Nomination Roulette Season 2: In-Depth Episode Synopsis

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Introductory Statement
This is the episode synopsis for Nomination Roulette Season 2!

Each episode of the season will be receiving an in-depth synopsis, which will include confessionals. Confessionals are private moments when the contestant will tell the camera information, such as their thoughts on things or even strategy. In short, these are noted as CC or "Confessional Cam" in the synopsis. Their location in the synopsis is based off the edit on the episode.

Episode 1

Episode 1
Contestant introductions happen!
Everybody is standing in the backyard, blindfolded. They are then told to take off their blindfolds. Lisi is, audibly and visibly, very excited. Lisi CCs that she's a massive fan of reality and she got the chance to watch Season 1 of Nomination Roulette, which she loved so, now that she is on here, she can't help but get excited. She says that she has been given a chance to become a part of the show's history, which is big for her. Bree comments that this is surreal, to which Lisi immediately agrees. Bree CCs that she signed up for this as part of a dare and she never backs down from a dare or a challenge so, now that she is on, she's here to win. She then says that she even watched Season 1 to prepare Jon starts handing out drinks to everybody. Jon CCs that he loves people, which is why he wanted to sign up for this as part of the game relies on social bonds but he is, in no way, being nice to people as strategy. Kooper sees the buffet and gets really excited. Lisi comments on how this looks better in person than it did when she saw it on TV. Carter agrees. Carter CCs that the only other person who seems like a huge fan of the show is Lisi, which makes her a threat. As people find food, as well as chairs, they gather around in the backyard and start talking. Chanelle mentions that she is vegetarian, Rebecca mentions getting engaged recently to her fiancee, Kaitlin, and Val talks about finishing school, recently, for journalism. Kasper says that people can call him Kasper or Kaz as it doesn't matter to him. He also says that he is an avid gamer. Kaz CCs that he is an online critic and Let's Player, which, to many people, doesn't sound like a real job. He says how that can work in his favour. Sylvester looks nervous. Sylvester CCs about how he feels really awkward and didn't know what to talk about so he just ... didn't for a bit. Bree mentions that five of her friends told her about the show and convinced her to sign up for it so she was surprised when she got on. Lisi mentions that she was ecstatic when she was chosen. Bree says that she is excited and hopes that there isn't a Tonya in the group. People laugh at the callback. Soon, they are given access to the inside. Helaina CCs that her plan for the time being is to lay low and let others become targeted. Her, Val, and Lekendra are in the bedroom when Val brings up the three of them working together. Val CCs that she wants an alliance as soon as possible so she decided to suggest one with whoever was with her in the bedroom and that just happened to be Lekendra and Helaina. Lekendra agrees to it and says that they should build a powerful girls alliance so that one of them can win. Val becomes excited while Helaina agrees that, while it is a good idea, Karson was caught for making an all guys alliance and was eliminated so they have to be sneaky about it. Val CCs that she sees a lot of potential in Lekendra and Helaina, which is why she sought them out for her alliance. She then says that her plan is to reign as the leader and take command. Lekendra CCs that Val and Helaina seem like perfect allies with Helaina, especially, being very perceptive, which is good for her as long as they are on the same side. Chanelle, Rosario, Lisi, Kooper, and Jon are talking in the backyard. Lisi mentions that her favourite player from the last season was Dontae as he was the sweetest guy there and treated Naomi so well. She mentions that he was also a good strategic player on top of that. Jon mentions that he felt like Scott had a lot of potential. Rosario chimes in that he hopes that people can get along for, at least, a week. Kooper agrees while mentioning as he doesn't like conflict and will try to stop it should it occur. Kooper CCs that he expects his time to be like how he lives his real life: care free and drama free. He says that he knows the peace won't last forever but he'll enjoy it while it lasts. Jon says that he knows that drama will happen and, if he gets involved, he will never make any low blows as that isn't the type of guy he is. Chanelle comments on how some people think they can win arguments by getting really personal but, in reality, it's really pathetic of them. Sylvester is alone in the hammock looking at them. He CCs that he can be social but he just feels so nervous as he is having to befriend 13 strangers in a game about eliminating one another and he knew what he was getting into. He says that it's probably just going to be hard for a bit but he won't give up as all it takes is that first move. Rosario comes up to him and asks if he is okay. Sylvester says that he is fine but this is just a bit overwhelming right now. Rosario asks if he wants company, to which Sylvester accepts. Rosario CCs that, when he was younger, he was very introverted and nobody ever came up to him and spoke to him so, when he saw Sylvester, he saw an opportunity to help him make a friend. Rosario sits down in the hammock and mentions that he understands if he is a bit shy but, if it helps, he can talk to him anytime. Sylvester thanks him. Chanelle and Jon join them and gesture to Lisi and Kooper to come along as well. Jon asks about Sylvester, who says that he is a 22 year old mechanic. Chanelle CCs that Sylvester looks too adorable to do such a dirty job. The next morning, Rory and Kasper are talking in the living room. Rory CCs that he is the owner of his own software engineering company and he is only 27. He says that he felt like lying to Kaz as he didn't know if he could trust him as he didn't want him turning around and influencing his elimination. Rory mentions that he works in a sports shop in the local mall. Kaz mentions that the only sport he was interested in was soccer as he played that quite a bit when he was younger. Rory mentions that his best sport was football. Kaz mentions that he was sent to the hospital once during a football game back in high school and he hasn't touched it since. Rory asks him if he wants to set up a soccer game later on with things around the house. Kaz loves the idea. Bree talks with Chanelle, later, about how she is excited to play the game but she doesn't know what angle to play at. Chanelle says that as long as the angle isn't against her, she'll be fine. They both laugh. Bree CCs that she would love to find her footing in the game. Carter is in the hammock, alone, talking to himself about how everybody is a pawn to him and he will, soon, control the game. Carter CCs that he's a leader at heart and that is no different

