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Federation of Timiskrane
Flag of Timiskrane
"Glory to those who stand strong and free" (English)
and largest city
Official languagesEnglish
Recognised national languages
Ethnic groups
GovernmentUnitary Parliamentary
Glen Mairs
LegislatureNational Assembly of Timiskrane
• 2023 census
64 972 061
GDP (PPP)2023 estimate
• Total
$2.835 Trillion
• Per capita
Gini (2023)Negative increase 27.1
HDI (2023)Increase 0.831
very high
CurrencyPenda (TIP)
Time zoneUTC-8
Driving sideright
Calling code+86
Internet TLD.ti

Timiskrane, officially the Federation of Timiskrane is a nation on North Laurentia and member state of the Telrovan Union. It is bordered by Charville to the north, Atredies to the west, Eudaschia and The Seventh German Reich to the south, and the Arctic Ocean on both east and west. It's capital city of Sudbury is also it's most populous if the greater Sudbury region is included. Port Manatoulin has the largest metropolitan area. The official language of government is English, though the government does recognize and award special minority language status to the traditional languages of Joual and Acadan native to the region. The country terrain is filled with hills and small mountains, and the soil is generally rocky and acidic, the exception being the southmost region and the Iron Valley region, which are the only areas of the country where agriculture is viable. The Northmost end of the country flattens out as it fades into tundra. It is also noted for it's 3 large lakes in the north region. The largest, North lake, and the two smaller Kirkland Lake and Panache Lake.

Their had previously been several both internal and external attempts to unify and govern the region, but most met with failure do to the difficult geography that made it difficult to maintain unity. An attempt at federation had been discussed since as early as 2017 but it took until the 21st of January 2021 when the various local governments of the region signed the Act of Federation to establish the Nation.

It remains a nation largely dependant on natural resource extraction, though a significant arms manufacturing industry has begun to develop. The nation operates on a system similar to market socialism or libertarian socialism, where free markets, capital, and private ownership are allowed, but wealth is heavily redistributed through a system of punitive progressive taxes and very extensive welfare programs. The nation is very educated, with elementary to postsecondary studies completely government funded, but lags behind where it would be expected to be in terms of HDI simply because of it's comparatively low wages.


Before Federation

The Act of Federation

The idea of Timiskranean Nationalism can largely be associated to one man, Robert Laurier. In the early 21st century Timiskrane did not yet exist as a concept in most people's minds, who still thought of the region through it's various communities and regions rather then a unified entity. In his book Beyond the Copper Belt, he advocates for an political union of the region. He argued, that it was obvious most foreign powers held little interest in the region, and therefore, it was up to the communities of the region to assist each other, and a political union with a central government would assist this. He also appealed to the region's shared and interconnect history as motivation for unity, though several claims he made have since been show to have been of dubious accuracy. Despite this the populous latched on to this narrative, and it became and the desire for a unified regional federation grew. There was some apprehension, as previous attempts had failed, but Fred Marleau believed that the time was right. He founded an organization known as the Timiskranean National Front, it's name being a portmanteau of several important communities in the region. The organization drafted The Article of Federation, which would become the founding document of Timiskrane and effectively it's first constitution. In 2015 they began the task of going every town and every individual community in order to collect their signature and admit them into the Federation. In the end, all signatures were collected, including that of the Manatoulins, who many believed would not desire to join due to their individual economic prosperity, but after much negotiation, The Manatoulins agreed to the proposal. The Article came into effect on January 21st 2017, marking the birth of Timiskrane as a nation.


First Election and Liberal leadership

Telrovan Union Membership

During the second federal election, Timiskrane's official stance as a strictly neutral nation was contested, with several parties supporting an end to this policy, with the pro-TU vote rallying around the National Government and The Progress party. The National Government won the election, but Progress Party leader Glen Mairs ended up as Prime Minister thanks to a coalition with the Commonwealth Association. TU membership was not initally supported by Commonwealth and ended up a large subject of debate during the negotiations, but it was concede that Timiskrane would join. It became a member state on June 10th 2025.


Small mountains and lakes cover most of Timiskrane's territory, with most of the population squished into the few habitable lowlands between them. The land does flatten out into more rolling hills and agriculturally rich soil to the south, and tundra in the north. In the high altitude areas, glaciers and ice fields are common.


