BBV Celebrity Season 7: In-Depth Episode Synopsis

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Introductory Statement
This is the episode synopsis for Celebrity BBV Season 7!

How does the game work?

The contestants, known as "houseguests" must become the last one standing to win $100 000 (prize for celebrity edition)! The week begins with somebody becoming the Head of Household or "HOH" for short. This person then nominates two people for "eviction", which is the term for "elimination" in this show.

After this, they compete to win the Power of Veto, which allows the holder to save one of the two nominees. Of course, the option to not use it is there. Should the Power of Veto, or POV for short, be used, the reigning Head of Household must name a replacement nominee. This person can not be the ex-nominee who was just saved or the Power of Veto holder.

The only choice for the two nominees is to campaign to ensure that they stay past the end of the week. Once that time comes, everybody, except for the nominees, vote for who they want gone. The Head of Household can only vote in the event of a tie. The person with the most votes is "evicted" and must leave the game immediately. Following this, another Head of Household competition is held but the outgoing HOH is not eligible to win it.

Additional Info For This Page

Each episode of the season will be receiving an in-depth synopsis, which will include confessionals. Confessionals are private moments when the contestant will tell the camera information, such as their thoughts on things or even strategy. In short, these are noted as CC or "Confessional Cam" in the synopsis. Contestants have these confessionals in the "Diary Room". Their location in the synopsis is based off the edit on the episode.

Eviction 1

Eviction 1 Episode 1 The host, Sofia Venoa, opens up by telling the audience that the house is like no other. As the house tour commences, she tells them that the theme is a spaceship and the houseguests are asleep in the cryostasis pods.

Sofia tells the audience that the houseguests are already in the house. The houseguests are all blindfolded in the backyard in pods. One by one, the pods unlock and the host, Sofia Venoa, tells them that, if they hear their name, they can take off the blindfold. Astrid CCs that she is ready to meet everybody. She is not, however, ready for all the drama. Rodrigo CCs that he has a legacy to uphold. Hopefully, all the years not competing on the show will help him. Doomsday CCs that he's seen a few seasons so he knows what he signed up for.

Astrid is the first to take off her blindfold. She introduces herself.
Astrid: "I am Astrid Auricchio and I am a two time Miss Vitosium champion. 2005 and 2012. Since 2013, I have been married to my amazing husband--and fellow model--Sandro Maciel."

Serafina is the second to take off her blindfold. She introduces herself.

Leiona is the third to take off her blindfold. She introduces herself.

Doomsday is the fourth to take off his blindfold. She introduces herself.
Doomsday: "My name is Alec John Pavellend but those who know me in the ring know me as ... Doomsday. I have been a professional boxer for 18 years, winning championships and awards throughout my run. When I'm not throwing jabs, I'm spending time with my beautiful wife, Nadia, and my children, Sarina and Alec Jr. or 'AJ' as he likes to be called."

The four of them are instructed to enter the house.

Kilian is the fifth to take off his blindfold. He introduces himself.

Cirano is the sixth to take off his blindfold. He introduces himself.

Rosca is the seventh to take off her blindfold. She introduces herself.

Giovanni is the eighth to take off his blindfold. He introduces himself.

The four of them are instructed to enter the house. Everybody is incredibly excited to see Kilian Heidenreich.

Quintino is the ninth to take off his blindfold. He introduces himself.

Graziella is the tenth to take off her blindfold. She introduces herself.

Rodrigo is the eleventh to take off his blindfold. He introduces himself.
Rodrigo: "My name is Rodrigo Ottaviano Alvise Valenzano and I am a two time Big Brother legend. The fans know me for my downright ruthless gameplay and stellar strategies that got me to the Top 4 twice where one of those times ... I won. Since All Stars, I have been enjoying life with my husband and fellow Season 4 alumni, Callum Martocci. We have three cats!"

Lauren is the twelfth to take off her blindfold. She introduces herself.

The four of them are instructed to enter the house.

Conner/"Sophie" is the thirteenth to take off his blindfold. He introduces himself.

Isotta is the fourteenth to take off her blindfold. She introduces herself.

Joni is the last to take off her blindfold. She introduces herself.

The three of them are instructed to enter the house.