Episode 2

Episode 2
Kaz and Rory set up the soccer game in the backyard. There is a montage of that. During the game, Rory and Jon bond a bit. Rory CCs that, as of this moment, he sees himself going to the end with Kaz and Jon. Val is sipping tea by the pool after the game. Val CCs that she doesn't see anybody coming after her this early, which is great. So, all she has to do is continue working her social game and, soon, she'll find herself getting to the end. Rebecca talks with Lekendra in the bedroom about Kaitlin. She mentions about how they met as co-workers and were friends for a year before they started dating. Lekendra talks about her boyfriend as well and how they met at an amusement park. Lekendra then turns the conversation to the people in the house. Rebecca points out how quiet Sylvester is but, other than that, she hasn't noted anything else about the others. Lekendra suggests allying together. Lekendra CCs that her plan is to have enough allies where nobody can take her out. Rebecca CCs that Lekendra is nice but she would like to have one conversation with somebody that doesn't turn to strategy. Carter, Kooper, and Chanelle are talking in the backyard. Chanelle mentions how she really enjoyed the soccer match. Kooper agrees as it was a lot of fun. Carter CCs how, while everybody is talking, he is just observing them to see if he can spot any weaknesses to use against them. Sylvester is talking to Rosario and Kaz in the bedroom about how grateful he is to some of the people in the house. Sylvester CCs that, as time goes by, he feels like he can really trust Rosario and Kaz. Rosario tells Sylvester that they are always available to talk then asks Kaz about his job. Kaz says that he started his career on YT as a risk. He was still working at a pizzeria at the time and remembers his parents trying to "claim" his paycheques. Somehow, he was able to save enough to move out. He then comments on how he has been really happy since he cut all contact with his parents. He mentions how they were selfish and egotistical. Sylvester says that he can relate as he doesn't talk to his parents either. Jon is in the kitchen cooking for everybody. Helaina comments on how Jon's a really good cook. Jon makes a couple of really bad puns, causing Helaina to facepalm and laugh. Helaina CCs that Jon is a very good guy and she is surprised. Chanelle comes in and also makes a comment about Jon's cooking skills. Jon mentions how his mom taught him how to cook at a young age for when she went on business meetings so he could cook for his younger siblings. Val is in the backyard with Lekendra. She CCs that the best course of action is to work on Lekendra the most and, perhaps, they'll become the perfect Final 2 duo. She thinks that she will be able to control Lekendra. Lekendra says that she plans to lay low at first but would really like to work on this girl's alliance. Val agrees. Lekendra says that they should recruit Rebecca and Lisi to have the five of them for now and then expand it later if need be. Val agrees and offers to get the both of them. Lekendra comments on how it'll be suspicious so it'll be best to start with Rebecca first. Later, Val brings Rebecca over and Lekendra tells her about the girl's alliance. Rebecca is up for it and comments on how, if they have meetings, they'll be caught immediately. Lekendra agrees and says that three at a time should do the trick. Later, Lekendra, Val, and Lisi are talking. Lekendra says that she respects Lisi a lot and tells her about the plans for a girl's alliance. Lisi comments on how she's excited. Lisi CCs that it's a superfan's dream to be a part of a steady alliance, although she doesn't know how steady it will be. Lekendra tells Lisi that, aside from the three of them, Rebecca and Helaina are also involved. Lisi says that she really likes this alliance. Later, they have supper. Afterwards, Rory is talking to Jon in the bedroom. Rory tells Jon that he sees him as his number one. Jon agrees. Jon CCs that Rory is respectful, respectable, and knows the game so he trusts him a lot. Carter enters the bedroom. Carter CCs that he's noticed how everybody loves Jon, which makes him a threat. Carter thanks Jon again for the supper and leaves. Carter CCs that Rory comes across as the inevitable leader of a big alliance so he has to find a way to take them down before they can do any damage. He then says that his goal is to become a legend. Bree is drinking in the kitchen with Chanelle and Rebecca. Bree CCs that, in her real life, she loves to party, which is why she enjoys hanging out with Chanelle and Rebecca. She also says that she sees a Final 3 with them. Rebecca comments on how Bree gets drunk easily. Lisi and Kaz are talking in the backyard. Lisi brings up how all Carter seems to be doing is observing people. Kaz agrees and doesn't trust him. Lisi also brings up how he's alone a lot and it looks like he's in deep thought. Kaz thinks that he could be an easy target for first boot. Lisi CCs that, while she may be in a girl's alliance, she also likes talking to Kaz so she hopes to keep him safe.
The host reveals that somebody will be eliminated in the next episode.