Timiskrane's environment most consists of boreal forests. The often acidic and rocky soil means most plants that grow in Tmiskrane are various types of evergreen trees, berry bushes, and ferns. Most animal life in Timiskrane consists of small animals, as that is all the ecosystem is capable of supporting, though it does have a few larger predators, most notably the polar bear and the arctic wolf. Timiskrane's rivers and lakes are fairly uninhabited due to them being glacier fed and very cold. However there are still several species of cold water fish and crustaceans that make it their home.


Average temperatures across Timiskrane depend mostly on altitude, with proximity to the ocean being a secondary factor. Mount Albert is the highest point in Timiskrane, and is also typically the coldest with summertime highs of -4 °C and lows of -47 °C. Meanwhile Manatoulin island, due to being surrounded by ocean and it's proximity to warm ocean and air currents, has the mildest temperatures, which usually range from 21 °C to -8 °C. The hottest temperature ever recorded in Timiskrane since it's founding was 27 °C while the lowest was -53 °C.

Government and Politics


Timiskrane is governed by a Unicameral assembly known as The Timiskrane National Legislature. It is comprised of 220 seats elected via a system of mixed member proportional representation. 110 seats are allocated to ridings and elected via first-past-the-post, with the remaining 110 divided among the 9 regions based on population and are attributed proportionally based on the regional popular vote. Timiskrane politics tend to be skewed towards the left axis, with a longstanding philosophy of free market socialism. Ideals like egalitarianism and left-wing nationalism also play a big role. The head of the government is the Prime Minister, who is the leader of the party or coalition which holds the largest plurality. The Prime Minister is free to appoint any member of the legislature to the role of Deputy Prime Minister and the various cabinet roles, though they usually come from his own party. The leader of the party or coalition with the second largest plurality becomes the Leader of the Opposition, and may similarly appoint a Deputy Leader of Opposition and Critic's Cabinet. Any member may theoretically propose a bill, though most parties dictate that the bill must be proposed and agreed upon by the caucus before it's presented to the floor. The bill can be read, debated, and modified as many times as the original proposer would like, until he either decides to retract the bill or request a vote. Once a vote is to be held, the bill passes if it receives a 50% plus one votes (so in the current structure of the legislature, it would take 111 votes to pass a bill). The most prominent Federal party is the Liberal Party, which has centrism, moderate politics, and compromise as its core values. They seek social progress, a moderately regulated economy, and a strong welfare state. The National Government and the Progress Party are also parties of major influence, which sit to the right and left of the Liberals respectively. The National Government is descended from the Timiskranean National Front, and is economically and socially balanced, while maintaining strong values of nationalism and militarism. The Progress Party sits to the Liberals left, and position themselves, as the more progressive, more left wing version of the Liberals who will stick to their values instead of compromising. They are also more libertarian then the Liberals. They have been responsible for things like the advancement of LGBT+ rights and environmental protections by brokering power during negotiations. There are also 3 more minor parties represented in government. The Commonwealth Association, which is communist, in addition to advocating for strict secularism, but is otherwise similar to the Progress Party, Society's Alliance, a fringe right wing populist party which centers themselves around values of market deregulation and lower taxes, but also advocates for more socially traditionalistic values, and United Farmers, which is a special interest party for the agricultural and rural regions of the nation. Certain responsibilities, like transport and and waste management, are handled by local authorities, like regional and municipal governments.


Timiskranean courts operate under the principles of Common Law, wherein a judges interpretation of the law must not only be based on the text of the law, but previous rulings and decisions in "precedent setting cases". This also means it is a valid legal defence in Timiskrane to argue that a law under which a person is being tried is "not in active enforcement". The highest court is the Timiskrane Supreme Court, which consists of 7 justices, who are suggested by the Prime Minister but must be approved by a majority plus one vote in the National Legislature. Justices cannot be removed by the government once appointed, as they must operate independently from the legislature and political interests. They serve for life until the mandatory retirement age of 70, though they may resign before then, if they so choose. The Timiskranean constitution contains The Act on Essential Rights and Freedoms which guarantees essential human rights and protections from the government, though it does also contain the infamous Emergency Measures Clause which allows for the government to temporarily violate these rights and protections by declaring a state of emergency. However the suspension of the act must be temporary and the emergency declaration may not last longer then 365 days. Modifying the constitution requires 70% of the votes (154) and the measure must then be submitted to a referendum before it is accepted.