Sofia Venoa calls everybody to the living room and congratulates them all for making it to Celebrity Big Brother Season 7! She says that, since 2013, many, many celebrities have competed with six coming out victorious and entering the Big Brother Hall of Fame alongside the winners of the civilian seasons. These celebrities are ... Diamond Sosa ... Graezzon ... Cinto Zimmer ... Griffin Araiva ... Jonata Salviati ... and Johnnie Lissoa. It's only a matter of time before one of them is crowned the seventh winner of Celebrity Big Brother! Until then, there is a guest waiting for them. The doorbell rings as Celebrity Big Brother Season 1 winner, Diamond Sosa, enters the house. Everybody is excited. She reveals that, from the next round onwards, former Celebrity Big Brother houseguests will come in and reveal twists as this season will be a very twisty one. She also reveals that she will be staying the night. Diamond enters the CC room and says that it is amazing to be back. Graziella asks what it was like to compete on the show. Diamond says that it was about nine years ago and she didn't really know what she was getting into. She CCs that it was an insane experience and she would love to do it again. It's a pleasant memory of hers. Later, in one of the bedrooms, Joni and Lauren pull Rodrigo aside. Joni and Lauren CC: Joni says that anybody who is playing Big Brother should know of Rodrigo Valenzano. Lauren says that he is a very dangerous and sneaky player and is her favourite player of all time. Joni says that need him. Joni says that the three of them are very, very famous Reality TV personalities and may be targeted as soon as possible. Rodrigo agrees. Lauren says that Rodrigo could easily be targeted first, followed by them. After all, Rodrigo is the best player to ever play the game. Rodrigo thanks her, CCing that he knows who Joni and Lauren are. They are very, very powerful Survivor players. A part of him wanted to target them but they are right: the three of them could very well be the first targets. Rodrigo asks about if Isotta could be a target as well. Lauren adores Isotta and says that she is a good player as well but may be able to slide under the radar. Joni agrees and says that Isotta isn't on her radar and shouldn't be on anybody else's yet. Joni and Lauren CC: Lauren says that Isotta Renni knows how to work the social game. Joni agrees and says that she should be fine. In the bathroom, Graziella, Rosca and Isotta are laughing as Conner tells some jokes. Graziella CCs that she is a huge fan of drag queens like Sophie Lyzz and meeting the person behind the persona is huge for her. She loves the idea of drag and has even done drag herself. Conner says that he and Ben [Kirkland / "Benjiggly"] are a fantastic duo when it comes to drag and performance. When you see a Sophie Lyzz show, expect a Benjiggly show and vice versa. They are a team and that will never change. He says that he started doing drag back in 2003. Conner CCs that he's been doing drag for almost 20 years and that is incredible to think about. He and Benjiggly have about six drag children!

Sofia Venoa calls them to the living room where she says that the first HOH competition will commence.

ROSCA is the first HOH!