Episode 3

Episode 3
Bree, Jon, Rebecca, and Rory are the first ones up and are in the kitchen as Jon is cooking them breakfast. Rory talks about how he's working on an independent video game and that he's developed some games for some of the annual themed indie game tournaments. Rebecca comments on how her fiancee, Kaitlin, has done a lot of sprite work for independent developers. As they are eating, Bree CCs that everybody here is friendly but it's a very tense environment. She also says that hardly anybody talks about anything she's interested in and she really can't be interested in video game talk. Later, Rory and Jon are in the bathroom. Rory brings up how Bree seems really discontent. Jon comments on how she could be really bored. Rory agrees and says that he's tried talking to her a couple times but she never looked interested in their conversations. Rory CCs that he wants to work with Bree but it doesn't seem like she would ever want to. In the backyard, Lisi and Kooper are talking and laughing. Kooper brings up his family and how he has 3 brothers and 5 sisters. Lisi comments on how that's insane. Kooper agrees but they all get along and help each other out when need be. He says that, growing up, there were hardly any restrictions and he likes it that way as he can feel like he has control over his life and, as a result, has never resorted to rebellious behaviour. Lisi says that she respects that a lot and says that her parents were strict but kind as they wanted what was best for her and tried to steer her away from any negative influence but were also kind about it as they were protective but not controlling, so to speak. Kooper understands and also respects that.
Carter CCs that he plans to throw the challenge and manipulate people to do his bidding. REBECCA WINS IMMUNITY while CARTER is auto nominated for being the first one out.
Rebecca CCs that you never know in this game and she felt like winning immunity was the best move for her right now as she can continue to establish relations without worry of her going out first. Carter CCs that, as the first person out, he has full control over the next person nominated AND he will be seen as weak. Kaz, Rosario, and Sylvester are in the bedroom. Kaz comments on how hell will break loose depending on who nominates who. Rosario comments on how he doesn't think that he is in Carter's radar. Chanelle comes in and sits with them. Rosario comments on how Carter is a wildcard. Chanelle says that, if they have the votes, they should send him out first for being sketchy. The other three agree. Helaina also comes in and sits down with them. Helaina comments on how she's worried now that they are at this stage in the game. In the backyard, Lekendra tells Val that they need to round up the alliance and decide on a first target. Bree joins them and Lekendra tells her that she is thinking of an all girls alliance. Bree says that she is in depending on the target as she'd rather not have all the guys go one by one and there are some guys that she would rather stick around. Val CCs that she doesn't know how to reply to this and, by the looks of it, Lekendra is shocked as well. After Bree leaves, Lekendra comments on how the goal of an alliance should be getting that alliance to the end and she, Bree, gives her the hint that she plans to break up the alliance early. Carter is in the kitchen. He CCs that he has full control over this house and he loves it because he can see that people are worried about who he will put up.
As the first person to be eliminated, Carter nominates Sylvester, who nominates Lekendra, who nominates Jon, who nominates Bree, who nominates Rory, who nominates Chanelle. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
Rory apologizes to Chanelle who forgives him and agrees that they have hardly spoken to each other. Lekendra CCs that her new alliance controls the vote and they could send out anybody on the block, including the sneaky Carter or the lovable Jon. Helaina, Chanelle, and Lisi talk in the bedroom. Helaina says that she isn't going to vote for Chanelle to go home, obviously. Lisi reassures her as well. Helaina asks Lisi if she's heard about any suggestions from the alliance. Lisi isn't too sure but would like to send Carter packing. Helaina agrees and thinks that they should bring that up to Lekendra. Helaina and Lisi are alone with Lekendra and Val. Helaina brings up their first target being Carter. Lekendra is unsure due to Carter throwing the challenge and, that, he could throw it again. Lisi comments on how that makes sense. Lekendra CCs that, in the end, there is one person who sketches her out the most but she is unsure if she wants to make that move yet. Bree approaches them and says that she'll agree to the alliance if she can name the first target. When given the go, she names Sylvester as he is really quiet and is also a wildcard. The others comment on how that makes a lot of sense. Bree says that, if Sylvester doesn't go, she has no reason to be a part of the alliance. After she leaves, Lekendra comments on how she's unsure of her. Val agrees. Lisi CCs that there are a lot of targets to choose from and she is still unsure.
Bree is banished by a vote of 7-0-0-0-0-0-0.

Episode 4

Episode 4
Bree walks out the door. Rosario CCs that word spread that Bree was targeting Sylvester, hence his vote towards her. He says that Sylvester shouldn't be punished for being an introvert. Rebecca comments on how intense the first elimination was. Rebecca CCs that she is a part of an alliance that she is unsure of but she'll do whatever she can to keep herself safe, including sticking with this alliance for now. Val comments on her being really sketchy. Lekendra CCs that, in the end, she could not trust Bree and she was willing to risk potential numbers to take her out as long as nobody caught on to the women's alliance. Later, Rosario and Rory are in the bathroom. Rosario tells Rory that they need to secure themselves. Rory CCs that he's been getting a lot of trust from people and the people he's been trusting the most have been Rosario, Jon, and Kaz. Rory tells him that there is no doubt and that they need to make sure that they stay off the block. In the morning, Jon's humour cause Rosario, Helaina, and Kaz to laugh. Kaz CCs that he really enjoys Jon's humour and personality. He's had a couple of really good talks with the guy. Jon finishes cooking them breakfast. Helaina comments on how there is, usually, only 4-5 people up in the morning everyday. Rosario says that a lot of people like to sleep in. Rosario CCs that, as far as a Final 3 goes, he wants to be in the end with Sylvester and Rory the most out of everybody. He would also like Jon to be with them until the Final 4, tho. After that, he feels like Jon could win if they don't banish him. Later, Rosario and Sylvester talk in the bedroom. Sylvester CCs that he is being more introverted than usual in the house. He says that, slowly, he has started to warm up to some of the people in the house. He also comments on how he wants to be in the Final 3 with Rosario. In the backyard, Jon, Kooper, and Lisi are talking. Jon's humour, once again, makes them laugh. Jon CCs that, in his real life, he is a comedic person and he likes to make people laugh. Jon leaves to go to the bathroom. Kooper talks about how Jon's a great guy. Lisi agrees. Kooper asks Lisi if she has any siblings. Lisi says that she is an only child but her closest friends are like siblings. Lisi CCs that, out of everybody in the house, her closest ally is, definitely, Kooper and, if the alliance wants him out, she'll flip sides. Kooper says that his read on the house isn't the best. Lisi says the same thing. Lisi CCs that, unfortunately, it's best to keep the women's alliance a secret from Kooper.
KOOPER WINS IMMUNITY while CARTER is auto nominated for being the first one out.
Kooper CCs that, due to his read being so bad at the moment, he felt like it was best to win immunity. Kaz and Carter are talking in the bedroom. Kaz CCs that he has, hardly, spoken to Carter so, as long as he isn't his choice of nominee, he'll be good. Kaz says that, from the couple talks they've had, he trusts him. Carter says the same thing and says that he is unsure of who to nominate. Carter CCs that he's already decided but wants to secure the votes necessary. Carter talks to Lekendra in the backyard. Carter CCs that Lekendra is a social person so, perhaps, she could have a bit of pull. Carter tells Lekendra that he wants a very specific person out of this game and says that he plans to nominate Jon. Val joins them as Carter reveals his target. Lekendra says that Jon is very popular right now so it may be unlikely that they get the votes. Lekendra CCs that Carter coming to HER about taking out a massive threat is suspicious but he seems like he wants to work with her, which is fine. After Carter leaves, Lekendra tells Val that they have a lot to think about. Sylvester, Rory, Kaz, and Jon are in the bedroom. Rory says that he is very suspicious of Carter as he's thrown the first two challenges. Kaz says that Carter is reminding him of Jerome Lancaster. Rory thinks that it's time for Carter to go.
As the first person to be eliminated, Carter nominates Jon, who nominates Val, who nominates Rory, who nominates Rebecca. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
Rory, immediately, apologizes to Rebecca. Rebecca understands and hopes that his reasoning (she won't go due to how likable she is) is true. Lekendra pulls Val aside and says that they have 4 votes so far so she thinks that they should've gotten Jon out last round and Bree this round. Lekendra CCs that she always has a plan.
After two rounds leaving 4 of the 5 nominees immune due to the rules of Double Jeopardy, Jon is automatically banished by default.

