1995 Besmenian referendum to phase out nuclear power

Revision as of 12:23, 29 January 2022 by Neuleinster (talk | contribs)
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State Registered voters Valid (votes) Yes (votes) No (votes) Yes (%) No (%)
Frankenburg 2.674.234 2.044.787 1.183.931 860.856 57,9 42,1
Gablitz 2.159.799 1.778.565 1.131.167 647.398 63,6 36,4
Greuningia 4.696.758 4.001.234 1.660.512 2.340.722 41,5 58,5
Jakartaburg 3.599.496 3.103.654 1.685.284 1.418.370 54,3 45,7
Laitstadt 4,414,536 4.040.776 2.937.644 1.103.132 72,7 27,3
Lemberland 5,296,996 4.782.343 2.496.383 2.285.960 52,2 47,8
Maurenmark 8.364.775 7.856.646 4.721.844 3.134.802
Metakumburg 3.475.923 3.045.989 1.888.513 1.157.476
Neidelstein-Sulzburg 3.855.466 3.164.553 2.047.465 1.117.088
Sedakania 10.244.954 9.695.564 4.973.824 4.721.740
Summingia 6.366.853 6.022.566 3.589.449 2.433.117
Trissia 4.632.111 4.204.543 3.170.225 1.034.318
Zollingia 4.265.885 3.697.456 2.188.893 1.508.563
Total 62.747.786 57.438.676 33.675.134 23.763.542 Example Example