Episode 2 It is right after the HOH competition! Rosca CCs that she won the first HOH of the season and she is super excited! How she does as HOH will determine how she'll do for the rest of the season. Every step matters. Everybody is back in the house. Rosca says that, tonight, they will party and then, tomorrow, they can all scramble. Kilian CCs that Rosca isn't one for reassurance, it seems. Later, Rosca is in one of the bedrooms with Graziella, Astrid and Leiona. She suggests a powerful all-women alliance between the four of them. They are all in. In the living room, Quintino cracks some jokes with Joni, Lauren, Conner and Cirano. Doomsday gestures Quintino towards the bathroom. There, he suggests they build an alliance, which Quintino is good with. Doomsday says that he thinks that Serafina and Kilian would be great in their alliance. Doomsday is shown in the pantry talking to Serafina about the alliance with Kilian, himself and Quintino. Serafina is perfectly okay with this alliance. Serafina, Doomsday and Quintino talk to Kilian about an alliance in one of the bedrooms. Kilian is ecstatic about it and suggests they come up with a name. Graziella overhears the alliance coming up with a name and goes right to Rosca and tells her that Doomsday, Kilian, Quintino and Serafina made an alliance. Rosca doesn't believe her as she feels like Graziella is just trying to control her HOH. Graziella argues that what she saw is true and as her alliance-mate, they should work as a team. Rosca says that she has bigger fish to fry. She nominates Astrid and Graziella for eviction and tells everybody that she plans to backdoor somebody. Astrid and Graziella are livid that Rosca didn't talk to them first and argue with her in the HOH room. Astrid, Graziella and Leiona talk to themselves about finding a new fourth in their alliance. They then recruit Isotta, who is excited. Doomsday talks to Rosca in the HOH room about how she should target one of the Reality TV personalities due to three of them being winners and the other one being one of the best Survivor players to not win. Rosca says that she will consider it. After Doomsday leaves, Rosca says that her plan since she won HOH was to backdoor Doomsday and, now, she will cause some drama. She talks to Joni and Lauren about how Doomsday wants them out. She says that she is planning to backdoor him and hopes that, if they win HOH next, they will keep her safe. They both agree to that. There is a small montage of Giovanni being incredibly kind to people. In the parlour room, Giovanni tells Graziella, Lauren, Rodrigo and Rosca that he isn't here to be the next strategic mastermind. He's always been upfront and honest with everybody and that is how he wants to play. The others appreciate that and respect him. The VETO players have been chosen. Kilian discusses how he got his start in acting. Later, Astrid, Graziella and Leiona talk to Doomsday about how he is in trouble and should push for somebody else to be the target. Doomsday discusses pushing the Reality TV Personalities.
Episode 3 The VETO Competition happens and Quintino wins! Quintino celebrates with his alliance in the pantry (himself, Kilian, Serafina and Doomsday). Quintino says that he plans to use the VETO on one of the nominations for sure. He is curious about this "backdoor" plan. Kilian hopes that the target isn't one of them. The four of them decide to make an alliance name and decide on "The Shadow Council". As Giovanni is cooking food, he tells the others in the kitchen with him (Astrid, Conner, Joni, Kilian, Rodrigo) about his start in the culinary field. In the HOH room, Rosca talks with her "alliance" (herself, Astrid, Graziella and Leiona). She says that she has revealed to them before the competition that Doomsday is her target. Now, they need to ensure that Quintino uses the VETO on one of them. In the living room, Doomsday talks to everybody about how he met his wife, Nadia, during one of his matches. She was in the audience and became a fan of his during his third year. Later, In the backyard, Astrid, Graziella, Leiona and Isotta discuss going after Rosca next. None of them can trust her. Rosca talks to Cirano and Rodrigo about how Doomsday is her target. If the VETO is used, she wants them to vote him out. They both agree to it. After Rosca leaves, Rodrigo tells Cirano that it would be entertaining to vote out the pawn instead. This way, Doomsday would go after her since he is very likely to win HOH next. Cirano agrees. Rodrigo talks with Isotta about how Rosca is super adamant about Doomsday going. Isotta says that she is unsure but, in her case, her and Doomsday haven't spoken much. Doomsday joins their conversation and Rodrigo spills that he is in trouble and the HOH wants him gone. Doomsday heads to the HOH room and tells her that Rodrigo told him that Rosca wants him gone. Rosca goes downstairs and engages in an argument with Rodrigo, threatening to backdoor him. After the argument, Rodrigo is dumbfounded at Doomsday.

Quintino uses the VETO on Graziella.
Rosca nominates Doomsday.
Doomsday is evicted.

Eviction 2

Eviction 2 Episode 4 Celebrity Big Brother Season 1 and 6 competitor, Raymond Toura, comes in and reveals that one of them will be safe for two rounds. However, whoever wins the upcoming HOH competition can't compete for the Immunity Challenge. Leiona wins HOH! Before the HOH room is revealed, Astrid talks about winning Miss Vitosium in 2005 at the age of 20 and what it was like for her. In the pantry, Rosca talks to Leiona about how she should target Kilian, Rodrigo and Quintino. Leiona is unsure about that at the moment but she will consider it. Rosca says that they should work as a team. Leiona says that Graziella told her the same thing during her HOH reign and she brushed her off. Astrid Auricchio wins Immunity for TWO rounds! Everybody is excited for her. In one of the bedrooms, Lauren and Joni are cuddling. Lauren says that, in four years, she'll be 50. When they competed on Survivor Season 1, she was only 28! Joni can not believe that it's been almost 20 years since their first season together, as well as when they first met. Isotta Renni talks to Leiona about how Cirano and Conner are really good people. Leiona agrees and says that she can trust them. She then asks Isotta about Quintino. Isotta says that he is downright hilarious. In the bathroom, Astrid tells Graziella and Cirano that the vote was 8-3. She wants to find out who tried to vote her out. Graziella says that it's pretty easy. She overheard the alliance being made and no one believed her. It was Kilian, Doomsday, Quintino and Serafina. So, it only makes sense that Kilian, Quintino and Serafina didn't want to vote out their ally. Astrid leaves and goes to talk to Serafina. She says that, since she was in an alliance with Doomsday, if that was her reason for voting her out. Serafina agrees and says that everybody found out about the alliance but they didn't want Doomsday to go out unanimously. Astrid says that she can appreciate the loyalty. In the HOH room, Astrid tells Leiona that they should take out Quintino or Serafina since Kilian is a legend and needs to stay for awhile. Leiona says that the three of them may still be an alliance but she is unsure as she wants to target ... Rosca. In the HOH room, later, Leiona tells Quintino, Serafina and Kilian that she really likes their sense of loyalty. If things work out this week, she is hoping to be their new fourth with the others okay with that. Later in the pantry, Kilian, Quintino and Serafina celebrate over being safe for the week. Serafina talks to them about how once Leiona targets Rosca, they should take Leiona out next. Quintino and Kilian are confused. As this happens, Rosca and Conner walk by. Rosca gestures Conner to the door as Serafina says that Rosca going this week is a given but Leiona is a mega threat as well. Rosca and Conner run up to the HOH room and reveal to Leiona about what Serafina was saying. Rosca laughs off the part where Serafina says that she is "gone this week". Leiona then reveals that Rosca is, indeed, her target. Rosca is shocked while Conner, openly, says that he expected this.