Episode 5

Episode 5
Jon walks out the door. Rory and Kaz look visibly distraught. Lekendra CCs that she is surprised that it worked out, honestly.
[FLASHBACK: Earlier that evening.] Chanelle notices Rory talking about getting out Carter to Rosario. She pulls Lekendra, Lisi, and Helaina into the bedroom together and tells them what she saw. Lekendra thinks that they should wait until the next round as the others will still want to get rid of Carter. She says that they should all vote Rory. Lekendra CCs that, in order to get rid of Jon, she needs to abuse the rules of Double Jeopardy twice so, if they vote for Rory and it ties, the girls will have no choice but to vote for Rebecca to cause another tie, automatically sending Jon out as the girls love Rebecca and Val's still a part of the alliance. She says that there is no way that Rory will leave right now, which is why she knows that there is a huge possibility of a tie. Helaina says that Rory is a great move and she can see a possibility of flipping somebody.
Rory says that he doesn't know what just happened. Carter points out that they tried to vote him out and it failed, epically. Carter CCs that Jon going was his big, epic move in the game. At this point, he needs to lay low. Rory says that he doesn't want to deal with Carter right now. Rory CCs that Jon was screwed from the moment that Carter threw the competition and there is no doubt that he planned this. Also, since he got votes, it's highly likely that he is next on the chopping block. Kaz goes into the bathroom and says, in front of the mirror, that he is shocked. Kaz CCs that he is STILL trying to figure out what happened. He had assumed that Carter was going with a unanimous vote but then Double Jeopardy happened TWICE and Jon left by default. The next day, Kooper and Lisi are in the backyard talking about Jon's banishment. Kooper says that Carter is a dangerous player, no doubt. Lisi agrees and CCs that she REALLY wants to tell him but she can't. Kooper comments on how Jon was a great guy. Kooper CCs that Carter needs to go. Rebecca is in the bedroom alone, thinking to herself about how she could've gone home but didn't. Rebecca CCs that one vote could've sent her packing and, instead of campaigning, the others just let 4 votes for Carter happen when they could've gotten rid of him and then targeted Jon without risking her position in the game but, to be fair, Val was in the same spot. Sylvester enters the bedroom and asks if she's alright. Rebecca says that she is and says how she could've gone home and nobody knew that the 2nd round would've been a tie as well. Rebecca CCs that she may need to separate herself from the women's alliance. Rebecca says that she hopes that Carter throws the challenge again. Sylvester agrees as nobody trusts him or talks to him much. Rebecca also didn't like his attitude towards Rory after Jon left. Sylvester suggests talking about something else in order to calm her down and they can focus on Carter after the challenge. Rebecca likes that idea. She talks about how nice a lot of people in the house are. Sylvester agrees.
It's a comp done in rounds. One person is eliminated in each round. RORY WINS IMMUNITY while CARTER is auto nominated for being the first one out.
Carter CCs that Rory is lucky that he won immunity or else he would've been targeted so, now, he has to choose another target. In the backyard, Helaina is talking to Chanelle about her job as a real estate agent.Chanelle says that it's neat that they have two jobs in the same field as she is an architect and designs homes for a living. Helaina CCs that her closest ally is, definitely, Chanelle. Since Day 4, they've sat down and strategized to each other.
[FLASHBACK: Day 4]: Chanelle wonders if the women's alliance is a good idea. Helaina is curious where it'll go and, should it be discovered, there are others in the alliance that will be targeted over them. Chanelle says that they should head to the Finals together, to which Helaina agrees.
Chanelle CCs that her and Helaina have spoken about a lot of personal things and have strategized a lot and she sees her as her number one ally in this game.
They go to the living room to make their nominations. As the first person to be eliminated, Carter nominates Sylvester, who nominates Val, who nominates Kooper, who nominates Chanelle. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
Kooper whispers to Chanelle that he, truly, believes that she won't go home and all that matters is that Carter is nominated. Chanelle agrees. Chanelle CCs that there is a chance that the women's alliance wants to keep Carter again as him throwing challenges allows them to keep majority. Lekendra and Val are in the backyard. Val CCs that Lekendra is, no doubt, her number one ally. Lekendra wonders who they should push for as Jon's banishment is being blamed on Carter. Val says that she agrees that Carter could be useful. Lekendra also points out that, while it's possible for him to nominate Sylvester again, sending home Kooper could isolate Lisi from them. Val agrees and says that they could send home Sylvester. Lekendra is unsure.
Carter is banished by a vote of 7-0-0-0-0.

