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Kansbegifning (Literally gender gifting) is an Imerian practice that is also followed in some cultures heavily influenced by Scanderan culture, while some of the cultures in what today is the absolute royal federation had third genders, one of the most common ones were the surgically agendered priests of the dead god kings of the mountain people in Sydvinland and the priests of the corpse spirits of the city states in the lowlands. Similarly did certain Blalander tribes often have a third gender with it's own dedicated roles in society. This however was not the case for either the Scanderans or the sun worshippers that both practice a strictly gender binary worldview, something that is tied to the dualistic world of the religions.

However as some people felt uneasy with their assigned gender and at times for the simple practical reason that a good talent were born that was more suited for the other gender's sphere of society, as a result has Scanderan royals often had the ritual of Kansbegiftning where they declare a person to be assigned a new gender. A good example would be the mathematician Frida auf Holgersholme that was born a man but proved to be unmatched in his grasp of mathematics that he by royal decree was declared a man. Similarly was the legendary warrior prince Frank auf Stjärnkhrone born a woman but as he showed such a great aptitude for leadership amongst military men that he was declared a man by his father.

The ritual can either be carried out by royal ordinance which is rare or it can be authorised by a high cleric of any of the three faiths. When the moment come is the person brought either before a cleric and a ritual unique to the faith in question is carried out after which the person is reborn a new gender. Or they can be summoned before the high king or an effigy of Him and by royal command is the person assigned a new gender. This royal practice is the most prestigious one. No matter what way you achieve it are you from then on granted a white and pink sash that is to be wrapped around ones waist, similarly is an armring produced that should also be worn at all time to show that by religious and temporal command is this person to be seen as their new gender. This is mostly a practical sign to avoid complications for the person that went through the Kansbegiftning to avoid scorn for looking like a woman and acting like a man or the reverse. Similarly is it a good way to prevent people getting arrested for crossdressing by ignorant constables.