Rosca: Wait, wait, wait. I'm your target?
Leiona: Well, yeah. You were a horrible alliance member to Graziella and Astrid and people around the house are sketched out by you.
Rosca: You can't seriously target me. Are you serious?!
Leiona: Unless your deaf, you heard what I said.
Rosca: I was the one who brought you into the alliance.
Conner: Wait, hold on. You two, Graziella and Astrid are allied?
Rosca: Not anymore, it seems.
Leiona: You put two of your allies up on the block without talking to us!
Conner: Leiona has a point.
Rosca: Shut up, Conner. Nobody cares.
Leiona: Hey, I care!

It turns into a loud argument between the two. Leiona nominates Quintino and Rosca for eviction. Quintino talks to Leiona in the HOH room, saying that it made no sense why he had to go up. Leiona says that everybody loves him and there is no way he'll go home. She made it clear that her target is Rosca. She also tells Quintino that, if Rosca wins the VETO, she has an enormous decision to make because she heard from Rosca and Conner that Serafina wants her out next. Quintino confirms this, downright shocking Leiona. Rosca goes downstairs and confronts Serafina in one of the bedrooms about her targeting her. Serafina lies and says that Quintino said that. Quintino, hearing his name from the kitchen, runs to the bedroom and defends himself from the accusation. It becomes Leiona and Quintino vs Serafina. Afterwards, Serafina is crying in the bathroom while Leiona and Quintino are in the pantry fuming. TO BE CONTINUED.

Episode 5 The VETO Competition happens with Rosca as the winner! While Serafina storms off to the bedroom, Kilian pulls Quintino aside in the bathroom and tells him that they need to make a new alliance and quick or one of them will be targeted next. He also tells Quintino that, if Serafina is the replacement nominee, they can't blame Leiona for making a move that benefited her. Quintino agrees. Serafina enters the bathroom and says that they need to campaign to Rosca and tell her not to use the VETO. Kilian and Quintino don't think that her plan will work. Serafina leaves and finds Rosca in the kitchen. She tells Rosca, in front of others (Astrid, Cirano, Conner, Giovanni, Rodrigo), that using the VETO is bad for her (Rosca). Rosca, confused, asked if Serafina has the votes to take out Quintino if that's the case. Serafina says that she could get them easily (with Quintino overhearing this from the bathroom). She says that she'll just ask everybody here if they'll vote Quintino out. Quintino leaves the bathroom and tells Serafina to stop. Serafina says that maybe Rosca can use the VETO on Quintino and Leiona can put up somebody else like a bigger threat. Quintino says "yeah, like you". Serafina says that, if that is how he wants to be, maybe Quintino can go now. Rosca asks if her original plan was to get her to not use the VETO and then vote her out. Serafina admits to that and then says that her new target is Quintino. Leiona comes out of the HOH room to hear everything going on.

Eviction is Day 9 / February 22nd.

Rosca uses the VETO on herself.
Leiona nominates Giovanni Mannera, saying that she respects him so much but he is such a wildcard in the game and can't trust him as a potential ally. Everybody, especially Serafina, is blindsided by Giovanni going up.
Giovanni is evicted. He tells everybody, as he leaves, that he respects Leiona's move 100% and tells his fans to not send her hate at all. He tells them to have a good time.

Eviction 3

Eviction 3 Episode 6 Everybody is still shocked from the eviction. Serafina says that she is so surprised she wasn't nominated.

Flashback to Four Hours Before Eviction:
Rodrigo and Leiona are in the HOH room. Leiona says that Quintino and Serafina wanting to go after each-other is good for her and for them. Rodrigo agrees and says that it could be a good idea going after a sleeper threat for now. Leiona is thinking somebody that nobody will target for a long time. She asks him about Cirano, Isotta and Giovanni. Rodrigo says that everybody loves those three but he is so unsure about Giovanni. He says that he won't talk strategy while in the game, although he doesn't need to. The guy is loved. Leiona says that she doesn't know if she can trust him as an ally, especially if he wins HOH. Rodrigo says the same and says that, if he won HOH, he would take out Giovanni cause him winning is bad for anybody and everybody. Leiona says that, if she backdoors him, especially against Quintino Cima, she needs a guarantee that Quintino won't go home.