Episode 6

Episode 6
Carter walks out the door. Rebecca CCs that she is grateful that Carter left because it seemed like he was trying to be Jerome 2.0 and they do not need a Jerome in their season. Rory sits down. He CCs that Carter leaving was great for his game so, now, he needs to figure out the next move. The next day, Rosario, Sylvester, Kooper, and Rory are in the backyard. Sylvester comments on how Carter made him very uncomfortable so he is glad that he doesn't have to deal with him anymore. Rosario CCs that, after Carter left, everybody celebrated because he was very untrustworthy, cocky, and trying to be "a legend", which is something he bragged about trying to accomplish. He says that, now, he can continue to enjoy his experience and socialize more. Kooper says that him leaving allows him to no longer walk on egg shells. Kooper CCs that he can't be free when he can't do much without Carter being "suspicious" of them. Sylvester turns the conversation to him noticing how close Lekendra and Val are. He says that they are together all the time. Rory says that he never really noticed but, thinking about it, it seems like Val is more of a puppy to Lekendra. Rory CCs that this may require more investigating. Rosario suggests taking Val out first if they attempt anything as Lekendra could have some pull in the house. Rosario CCs that he feels really good about this group and it's nice to talk to Kooper some more. Rosario brings up how it's Day 10 already and it doesn't feel like it and, despite everything, it's nice to get away from the real world once in awhile. Sylvester agrees. Sylvester CCs that he REALLY wants to head to the end with Rosario as he has helped him a lot so far and he wants to repay his kindness with loyalty. Rebecca joins them and talks about how the weather is surprisingly nice today. She also brings up how she is glad that Carter is gone. Elsewhere, Helaina and Chanelle are in the pantry. Chanelle points out how Val is getting more and more loyal to Lekendra and is looking like less and less of an individual. Helaina points out how Val is making herself a target by appearing to be somebody who will cling onto somebody, creating a duo everytime you get rid of the other person. Rosario and Kaz are in the bedroom. Rosario brings up how he can see himself talking to a lot of people after the show. Kaz agrees and says that he can see himself talking to most of the cast. He then asks Rosario if anybody has mentioned any targets. Rosario says that Val's name has come up. Kaz thinks that Val is hardly a threat. Rosario brings up Sylvester bringing up Lekendra and Val. Kaz understands why Val is a target. Kaz CCs that the objective is to make sure that Val does NOT win Immunity. Kaz thinks that they should remain open minded just in case Val wins Immunity. Rosario agrees.
It's a comp done in rounds. One person is eliminated in each round. LISI WINS IMMUNITY while KAZ is auto nominated for being the first one out.
Kaz CCs that he is disappointed in himself for being the first one out but, now, this may be a good position to figure out who to put up first but he may take the safe road and try to put up Val and send her out. Lekendra, Val, Chanelle, and Lisi are in the bedroom. Chanelle brings up Rory as a target but Lekendra thinks that Rory doesn't have as many connections, although she isn't ruling out the possibility. Lekendra CCs that she is a tight hold of the alliance and, depending on who is up, she may have the say on who goes.
Everybody goes to the living room to do nominations. As the first person to be eliminated, Kaz nominates Val, who nominates Rory, who nominates Lekendra, who nominates Rosario. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
Rory CCs that, once again, he is nominated. However, unless there is an all-girl alliance, he shouldn't be worried as he only sees Lekendra and Val voting together and the both of them are up. Rosario tells Rory that they need to make sure they have the votes. Rebecca talks to Helaina in the bedroom and says that she is unsure about the women's alliance ever since she almost went home. Helaina tells her that, had they not taken the chance, Rebecca would have gone home. She says to continue with the women's alliance for now. Rebecca says that, even if she makes another alliance, she wants to include her (Helaina) in it as they get along really well. Helaina agrees.
Rosario is banished by a vote of 4-2-0-0-0.

Episode 7

Episode 7
Rosario walks out the door. Sylvester CCs that he plans to avenge him. Kaz is, visibly, upset. Kaz CCs that the women must be together, meaning that him losing the challenge first gave the women the majority needed to banish Rosario, meaning that Rosario's banishment is HIS fault. Val is smiling and heads to the kitchen. Val CCs that Lekendra has been an amazing leader and has lead everybody banished so far out to slaughter. As Rory and a very upset Sylvester enter the bedroom, Kaz goes in and tells them that the women have to be together in order for Jon and Rosario's banishments to make sense. He says that there were four guys and four girls voting when the Double Jeopardy happened and, in this round, there were four girls and two guys. Rory says that they are screwed. Kaz says that they can't give up and they need to turn the tables as soon as possible. Rory agrees. Kaz CCs that he's been playing under the radar so far and letting people go at each other but, now, he can't afford to do that. Rory says that, in order for them to have a chance, the first person to fail can not be a guy. Sylvester says that they should've caught onto a gender divide earlier. Rory comments on how he thinks the women used Carter in order to try and take a numerical advantage. Rory CCs that the game is only just beginning. Rebecca is talking with Lisi about how she bonded with Rosario a lot and she felt really bad. Lisi tells her that the women's alliance has her back. Rebecca CCs that she can't encourage the gender divide any longer and, if the guys find out about the alliance, there is no doubt that they will make an unbreakable guy's alliance in retaliation. Rebecca is in the bedroom with Sylvester folding her clothes. Sylvester CCs that Rebecca spoke with Rosario and him a lot and, in the end, they let their guard down and Rosario was voted out. He says that he can't trust Rebecca, especially, in the game anymore. Rebecca brings up how she plans to vote for Val if she is nominated. Sylvester says that he doesn't know who the target will be until the nomination ceremony is over but he appreciates her vote. Rebecca is grateful and leaves the room. Sylvester whispers to himself that, after Val goes, she's next as she betrayed Rosario. Lekendra, Val, Chanelle, and Lisi are in the kitchen. Lisi CCs that, as much as a massive alliance is fun, she doesn't think she'll ride with them to the end as that would make the game boring and, as a superfan, it's always fun to see the game change. Lekendra says that Sylvester may be the next one as they need to avoid him trying to avenge his friend. 'Lekendra CCs that she chose Rosario due to his multiple connections around the house as opposed to Rory, who seems to be the leader type. Chanelle says that makes sense. Val chimes in that they've gotten rid of everybody up until this point and there is, no doubt, that the rest of the guys will follow. She says that she is giddy just thinking about how, soon, the only people in the house will be the women. Chanelle CCs that Val is ... annoying and a bit too cocky.
LEKENDRA WINS IMMUNITY while VAL is auto nominated for being the first one out.
Val CCs that they have the majority either way so she isn't worried. Kooper and Lisi are talking outside. Kooper CCs that Lisi is his closest ally but, after hearing about the women's alliance from the other guys, there is no way that he will vote in their favour. However, he doesn't want to lose Lisi as an ally. Kooper asks Lisi if there is an all-women alliance. Lisi says that, if there is, she isn't a part of it. Lisi CCs that lying to Kooper was NOT what she wanted to do but she had no choice at the moment.
Everybody goes to the living room to do nominations. As the first person to be eliminated, Val nominates Sylvester, who nominates Chanelle, who nominates Rory, who nominates Rebecca. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
Rebecca CCs that she is really surprised that Rory nominated her to "avenge Rosario". She is assuming at this point that Rory has caught on to them. Rebecca talks to Rory later. Rory says that he felt betrayed by Rebecca because she hung around Rosario a lot and then voted him out because of the women's alliance. Rebecca CCs that she knew something was up. Rebecca admits that there is but she didn't want to be a part of it after she had to vote Rosario out. Rory says that he can respect her but he can't trust her in the game any longer. Rebecca says that, when she has the opportunity to vote again, she will prove it to him. Rebecca CCs that she is, officially, out of the women's alliance. She says that she will not notify anybody that he caught on as she wants to protect him.
Rory is banished by a vote of 3-2-0-0-0.

