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United Provinces of Rannoria
Provinsien Unie Canres
Motto: "Bumek raksasa" (Rannorian)
"Slay giants"
Official languagesRannorian

Rannoria (Rannorian: Canres), officially the United Provinces of Rannoria, is a country in Northern Triuh within the Federation of Allies on Amanir. Rannoria is located between two oceans, and holds land that encompasses both the Mazdayy Isles and mainland Triuh, with a population totalling to approximately 135 million people. Bordering Rannoria are the nations of Wargloria and Arganuta, both bordering Rannoria at its southern borders. The nation's capital is Rannkradle, where political affairs are conducted, though its most populous city and financial centre is Anstad.

Since antiquity, the Mazdayy have been found to be residing in the Mazdayy isles. The first documented presence of the Mazdayy was during the rulership of the Mazdayy Empire, a maritime hegemony that existed between 5000-4000 BJ. While the Mazdayy Empire and any successor/predecessor states have existed in Rannorian lands since ancient times, the first idea of a Rannoria that is recognisable in its contemporary state arose in approximately 400 AJ, during the Reikish Invasion, where the ethnically-Reikish Hadorians invaded and settled into modern Rannorian lands, culminating in the ultimate collapse of Mazdayy influence in the region, stemming from millennia of decay. The Mazdayy and Hadorians would continue to live in turmoil until the 12th century AJ, where Rann "the Father" Kader would unite the two groups and create an early version of the modern state.

The Mazdayy Empire was shown to contest frequently with the empire of Gloraros, a predecessor to modern Wargloria. These frequent conflicts between the two bordering nations would endure throughout millennia, with successor states of the Gloraros Empire capitalising on the decay and collapse of Mazdayy influence in Triuh and further conflict being shown through the wars fought between the Kingdom of Rann and the Order of the Black Sun. Nowadays, both nations share an amicable, albeit slightly tense, relationship.

Modern Rannoria was first formed in the Green Revolution, where the monarch of Rannoria at the time agreed to introduce elections into Rannoria, founding the basis of the Praline republic system, the political system used in the united provinces.

In the contemporary era, Rannoria remains politically relevant with a strong trade-based economy, exporting goods and services that are both unique and non-unique to Rannoria. As a developed country, Rannoria ranks high on the Human Development Index, focusing on creating a welfare state and offering education for free if not at a low price (varying per province).