The HOH competition happens! Quintino wins HOH! Celebrity Big Brother 5 runner-up, Liv Gesner, enters the house and reveals that two houseguests will be in for a shock as they will receive a curse. In the backyard, it is revealed that Cirano and Rodrigo will be receiving the curse, which means that, not only can they not vote in the upcoming eviction, but they must also wear condiment costumes. On top of this, this is not an immunity.

In the bathroom, Kilian talks to himself. He says that, everybody knows him as a huge action star and says that he has been throwing competitions as he could go far as long as people don't think he is a physical threat outside of his movies. He also wishes his wife, Antonia (60yrs) well, as well as his six children, Eduard Heidenreich (1982 - 38yrs), Miguela Heidenreich (1988 - 33yrs), Veronika Macedo (nee Heidenreich) (1990 - 30 years), Sandro Heidenreich (1993 - 27 yrs), Monika Heidenreich (2000 - 20 yrs) and Adriano Heidenreich (2002 - 19 yrs) and his grandchildren. In the kitchen, Kilian says that, if he is still around on March 5th, if they can all give a shoutout to his daughter, Miguela, as that is her birthday. If the season is still going by March 25th and he is still here by then, if they could do the same to his daughter, Veronika. Everybody agrees to that with no issue. Later, in one of the bedrooms, Rodrigo is talking to himself, saying that he should be safe this week, hopefully, and that he should be covered with most of the house. He says that, unless he does something stupid or if he gets unlucky with certain people winning HOH, maybe he'll be good.

Flashback to Day 2:
Rodrigo, Joni and Lauren are in one of the bedrooms. Joni says that they really need to watch out for each-other. Rodrigo agrees and says that they need to let the others know if anybody wants them out. He says that superfans of the game or even Survivor could be the most dangerous threats to them. Joni and Lauren agree.

Flashback to Day 4:
Rodrigo and Cirano are in the bathroom. Rodrigo says that he's been following him for years. He has a lot of respect for him. Cirano thanks him and says that he'll watch the seasons he was on after the show was done. He feels like Rodrigo being on All Stars just shows that he is a good player. Rodrigo thanks him for the compliment and says that he would like it if they allied. Cirano is excited about that.

Flashback to Day 5:
Rodrigo and Leiona are in one of the bedrooms. Rodrigo tells Leiona that you really know somebody when they try to ally with you while your HOH. Leiona agrees and says that she would probably turn down any alliances others try to make with her while she is HOH. Rodrigo says that, while they are on the topic, they should, definitely, become a duo. Leiona is excited about that!

Flashback to Day 8:
Isotta, Quintino and Leiona are in the kitchen. Leiona says that, as a superfan of the show, she was expecting the ruthless Rodrigo to play the game with them. Ten and a half years really made him a more trustworthy player, she feels. Isotta and Quintino agree, although neither watched his seasons. Quintino says that Rodrigo is a very trustworthy player and is not at all this ruthless player like Rosca or Serafina. Leiona says that she has an idea and brings Rodrigo to the kitchen. She suggests to the four of them that they all become allied. They all agree.

