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Repiblic of Ikria
Lýðveldið Íkþland
A black nordic cross on a field of white, with cobalt blue fimbration
of Ikria
Coat of arms
Motto: Norða til fréði og sámstjaða
North toward peace and solidarity
Official languagesIkthish
Recognised regional languagesPretzschene, Ikro-Pretzschene
Ethnic groups
Ikrian (62%) Pretzschonian (34.3%) Iormungandian (2.1%) Other Continental Penzogian Groups (1.4%) Ingvarian (0.2%)
No affiliation (48%) Ikrian Pagan (Íkþlands Kéresjok/Íkþlandátrú) (32%) Norse Pagan/Old Norse Religion (16%) Penzogian Pagan (Pengźők Karešno) (2%)
GovernmentFederal Svefnthorn Chieftainship
• President
Heiðbrá Sigfríð Þeódoredótter
• Prime Minister
Hreiðar Tóbi Krákusson
• Chancellor
Magnús Þórirsson
• First Minister
Fredrík Bjørn Hásteinnsson
LegislatureSvefnthorn Chieftainship (Ikthish: Svefnþórn Høvdingdøme)
The Svefnthorn (Ikthish: Svefnþórnið)
Chamber of Deputies (Ikthish: Varakvølfrane)

Ikria (Ikthish: Íkþland, pronounced /ˌikθˈlaːnt/, Ikrian-Pretzschene: Iektland, Pretzschene: Iekrian), officially the Republic of Ikria is a Northern-Haaf country in North Penzogia, whos mainland territory comprises the western most portion of the Northern-Haaf of Continental Penzogia. The Bay Archipellago (Ikthish: Rónðag-øyjaklyrping) and half of the Stepping Stone Islands (Ikthish: Gángasteinøyjer) also form part of Ikria.

Ikria has a population of around 7.2 million people, most of which live in the south of the country, as it has a more hospitable climate and more arable land. The country is headed by 4 people, what is called a Svefnthorn Chieftainship (Svefnþórn Høvdingdøme), it includes a President (Fórsitjantsmann/kóna), a Prime minister (Statsmínister), a Chancellor (Kanslar) and a First Minister (Førstemínister). The current Svefnthorn Team is President Heiðbrá Sigfríð Þeódoredótter Prime Minister Hreiðar Tóbi Krákusson, Chancellor Magnús Þórirsson and First Minister Fredrík Bjørn Hásteinnsson.



Ikria was formed by a Norse-Saxon tribe, called the Ikths (Ikþar supposed pronunciation /ikθaː/) whom originated from several places across Europe, namely: Hålogaland, Namdalen and Iceland from the Norwegian Empire, and Frisii, Saxones and Marcomanni from Magna Germania. The leader of this tribe was teenage outlaw Hugleikr Rónðag (Hugleikr Hróksson), who, in 1186 set off for unclaimed land with his fellow tribespeople in ships they commendered from the Vikings they left behind, and in 1189 they landed their several ships in the northern bay of modern day Ikria. which Rónðag named after himself including the islands in the bay. the largest island he called Hugleikrsheimen, which roughly translates to Hugleikr’s home. On this island he immediately started on what would be the country’s largest castle with the help of his fellow tribespeople, who were paid in food and essentials as Rónðag didn’t have any money to give or use (which has the same name as the island), and was the de facto Capital and governmental building. After its completion nearly 55 years later, in 1244, Rónðag declared himself the Duke of the Ikþs (Ikthish: Hertóg av Ikþar), which was soon renamed to Duke of Ikria (Ikthish: Ikþlands Hertóg), this is regarded as the foundation of the country of Ikria.

Civil war

A few months later Rónðag died with no named successor. Several people came forward saying they were the rightful heir to the Ikrian Dukedom. After months of anarchy, two people gained most of the support from the Ikrian People, one Þjóðann Fríðþjófsson, Rónðag’s right-hand man and staunch supporter, and Kaðlín Ölvisdottír. Both candidates had around the same amount of support from the Ikrian people, and after many speeches and protests a Civil War broke out between the two candidates and their supporters, this was called The Ikrian Dukedom War of 1246. The war lasted 15 years and ended in the winter of 1261, and ended with no clear winner, as both candidates were killed in battle. It is widely believed that they were killed in the first 3 years of the war, but for whatever reason the fighters were unaware, the popular theory is that there was a miscommunication as there was no Lingua Franca. The war ravaged the country from top to bottom, all the towns and settlements that were made in Rónðag’s time were destroyed and the civilians were plunged into poverty, having next to no food from several bad harvests, and nowhere to live Ikria was in demise.


In 1266, after 5 years of complete poverty, 22 year old philosopher Júrek Jørvi decided he would fix his homeland. He held what he thought were the main issues at heart: feed, rebuild, teach, unify and lead Ikria. He quickly gained support as well as skeptics who questioned his seemingly lack of a method. Jørvi found out that Rónðag’s family members, residing in the Hugleikursheimen Castle, were hoarding ‘taxes’, in the form of food and other essentials which at the time was used to help the castle’s builders build the castle, that were still donated by the farmers and workers of Ikria to the family throughout Rónðag’s time as duke, and the years that lead to this point, because they were told not to stop. Júrek Jørvi wanted to redistribute the family's wealth of food, to which the family stubbornly refused. Intern, Jørvi decided to take matters into his own hands, and become a vigilante, with his companion Rauðr Kristí (Red Christina). A master of bluff, disguise and deceit, Jørvi managed to get into the castle on several occasions, tricking the guards into believing he was meant to be there. Rauðr Kristí, would seduce then subdue the guards when Jørvi couldn’t get past, was a master fighter at distance and close up, who gained the name ‘Rauðr Kristí’ during the 1246 Civil War, and was Ölvisdottír’s second-in-command. During their redistribution, Júrek Jørvi and Rauðr Kristí managed to build several new houses, teaching facilities and an entire language. The language fused elements of Old Norse vocabulary, and Germanic grammatical rules, which he rolled out into the teaching facilities, to great success; the language solved the lack of communication between the different people groups of Ikria. They both managed to redistribute all of the lost food to the vast majority of the poor and hungry Ikrians within 3 years, and spent a further 4 years rebuilding Ikria, completing it fully in mid- to late-1273, before Júrek Jørvi turned 30. Jørvi became the de facto leader of the country with Rauðr Kristí as second-in-command, they moved the capital from Hugleikursheimen to the new settlement of Vallnfjál (roughly translates to Water Mountain, named after a mountain with several waterfalls running off it to the settlement’s south-west). This is seen as the birth of the Ikrian Republic.