New Africa

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New Africa, officially the People's Republic of New Africa, is a sovereign country in North America. It borders the Confederacy to the north and east, Louisiana to the east and the Gulf of Mexico to the south. New Africa is the only post-communist state in North America, the only majority African state in the Americas, alongside Haiti and Jamaica, and the only state to govern itself as a purely parliamentary system,

Although slavery has been abolished for generations, there were still heavy segregation laws in the nation, and in 1955, an African American woman named Rosa Parks started the civil rights movement that would forever change the nation, by refusing to give up her bus seat to a white passenger. Martin Luther King Jr rose as a predominant figure in the civil rights movement, advocating for peace and equality. However by about 1960, black nationalism rose in popularity, opposing MLK for his non-violent ways. The black nationalists were led by Malcolm X. A mini civil war sprung up in the early 1960s between the black nationalists and the faction led by MLK. Malcolm and his followers advocated for separatism and formed the "Republic of New Africa" as their end goal. In 1963 after countless conflicts, the People's Republic of New Africa finally came to fruition, replacing parts of Alabama, Mississippi, Benirdoba, and Florida. Imari Obadele was the republic’s first president.

With a manufacturing economy built largely out of mass-producing cheap products in large quantities, it quickly became a source of new investment that allowed it to build itself back up from the communist dictatorships, and Guthrie-Freedtown was ranked as the fastest-growing city in North America in 1994. As of 2018, the PRNA, with a GDP of 8 Billion, a healthy diplomatic relationship with countries like Mexico, California, Texas, Canada, the USC, the PRC, the UK, India, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Venezuela, Colombia, the EU and the EAF; a UN membership, a functioning cooperative Shabazzism-based economy and a democracy,