella.

Soon after the conquest many new settlers were moved into the area from Rothia. These settlers would begin the quite successful Rothization of Quibella. Though it is widely argued that this indoctrination of the Quibellator would be the ultimate downfall of the Rothian Empire in Quibella.

Despite the Rothization of the Province, Quibella would become one of the most rebellious provinces within the Rothian Empire. This rebellious attitude would bring the ire of the Rothians which they would attempt to stomp out on several occasions usually resulting in revolts. With the first two the, First Quibellan Revolt in 43 AD, and the Second Quibellan Revolt in 152 AD. Though they would be put down ultimately it would begin to carve out a unique Quibellan identity.

The last revolt in 367 AD, the Third Quibellan Revolt would result in Quibella breaking away from the Rothian Empire as an independent Republic, though short lived it would establish what was considered for a time 'Quibella.'

Early Middle Ages

400 AD - Republic Collapses causing a formation of a number of different Kingdoms and Principalities in its wake

800 AD - Quibella is united under a King, Catharism becomes increasingly popular throughout

Late Middle Ages

1200 AD - Quibella invades and annexes various Culsivans and Solivirians Principalities, current King declares Quibella to be an Empire, Nobles emerge as powerful men who are able to influence the Emperor

Modern Quibella


1500 AD - Quibellan Church of Good Christians emerges as a dominating religious force in Quibella, the Emperor declares the Church of Quibella following multiple disagreements between the Pope and the Emperor

Early Modern Period

1700 AD - Religious tensions explode between Good Christains and the Church of Quibella resulting in a brief but brutal religious war within Quibella