Episode 8

Episode 8
Rory walks out the door. Kaz CCs that he's been losing allies left and right thanks to the all-women alliance but, thanks to Rebecca, hours before the vote, she confessed that it DID exist.
[FLASHBACK ~ 3 Hours Before Vote] Rebecca, Kaz, Sylvester, Rory, and Kooper are in the bedroom. Rebecca says that there is an all-women alliance that was started by Lekendra and Val. She says that she voted with them every round that she could but she wanted to flip before the Rosario vote, only to get reassured by the others. She says that she thinks it may be a bit too late at this point but she wants to try and turn things around. Sylvester is appreciative, followed by the others. Kooper says that he can try and flip Lisi. Rebecca says that it's possible because Val's attitude has been annoying her recently.
Kaz CCs that, judging by the vote, Kooper was unable to flip Lisi, meaning that she is, definitely, tight with the all-women alliance. Lisi tries to apologize to Kooper in the bathroom. Kooper tells her that the all-women alliance is risking his safety in the house. As Lisi tries to rebuttal, Kooper points out her lying to him about it. Lisi apologizes and says that she has ensured his safety already. Kooper says that he needs to be alone right now. Kooper CCs that his ideal Final 4 consists of Rebecca, Sylvester, Kaz, and himself at this point. Rebecca talks to Helaina in the bedroom. Rebecca says that there needs to be a change in the house and that the all-women alliance is too OP. Helaina agrees. Rebecca CCs that she was not expecting Helaina to agree. Helaina points out that they've taken out a lot of dangerous targets so far so it may be time to focus on Lekendra. Rebecca CCs that, when Helaina suggested going after Lekendra, she didn't believe her. Helaina says that Lekendra has acted as the leader so, needless to say, she is the next big target. Rebecca was expecting a vote towards Val but she likes the idea of sending Lekendra home. Helaina talks to Chanelle in the pantry and says that it's time to flip. Chanelle says that she wonders if they can get the votes. Helaina says that she is confident that they can send Lekendra out. Chanelle is surprised that the first vote after their flip is for Lekendra. Helaina talks to Lisi in the kitchen and whispers the idea of turning against Lekendra and Val. Lisi CCs that she wants to get back on Kooper's good side and says that she is in. Kooper and Rebecca come along and Helaina whispers to them that the plan is Lekendra. Rebecca says that she's excited. After Helaina and Lisi walk away, Rebecca whispers to him that Helaina is being serious and, judging by the encounter, she has flipped Lisi. Kooper and Lisi talk in the backyard. Kooper is grateful towards Lisi for the plan to banish Lekendra. Lisi says that the all-women alliance has been in power long enough and there is no need for a gender divide. Lisi CCs that the time has come for the change.
It's a comp done in rounds. One person is eliminated in each round. REBECCA WINS IMMUNITY while SYLVESTER is auto nominated for being the first one out.
Sylvester CCs that Val was close to being the first one eliminated but, regardless, if the all-women alliance sticks together, they wouldn't have the votes anyway. Sylvester tells Kooper and Kaz that he is excited to see if the plan works. Kooper hopes so as they don't have any other option left and none of them won Immunity. Kaz thinks that they shouldn't strategize together in a room as the others could see it as "the remaining 3 guys plan to head to the Final 3 together". Sylvester and Kooper agree and they leave. Lekendra and Val enter the bedroom. Kaz tells them that the game has just begun and he has already caught onto them. After he leaves, Lekendra points out how odd that was but, if Kaz wants to play that way, he'll be the next one to go.
Everybody goes to the living room to do nominations. The host reveals that, as of now, only four nominees will be present to face eviction. As the first person to be eliminated, Sylvester nominates Lekendra, who nominates Kaz, who nominates Val. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
As Kaz is washing his hands in the bathroom, Lekendra approaches him and points out how silly it was of him to declare war like that. Kaz tells her that he knows of the alliance. Lekendra points out how it doesn't matter as Sylvester and Kooper are going after him. Kaz says that he feels honoured. Kaz CCs that he goal is to get under Lekendra's skin. Although, in retrospect, it is a very dumb idea. Later, Lekendra tells Lisi, Val, and Chanelle to spread the word that Kaz has to go.
Lekendra is banished by a vote of 5-0-0-0.

Episode 9

Episode 9
Lekendra walks out the door. Val CCs that Lekendra was her number one ally and, somehow, what should've been a 4-1 vote for Kaz to go ended up being a unanimous vote for Lekendra to go. She vows that the men will leave no matter what and she will establish herself as the NEW leader of the alliance. Val corners Lisi in the bathroom and asks why she betrayed Lekendra after everything she did for her and, that, Lekendra deserved the prize more than everybody in the house and sending her out was as if she was betraying the game herself. Lisi says that Lekendra was a threat. Val says that Lekendra was a game changer and she deserved better than that. Lisi tells Val that she was not going to sit back and give Lekendra the win. Val says she wasn't either but Lekendra should've gotten to the end. Val CCs that there is no doubt that she will be best friends with her. Throughout their time in the game, they've had a lot of personal conversations and had a lot of laughs. Kooper comes in and tells Val to back away from her. Val, mockingly, comes to the conclusion that Lisi flipped because of Kooper. Val says that, when the time comes, she wants the group back together and on their way to the end. Kooper says that she is talking about banishing him in front of him. Val faults him for being in the same room. Lisi and Kooper quickly find a way out of the room. Helaina and Chanelle celebrate banishing Lekendra in the pantry. Chanelle comments on how they pulled off what would've been impossible last week. Helaina agrees and says that they need to continue on their way to the finals. Chanelle is excited.
Bree is the first to enter the backyard. She CCs that she has a nice five days but it wasn't enough. She wants to come in and ensure that the all-women alliance is never a thing again.
Jon is the second to enter the backyard. He CCs that he was the first contest auto-banished and he doesn't know why. He says that he played too nice the first time around and he plans to play a bit more aggressive the second time around.
Carter is the third to enter the backyard. He CCs that he was very cocky and arrogant but was playing a decent game. He says that, looking back on it, he was too aggressive and also notes that he didn't have enough time to establish himself as a legend like his favourite player, Jerome Lancaster.
Rosario is the fourth to enter the backyard. He CCs that he had a great time and doesn't want it to end yet. He says that he feels amazing having helped Sylvester come out of his shell and wants to re-enter so they can head to the Finals together as he sees him as an amazing ally and an amazing friend.
Rory is the fifth person to enter the backyard. He CCs that he hopes that he was the last victim of the all-women alliance and he has no idea who was eliminated after him. He says that, if he goes back in, his goal is to win Immunity to ensure that he doesn't leave immediately. After that, he says that he plans to ensure that the all-women alliance is over for good.
Lekendra is the sixth person to enter the backyard. She CCs that she is still trying to ponder where she went wrong. She says that Kaz had every right to act that way, looking back on it, and, if she comes back in, she wants him out as soon as possible.
The Returnee Challenge starts. Everybody, especially Rory, is audibly shocked over seeing Lekendra out. At the end of the first round, Carter is the last to finish and is eliminated. At the end of the second round, Bree is the last to finish and is eliminated. At the end of the third round, Rosario is the last to finish and is eliminated. At the end of the fourth round, Rory is the last to finish and is eliminated, with the last round between Jon Hub and Lekendra Famara. JON WINS AND RE-ENTERS!
Jon CCs that it's time for him to play a bit more observant and not trust people as much. He re-enters to (mostly) everybody's warm welcome. Jon says that the last round was between him and Lekendra and he barely beat her. Val leaves the room. Kaz CCs that he is excited to see Jon again.

