Constitution of U.R.R.

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Constitution of U.R.R.

FIRST DRAFT The union of republics shall respect the rights and never discriminate no matter gender, race, ethnicity, language, skin color, et cetera. Defense shall be set forward first rather than the offense, power shall be devoluted to the administrative divisions of The United Republics of Rageria, and the liberty and justice of all citizens shall be secured. Protection of the people and their rights is the first responsibility of the government and legislature. Rageria’s people stand with the power to overthrow the government, change legislature, and protect the freedom and unity of the democratic republic.

Article 1

Section 1

Legislature is set in a bicameral Congress. The Congressional Branch of the government has the power of the legislature. The legislature is tricameral, meaning it has three chambers. The first chamber is the Parliament. The Parliament is made of the House of Commons. Commons can be elected by the citizens every four years. There is two Commons per 500,000 people in each state. Commons, like any other member of the government, can be impeached.

Section 2

The U.R.R. practices both jus sanguinis and jus soli, so you are a citizen of you are born there, or you can be a citizen of your parents/grandparents were born there. You can also be granted citizenship if you immigrate here.