Kyotakavian Nationalism (Koytakavia)
Kyotakavian Nationalism is the cultural and political ideology which asserts the right of the Kyotakavian people to have and maintain their own independent state. The movement was born out of the Svozgardan conquest of Kyotakavia which took place in the 1700s, given a means of political expression with the formation of the Protectorate of Kyotakavia in 1800 and was eventually, largely successful at the conclusion of the Third Independence War with the establishment of the United Federal Republic of Kyotakavia, though several major parties, predominantly those who trace their ancestry back to the War, still retain the claim to being "nationalist" political parties though in the modern context, Kyotakavian nationalists typically support the retention of national military service and the maintaining of a large military for the purposes of protection against potential future incursions by the Kingdom of Svozgarda.
Kyotakavian Nationalism stood in direct opposition to Loyalism, the political ideology of Svozgardan political parties that operate in the country and which supported a retention of the union with Svozgarda, and as a more radical alternative to Reformism which promoted the reforming through political means the system of government in the Protectorate and a renegotiation of the conditions under which the Protectorate existed.