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Dzulqarnain (Realms)

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Realms of the Multiverse character
Created byRMD
Based onDzulqarnain
Portrayed byMickey Rourke
BirthdayUnknown, fourth century B.C.
AlignmentLawful good
Additional information
  • Black logo transparent.png Black
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ShùnéngUnnamed Shùnéng

Dzulqarnain (Chinese: 左勒盖尔奈英 Zuǒlēigàiěrnàiyīng, The Horned One) was a king in the Realms of the Multiverse. He is known for his sealing of the Gog and Magog.


Dzulqarnain was a man of North African descent, although his specific lineage is unknown. He was always depicted wearing his signature helmet, which was gold in colour and had a line down the middle, separating the two halves of it vertically, as well as two horns, hence his epithet. His armour consisted of a robe under a chestplate and a pair of boots, although he has been seen wearing a golden robe outside of expeditions.


He has been shown to be a just leader, as when God offered him a choice to either punish or reqard the people of the Iberian peninsula upon encountering them as a test, he chose a third option, which is to share the knowledge of Islam to them and only punish those who remained wicked after beight taught of right and wrong.

He is also known to be wise, selfless, and pious, rejecting the reward offered by the people terrorized by the Gog and Magog for building a wall to contain the latter two because he was content with the reward God would give him after his task.

Shuneng and abilities


Dzulqarnain's Shuneng, which used black, white, and red Qì, allowed him to manipulate earth, rocks, and metals.

Wall of mountains

Dzulqarnain could create a barrier spanning multiple kilometres of steel, cool and harden it, then cover it with a layer of copper, then cool and hardened that layer before covering the entire barrier under rocks and earth, which sealed the Gog and Magog.

Steel Pillars

Dzulqarnain could make pillars of steel emerge from the ground to either ride on or to strike his enemies with. He could make the pillars edged, allowing them to impale enemies.


Athletic physique

Dzulqarnain was a healthy and vigourous man who was strong enough to take on multiple opponents hand-to-hand by himself.


Being raised as royalty, Dzulqarnain was a capable leader who could inspire the loyalty and respect of his subjects and rule justly.