Constitution of the FRP

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As united workers of the Federation of Russian People we all contribute to the nation's current state and it's future. We all will contribute to the safety of the nation and it's future generations and support each action of the Central Committee. And to aid other nations and civilians in any way possible.

The Federation of Russian People is a Socialistic varient of Workers Socialism.

Article 1: National Identity

The name of the nation will be addressed as the Federation of Russian People. The name may be abbriveated to: Russia, The Federation, The FRP.

All civilians must be addressed as Russian no matter what race. All civilians must address eachover as either Comrade, Sir/Ma'am or by their name. Military personnel under the rank of Training Officer must be addressed as Comrade or their name. Personnel TO to General must be addressed as Comrade [name] whilst on duty. Personnel General+ must be addressed as Comrade [rank] [name] whilst on duty.

Article 2: Rights & Freedoms

Article 2.I: Basic Rights

Citizens of the Federation of Russian People have the irriversible right to live peacefully and work for the glourious nation.