Episode 10

Episode 10
A party is thrown for the contestants. Jon CCs that he has earned a second chance, which is great as he doesn't want this experience to end just yet. Chanelle brings over more drinks from the pantry. She CCs that, despite Val's poor behaviour, it's nice to see everybody having fun. She says that she was unsure if they could pull it off but they did. Sylvester heads into the backyard and approaches Val. He CCs that Val isn't the most approachable person but he would rather that she enjoy her experience and it would be nice to see her without Lekendra all the time. Sylvester hands her a drink and says that he understands how she feels due to her closest ally going home and he felt the same way when Rosario left but, after some time alone, he would like her to rejoin them. Sylvester CCs that, in the end, it's a game and, while he can blame her for Rosario's ouster, he won't hold it against her, personally. Val thanks him and Sylvester goes back inside. Val CCs that she plans to avenge Lekendra, although Sylvester is no longer a target of hers as she appreciated what he did. She says that she will rejoin the party, act fake, and then backstab all of them. She heads inside to rejoin them. After the party, Kaz pulls Jon into the bathroom and tells him about the all-women alliance and how it fell as they managed to take down the person behind it, Lekendra. Jon says that things really escalated in the game and he was way too oblivious. Kaz says that they need to figure out what to do tomorrow. Jon thanks him for the information and says that he can really trust him. Kaz says the same and they leave the bathroom. Helaina and Chanelle go into the pantry. Helaina CCs that, at this point, the pantry is their secret hideout. Helaina says that she's noticing people strategizing and she's heard a lot of names thrown around as to who should go next. Chanelle says that she overheard Val talking with Rebecca about no longer targeting Sylvester. Helaina is surprised. Chanelle has also heard Jon and Kaz's name come up with other people saying that Val can be taken out at any time. Helaina thinks that they should push for Val as she doesn't want to give her the chance to avenge Lekendra. Kooper and Lisi are the first ones up the next day. Lisi CCs that, while Kooper and her have spoken about their regular lives and their interests, they have also strategized, especially after the fall of the all-women alliance. Kooper says that they should make a Final 4 alliance just so they have the numbers. Lisi agrees and thinks that they should get Jon and Rebecca. Kooper agrees. Kooper CCs that he likes to have full control over whether he succeeds or fails in the game so, naturally, these "strat seshes" are a great way to figure out the best way forward. He says that, coming into the game, he was just going to go with the flow and make sure that everybody likes him but Lisi is at risk if he does something to ruin his chances in the game and he needs to be careful. Kooper says that Jon coming back in is great as he felt like he was unfairly banished. Lisi agrees and says that they should lay low and just continue to bond with people. Lisi CCs that, in the end, you can't do anything if people don't like you.
It's a comp done in rounds. One person is eliminated in each round. SYLVESTER WINS IMMUNITY while KOOPER is auto nominated for being the first one out.
Kooper CCs that he is really surprised that he was the first one out but it is what it is. Sylvester has a mini-celebration in the bedroom. He CCs that, after being the first one out last time, it is great to win this one. Helaina approaches Kooper and Lisi and says that they should finish the job and send Val home so she doesn't find a way to seek vengeance by recruiting people. Lisi says that Helaina makes a good point. Helaina CCs that she is bringing up the idea to Kooper and Lisi due to Kooper having the first say on who else is nominated.
As the first person to be eliminated, Kooper nominates Val, who nominates Rebecca, who nominates Helaina. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
Val CCs that she is tired of being nominated. Helaina CCs that Rebecca saying that "she has yet to be nominated" makes sense, although she was hoping to continue not being nominated. Jon talks to Chanelle in the bedroom, who says that Helaina brought up Val's name and it makes sense. Jon has noticed her behaviour since he came back in. Val enters and says that they need to vote out Rebecca before it's too late as she is very dangerous. Rebecca comes in and starts putting away her laundry. Val continues to campaign and says that Rebecca is strong and she knows it as she has bragged to her a number of times about how everybody in the house is weak. Rebecca CCs that she's had enough of Val. Rebecca and her get into a screaming match, leading to Val going on a tirade of insults towards her.
Valencia is banished by a vote of 5-0-0-0.