In the HOH room, Isotta, Quintino, Leiona and Rodrigo talk about naming their new alliance. Isotta says IQLR could be a good placeholder for now or even "The Facades". Everybody likes "The Facades". They all come up with a goofy hand signal for the alliance. Elsewhere, Joni is sitting with Lauren in the bathroom. Joni says that they haven't done much in the first 10 days and, thankfully, they were not evicted. Now, they need to really start oplaying. Lauren says that, together, they are an unstoppable duo, even if they are playing as one houseguest. Joni says that they can split priorities between them, with Lauren saying that she'll handle alliances for sure. There is a small montage of Lauren talking to Graziella, Kilian, Rosca, Serafina, Cirano and Conner (one on one) about how her and Joni would be amazing allies with them. They all agree as they really respect the two of them. Joni is shown talking with Conner about making sure the two of them are good with Quintino to avoid being nominated, talking with Kilian about how she would never put him up, talking with Serafina about how she would put up Quintino if she had won HOH, and then talking with Graziella about how she trusts her a lot and thinks that they (and Lauren) would work well together. There is then a mini montage of people finding Cirano Griffo to be very entertaining and extra. In the HOH room, Quintino tells Kilian that the two of them are set for the Final 2. Even if he lost against him, he wants them in the Finals together. Kilian agrees and says that he is surprised to have bonded with Quintino that much. Downstairs, Serafina is quiet in the bathroom. Isotta comes in and asks her what's wrong. Serafina says that she is as good as gone this week as Quintino will target her no matter what. Isotta says that she can't just sit there and mope when she put herself in that position to begin with. Graziella comes in and Isotta tells her that Serafina feels defeated. She tells Serafina that she messed up last week so the most she can do is try to talk things calmly with him. After Serafina leaves, Graziella tells Isotta that she doesn't trust her but she doesn't want her to give up either. Isotta agrees. Serafina is in the HOH room with Quintino. She tells him that, if he nominates her, she is guaranteed to come after him next week. Quintino tells her that if he evicts her this week, he won't have to worry about that. He nominates Rosca (for Doomsday) and Serafina (for her actions during Leiona's HOH). Rosca is super upset with Quintino and storms off to the bedroom where she throws the pillows in that room. She rages over being nominated "over and over". Serafina is in the backyard telling Conner, Cirano and Lauren that she will take out Quintino next week, guaranteed. TO BE CONTINUED.

Episode 7 Astrid, Graziella, Leiona and Isotta are in the kitchen. The four of them talk about wanting Rosca out but will take out Serafina for Quintino if it means recruiting him to their side. They can always take out Rosca when one of them wins HOH. The four of them are super set on making the Final 4 together. In one of the bedrooms, Cirano, Joni, Kilian and Rodrigo say that they are all set on evicting Serafina this week but neither of them trust Rosca. Serafina is shown in the parlour room talking to herself, saying that she needs to smarten up and salvage things with Quintino since they used to be allies. She says that she just needs to be rational and work together with him, as opposed to him. She goes up to the HOH room where she apologizes for what she did and says that she wants to work with him again. She says that she plans to be a better ally to him. Later, Quintino talks to Kilian where Kilian says that he believes in second chances. In the parlour room, Conner tells Cirano that the two of them never spoke about being an alliance. He says that they have that connection and should make it official. Cirano is, perfectly, okay with this. Conner says that, when the numbers dwindle, the two of them may be targeted for that connection so they should win as many competitions as they can and keep the power. Cirano says that he is very okay with this. Cirano then asks Conner about his experiences on Big Brother so far. Conner says that he is having a lot of fun and is making a lot of friends. He knows he'll have to backstab but he was also in a season of a show the two of them know all too well where he had to do that. The VETO competition happens with Isotta winning! Serafina talks to Quintino and Kilian in the HOH room and says that they should ally again, this time without any of her antics. The other two are good with that. After Serafina leaves, Quintino tells Kilian that the house seems set on evicting her at this point and, if she ends up going, that is one less person after him. Kilian says that Serafina is a good person who just couldn't handle the stresses of the house. Rosca is the same. So, if Serafina goes, he hopes that she at least had a good experience. Quintino says that he'll leave it up to the houseguests. In the bathroom, Rodrigo tells Joni, Lauren and Isotta that he isn't sure about Serafina going this wee like Quintino wants. He says that the two of them will just go after each-other, plus Rosca is a massive wildcard with a temper that can win competitions. They should really try and flip the script. The others agree. Rodrigo talks with Conner about sending out Rosca and letting Quintino and Serafina's rivalry alive. If one of them goes now, the other may target them during their next HOH. Conner says that Rodrigo has a point. After Rodrigo leaves, Conner says that either going is good.

Eviction is Day 15 / February 28th.

Isotta does NOT use the VETO, shocking Serafina.
Rosca is evicted.

Eviction 4

Eviction 4 Episode 8 The HOH competition sees Serafina and Kilian in the final round. Kilian decides to throw it, meaning Serafina wins HOH. Kilian does miss his family a lot but doesn't want to jeopardize his game when he could win it all. So, he chose to throw the challenge instead of win HOH and see pictures, as well as get a letter, from his family. In the parlour room, Kilian says all this to himself as he tries to hold back tears. Serafina and Quintino enter the parlour room and all three celebrate. Serafina says that the two of them are, obviously, safe. She was so shocked by Isotta backstabbing her that she wants to target her. Quintino and Kilian are good with that.

Celebrity Big Brother 4 houseguest, Fae Fonnend, enters the house and reveals that there will two twists. The first twist is that Rosca Palacino has chosen, upon her eviction, to have one person safe for one round (Graziella) and, that, this week will have two vetoes in play.