Timiskrane is a member state of the Telrovan Union and is therefore required to abide by it's standardisation norms in terms of military equipment, training, and procedure. The armed forces of Timiskrane operate under a joint command, The Timiskrane Defence Force. Timiskrane spends approximately 10% of it's governmental revenue on the TDF. All Timiskranean youth are required at 18 to spend 3 years in National Service. This does not necesarily need to be the TDF (though it usually is). The requirements set out for the National Service are as follows:

  1. The person is employed by the government
  2. The person is doing work that benefits the security and prosperity nation as a whole
  3. The person shall be allowed to live on government property at no charge during this time

The National Service office screens all youth for their physical fitness and mental health, afterwards assigning them their placement. Every year the top 5% of highschool graduates in terms of grades and the top 1% in terms of performance on the physical fitness test are instead given a list of options for them to pick, known as the Honours Choice Initiative. Youth in the Honours Program also get the ability to request specialised placements, which require them getting a university degree first, and then return to accomplish their service. Placements are usually within the TDF but a certain number of placements exist in other areas, like with the Timiskranean Intelligence and Cyber Warfare department (TICW), Timiskrane Park Rangers, Build Timiskrane, Timiskrane Search and Rescue, Timiskrane Arms Development Bureau and Timiskrane Aerospace Control. Persons who have severe mental or physical disabilities may apply to be exempt from the service.

Equipment of the Timiskrane Defence Force

Personal Equipment

Model Origin Type Notes
Nord Outfitters Personal Protection Helmet Timiskrane Kevlar Bulletproof Helmet
Griffin Helmet with Helmet Mounted Sight Timiskrane Pilot's Helmet Included with purchase of the TF-1 Griffin
Tactical Bulletproof Vest Nibelia Body Armour Various Bullet Proof Vests acquired from Nibelia over the years. In the process of being phased out
Sniper Body Armour System Kursibar Body Armour Estimated 100 acquired via the black market
Advanced Tactical Combat Vest Oktadonia Body Armour Over 1000 ordered, with more to be delivered. Replacing the aging Nibelian equipment
Low Burden Chemical Protection Mask Nibelia Gas Mask
Kursibari Combat Camouflage Kursibar Camouflage Black market aquired. Use is only temporary and is being phased out
T-PAT Camouflage Timiskrane Camouflage Design commissioned by the TDF, deliveries began in March 2023.
All Purpose Utility Tool Oktadonia Multitool
Tarjavet Blade 5 Oktadonia Combat Knife
ELTIM Simple Portable Radio Timiskrane Personal Radio
Vanguard protective suit Nibelia Bomb Suit Imported prior to the Act of Federation. No longer actively imported
Minefinder 500 Nibelia Mine Detector
Nibelia Military Free Fall Parachute Nibelia Parachute Imported prior to the Act of Federation. No longer actively imported
TPC-1 Timiskrane Parachute Replacing Nibelian Parachutes

Small Arms

Model Origin Type Caliber Notes
Example Kursibar Pistol Example Example
Example Oktadonia Pistol Example Example
Example Fleet of Oceans Bolt-Action Rifle Example Example
Tekka Rifles TC-1 Timiskrane Carbine 5.56x45 Tekka is a local hunting rifle manufacturer and manufactured the bolt action rifles previously used by Timiskrane military and militias. Though they had no previous experience in full automatic weapons, the benefit of the Tekka proposal was it's usage of the same cartridge as the old bolt actions, and many of the same parts, allowing for old surplus to be recycled. Has a progressive trigger allowing it to be fired as a semi-automatic by lightly depressing the trigger, or fully automatic by pulling it all the way back.
Example Timiskrane Sniper Rifle Example Example
Example Timiskrane Submachine Gun Example Example
Example Fleet of Oceans Machine Gun Example Example
Example Timiskrane Grenade Launcher Example Example
Example Timiskrane Hand Grenade Example Example
Example Kursibar Smoke Grenade Example Example
Example Nibelia Anti-Personnel Mine Example Example
Example Nibelia Recoilless Rifle Example Example
Example Timiskrane Anti-Tank Example Example