The Witz Machilob or Mountain Clans as they are known in Mutli, but generally referred to as Puxtjay ("People of the Machete") by its members is an Ayüükjä'äy - O'de püt is an criminal society originating from the Mutul, in the hills and mountains separating the provinces of Yokok'ab, Tokkab, and Kanol and dating to at least the 19th century. the Mountain Clans represent an especially secretive society which has proven especially difficult to infiltrate by the authorities. This is mostly due to their family-based recruitment, membership within the organisation is a purely dynastic affair, and only loose ties between Clans.
The Clan form the basic unit of the organization. Each Clan consider itself sovereign over a given territory, generally a village or a neighborhood. In their territory, they practice Racketeering, Prostitution, Gambling, and Usury.