After a small montage of Cirano Griffo (who was born May 19th, 1970) being extra and making people laugh, he talks to Conner, Isotta, Kilian and Leiona in the living room about how he got started as a stylist when he was 18 (1988) due to an internship. He was mentored by Louis D. Ferreira for a few years before he was able to try and make it on his own. He would then join Ferreira's company from 1992-1997), which would help him make a lot of celebrity connections. When he was 28 (1998), he would then open up his own styling company. Later, Conner organizes a runway for everybody to participate in while in drag as Sophie Lyzz. Everybody is excited and even Kilian, who is 64, participates and has a good time. Isotta, Quintino, Leiona and Rodrigo (The Facades) meet up where they discuss making sure that none of them are put up. When Rodrigo is alone, he talks to himself, saying that he has been playing super hard and he needs to slow down or he'll be evicted. In the HOH room, the one-on-ones go as such: Graziella tells Serafina that she feels confident with her. They've spoken quite a bit and believes that they get along quite fine. She says that, if she wins HOH, she won't touch the block at all. Kilian tells Serafina that he respects her and feels like they should protect each-other. He is happy that them and Quintino have an alliance. Also, if he wins a VETO and she is up, he'll use it on her. Isotta tells Serafina that she has her back. She hasn't voted for her and she feels like they are good together. Serafina tells her that her not using the VETO made her feel a little betrayed because she definitely thought her and Isotta were good. Isotta says that she didn't want there to be a chance that people would save Rosca. Quintino tells her that they've put everything behind them and they are ready to go. Whoever she wants targeted, he'll vote them out. Afterall, they are a team now. Joni and Lauren tell her that they've been good with her since Day 1 and that hasn't changed. They tell her that they'll vote out whoever they want gone. Cirano jokes around with Serafina then tells her that he trusts her judgment. Rodrigo asks her what's on her mind. He says that, if he can help her in anyway, he will. Later, in the HOH room, Kilian and Quintino tell Serafina that, maybe, they can get a new fourth person since Doomsday went home first. Serafina is good with that idea. Kilian is relieved that they can really move forward as an alliance after what happened during Leiona's HOH. Serafina debates putting up Leiona due to everything starting on her HOH. Quintino makes a toast to the revival of "The Shadow Council" alliance. They all toast. In the bathroom, Rodrigo, Isotta, Joni and Lauren discuss not knowing what Serafina will do. Rodrigo says that a part of him is concerned that people will target them sooner than later and wonders if, should one of them win next week, they should nominate one of them as a pawn to prove to the house that they aren't working together. Just one as opposed to Cinto Zimmer. Isotta, Joni and Lauren agree but says that only if one of them wins one of the next two HOHs. Later, alone in the pantry, Serafina gets paranoid and thinks that Quintino will come after her. She thinks that the alliance's revival is just some deception. She nominates Isotta and Quintino. In the HOH room, Quintino asks if he is up due to everybody still believing that they would go after each-other. Serafina says that "The Shadow Council" was a lie and she knows that he still wants her out. Quintino says that he was being genuine but it appears that she is the one who lied as he is still being targeted. He leaves the HOH room. As he heads into the backyard, Serafina announces to everybody that Quintino is her target. This leads Quintino and Serafina to have a loud argument. VETO players are chosen. Isotta heads into the HOH room and asks Serafina if she was nominated due to her not using the VETO on her. Serafina confirms this and says that she doesn't care which of them go this week. Isotta, a little fed up, tells Serafina that everybody thinks that she is a nutcase and a wildcard and leaves the HOH. This leads to the two of them having a loud argument in the kitchen before they both storm off. TO BE CONTINUED.

Episode 9 The fight between Isotta and Serafina just finished. In the backyard, Quintino is telling Kilian, Lauren, Cirano and Leiona that he plans to fight for the VETO, win HOH and put her up. This time, he hopes that she can be evicted once and for all. Serafina comes outside and tells everybody that she is open if anybody else wants to argue. Since they all want her out anyway, it doesn't matter to her. Rodrigo comes out into the backyard and Serafina says that, maybe, she should backdoor Rodrigo as he won the game before. Rodrigo shoots her a look and goes towards the pool. Graziella wins the first VETO while Lauren wins the second VETO! In the bathroom, Astrid tells Graziella that Serafina makes her uncomfortable. Isotta comes into the bathroom and says that she wants to win HOH next week and take Serafina out. Astrid says that a part of her was dumb for not really talking to Serafina since she won HOH but feels like, maybe, the replacement nominee would be somebody else. Isotta asks Astrid if she is worried about being the replacement nominee with Astrid saying that she is. Joni walks into the bathroom and says that Serafina's warpath is uncomfortable. The others agree. Joni says that Graziella and Lauren should talk and discuss the VETO ideas. She thinks that they could work out a strategy that screws over Serafina's HOH. Later, Serafina calls Rodrigo into the HOH room where she tells him that she knows that Rodrigo won once already. Rodrigo says that he won Season 4 back in 2008, which is almost 14 years ago. Serafina says that, if the VETO is used, she wants him out as he is a massive threat. He asks about Quintino but Serafina says that she'll get everybody to vote him out this week then she will get them all to vote out Quintino next week or, maybe, the other way around.