Episode 11

Episode 11
While Kaz is targeted due to how his role in Lekendra's downfall shows "how perceptive he is", Jon is making friends with everybody and nobody plans to target him with Jon getting the most Finals deals. Kaz catches on that he is being targeted as Helaina and Chanelle target Lisi and Kooper. Kaz tries to up his social game some more with Kooper telling Kaz that he plans to target him. Kaz tells Helaina and Chanelle, who he sees in the pantry, about the encounter, and the three of them decide on Kooper over the superfan, Lisi.
It's a comp done in rounds. One person is eliminated in each round. CHANELLE WINS IMMUNITY while JON is auto nominated for being the first one out.
Jon realizes the situation he is in due to his many deals. Helaina thinks that they could use Jon and Kaz's friendship to ensure Kooper is nominated and destroy Jon's social game in the process. Kaz tells Jon about what Kooper said, leading Jon to contemplate nominating Kooper and showing his cards too early.
As the first person to be eliminated, Jon nominates Kooper, who nominates Kaz, who nominates Lisi. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
Lisi realizes that Kaz has Jon in his corner and further pushes for Kaz to go so they can reel in Jon. Helaina and Chanelle decide to have Kooper continue to go after Kaz and decide to target Lisi instead.
Kooper is banished by a vote of 4-0.

Episode 12

Episode 12
While Lisi feels alone, having votes against both her AND Kooper, Kaz realizes that Helaina has, successfully, usurped the role of puppetmaster with three banishments under her belt. Kaz talks to Lisi about moving forward and tells her if she's noticed Helaina's reign, to which Lisi says she has. Lisi says that she wants revenge for Kooper's banishment. Despite the talk, Kaz doesn't feel safe, compared to Jon, who is VERY safe.
It's a comp done in rounds. One person is eliminated in each round. KAZ WINS IMMUNITY while SYLVESTER is auto nominated for being the first one out.
Kaz talks to Sylvester about how he's noticed Helaina calling the shots, leading Sylvester to suggest they take her out like Lekendra. Kaz CCs about how people notice if you call the shots so the best path forward is to have them believe that they are coming up with the ideas.
EAs the first person to be eliminated, Sylvester nominates Helaina, who nominates Jon, who nominates Chanelle. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
Rebecca contemplates making a move on Sylvester or taking out Chanelle. Sylvester and her talk, leading them to consider Chanelle or Helaina after Lisi enters the room and talks to them. Helaina and Chanelle figure out the plan and try to convince the voters (Lisi and Rebecca) to send Jon out 2-1.
Helaina is banished by a vote of 3-0-0-0.

Episode 13

Episode 13
After Helaina walks out the door, Chanelle has a DR about her friendship with her, while Lisi and Kaz have a DR and a talk in the pantry about them taking out Helaina before she had full reign of the game. There is a segment about how shocked Sylvester is about getting to the Final 6 and how he's changed so much over the course of the game. In the living room, everybody talks about their experience so far in the game and congratulate each other on making it to the Final 6. Sylvester brings up Rosario and how he helped him socialize more. Rebecca comments on how Rosario was a great man and she wishes that she voted for Val instead of roll with the all-women alliance. Lisi brings up the alliance and says how, in some way, Lekendra had full control over the first five eliminations thanks to her, in some way, controlling the majority of the votes. Jon says that it was insane hearing about this when he came back in. Kaz brings up how, despite everything, he respects Lekendra and her game but can't find himself respecting Val and her attitude towards everybody. Everybody else agrees. Jon brings up Bree, to which Rebecca brings up how Bree was a threat to the alliance and Lekendra wanted her out. When Kaz asks why she was a threat, Rebecca says that Bree was demanding that Sylvester went first or she would not join and Lekendra was scared of her ratting out the alliance. Sylvester, jokingly, says how he doesn't miss Bree anymore. Lisi has a DR about her experience as a superfan of these types of gameshows and her able to be on one and how happy she is about it. Rebecca says that she wants to remain friends with everybody here after the game, along with some of the eliminated contestants. Everybody agrees. Kaz has a DR where he says that people caught onto Lekendra and Helaina so, if he wants to make moves, he has to be as subtle as possible. Later, Lisi talks to Rebecca about sending out Chanelle as she can, easily, win another challenge AND Helaina just went home. Rebecca and Lisi decide to see who wins the challenge. Meanwhile, Kaz is talking to Sylvester and says that he's ... noticed ... how Rebecca is really good in the challenges. Sylvester agrees. Chanelle talks to Jon about how avenging Helaina will only lead to her elimination and she isn't going to move forward as "the other half of the duo" and ruin her game in the process. Jon says how smart that is.
It's a comp done in rounds. One person is eliminated in each round. REBECCA WINS IMMUNITY while SYLVESTER is auto nominated for being the first one out.
Sylvester has a DR where, if he plays the Jerome Lancaster angle of throwing comps, people will view him as weak AND he has the first say of who is nominated alongside him. Sylvester and Kaz discuss ensuring that Lisi or Chanelle go home due to Lisi being a superfan, as well as perceptive, and Chanelle doing well in the challenges and could, potentially, try to avenge Helaina.
Everybody goes to the living room to do nominations. The host reveals that, as of now, only four nominees will be present to face eviction. As the first person to be eliminated, Sylvester nominates Lisi, who nominates Chanelle. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
Lisi catches onto Sylvester trying to get her out and she starts to campaign to get HIM out instead of Chanelle.
Lisi is banished by a vote of 2-1-0.

Episode 14

Episode 14
Rebecca has a DR where she thinks that she can round up Jon and Chanelle and go after Kaz and Sylvester. As Rebecca discusses this with Chanelle, Sylvester overhears and has a DR where he feels as if it's time to comp out to avoid being eliminated and also says that, if he tells Kaz, Kaz may try and win it and that's what he wants to avoid. Kaz, meanwhile, is talking to Jon in the backyard about how surreal it is to be in the Final 5. Jon notes that he has surpassed Leo Valdez, who got 6th in Season 1 and was the returning player of that season. Jon CCs about his social game and how he's very glad to still be in the game and hopes to win.
SYLVESTER WINS IMMUNITY while KAZ is auto nominated for being the first one out.
Kaz has a DR where this is the best thing to happen as his target is Rebecca and Sylvester being immune and Jon having a good social game ensures that the people voting are two people he's worked with in the game, Jon and Sylvester.
As the first person to be eliminated, Kaz nominates Rebecca, who nominates Chanelle. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
Kaz is pleased with the result, while Rebecca has a DR, saying how, if Jon is on her side, there is a chance that Chanelle could be auto eliminated as Sylvester seems to be getting closer to Kaz.
Rebecca is banished by a vote of 2-0-0.

Episode 15

Episode 13

Episode 16: Finale

Episode 14