Eviction is Day 18 / March 3rd.

Graziella uses the VETO on Isotta.
Serafina nominates Rodrigo.
Lauren uses the VETO on Rodrigo.
Serafina nominates Astrid. She tells her (and everybody) that Astrid hasn't spoken to her since she won HOH but that doesn't mean she wants her out. Her target is Quintino, first and foremost.
Astrid is evicted.

It is a double eviction!
Rodrigo wins HOH!
He nominates Isotta and Serafina, who is not pleased.
Leiona wins VETO.
Leiona uses the VETO on Isotta.
Rodrigo nominates Joni and Lauren.
Serafina is evicted.

Eviction 5

Eviction 5 Episode 10 Serafina has just been evicted. Every single person left is grateful that Rodrigo took her out. Conner tells Quintino, in front of everybody, that he voted for him to stay to ruin Serafina's HOH. Conner wins HOH! Minutes after they all come in, the doorbell in and walks in Celebrity Big Brother 2 winner, Graezzon! He warns people that things are about to get hectic. She says that, for the next six days, there will be multiple chances to win money but there may be risks involved. He says that, for the first Money Impasse, he needs three houseguests. J&L, Leiona and Quintino raise their hands first and are brought to the backyard where they go behind podiums. They are told that they have 5 minutes to decide if 8K is worth leaving the game at the Final 9. As the timer starts, the three of them just talk and joke around until the timer is up. Graezzon notes that since nobody pressed the button, nobody will receive 8K. He leaves, saying that he will return and the houseguests will get another Money Impasse.

After that, everybody is shocked at what just happened. Back inside, they all have a toast for staying in the game despite the incentive.
Celebrity Big Brother 2 winner, Graezzon walks in and tells everybody to head into the backyard. Everybody goes behind a podium with a button and Graezzon tells them that the first person to push the button will get a cash reward but will have to take a punishment. The punishment will appear on the screen, as well as the cash amount. After one minute, it'll disappear and the next one will show up. Rinse and repeat.

1) 4K for wearing a silly costume for 4 days. Rodrigo talks it.
2) 4K for cold showers for 4 days. Rodrigo also talks it.
3) 4K to eat "slop" for 4 days. Rodrigo also takes it.
4) 8K to be auto nominated as the third nominee for three rounds, including this one. This means they can't participate in the next two HOHs as well. Rodrigo takes it.

In the pantry, Rodrigo tells himself that he would be targeted for the amount of money he made if this was a regular season but, due to it being a Celebrity season, everybody has money already.

Celebrity Big Brother 2 winner, Graezzon walks in and tells everybody to head into the backyard. He tells Rodrigo that he will give him a VETO but it will cost him ... $16K. Rodrigo declines. Graezzon then offers everybody a chance to win $6K but they must have a cold shower and eat slop until the next eviction ceremony ends. Conner takes it.

Episode 11 Celebrity Big Brother 2 winner, Graezzon enters and tells everybody to head to the backyard. He says that this is the fourth and final Money Impasse. They can sell their votes this round for $4K. That means they can take the money but can't vote this round. Leiona takes the money and loses her vote. Graezzon says that the Money Impasses are now over. Graezzon then says that, as it isn't too late, he will offer one of them $10K to evict themselves and choose one of Astrid or Serafina to return to the game in their place. This also means that they will not head to the jury house. After a minute, Graezzon tells them that he is now offering $12K. Despite Graziella, Kilian and Quintino having the urge, nobody takes it.

Eviction is Day 22 / March 7th.

Eviction 6

Eviction 6 Episode 12
Episode 13 Eviction is Day 26 / March 11th.

Eviction 7

Eviction 7 Episode 14
Episode 15 Eviction is Day 31 / March 16th.

Eviction 8

Eviction 7 Episode 16
Episode 17 Eviction is Day 35 / March 20th.

Eviction 9

Eviction 7 Episode 18 Eviction is Day 38 / March 23rd.


Eviction 7 Episode 19 Finale is Day 40 / March 25th.