Taiyō Initiatives

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Hoterallia-Freice relations
Map indicating locations of Hoterallia and Freice



The Taiyō Initiatives (太陽戦略, Taiyō Senryaku) is a series of Hoterallian foreign policies, doctrines, and mutual treaties with Freice, started by Hoterallian Government Representative in Freice, Taiyō Yamashita. In 1969, Taiyō became one of the first foreign ambassadors to recognize the Freician self-governing movement. The strategy emerged in 1971 and shaped Hoterallian foreign policy towards Freice into the 21st century.

The initiatives, according to scholars, go as follows. Firstly, Hoterallia is firmly willing to support Freice regarding development funds and monetary and social aid. Second, Hoterallia will do its best to consolidate the relationship of confidence and trust based on the understanding between the people of Freice and Hoterallia. Third, Hoterallia firmly believes that with cultural, social, and political cooperation between the two countries, Freice can be able to strengthen their solidarity and resilience. The economic dimension was fostered by Genki Iizuka, who served as the second Hoterallian Government Representative in Freice. The Taiyō Initiatives was officially accepted by Freice and the actual term was coined in 1988. Most historians argue the policies were wise and successful, helping Freice develop in such a short period, never seen since the Hoterallian occupation. Meanwhile, others have criticized the policies for Hoterallian blatant neo-imperialist motives on Freice and the apparent foreign approach the Hoterallian made to strengthen Hoterallian interests in Freice.[1]

Historical background

Diplomat Taiyō Yamashita

Taiyō Yamashita

Taiyō Yamashita, before becoming the first Hoterallian Hoterallian Government Representative in Freice, was Administrative Vice-Minister of Finance of Hoterallia. An economics expert, he saw the potential in several eastern nations to establish bilateral relations. One of the countries he noticed was Freice.

Freice was once a Hoterallian colony before returning to Riamese rule. In 1969, Freice achieved self-government, granting Taiyō a chance to step in and push forward Hoterallia's pacifistic position while making an effort to strengthen relations with Freice.[2]

Early Taiyō Initiatives

The first period in the Taiyō Initiatives can be characterized by Taiyō's visit to Freice in 1969 as a Hoterallian delegation to support Freice's self-government process. The so-called "Delegation Diplomacy" put a high priority on development and aimed at peaceful expansion of Hoterallia's economic power in foreign markets, in order to build the economy and raise the living standards of the population in Freice. The "Delegation Diplomacy" began to be popular when the Little Orajioe community in Sekapa received funding from mainland Hoterallians, helping the community economically grow into one of the fastest areas in Sekapa.[3]

Imona Kahatipaia

Hoterallian School of Sekepa

Imona Kahatipaia (Hoterallian: 賄賂資金, lit. bribing funds) is a popular term for funds provided by Hoterallia to Freice to receive Hoterallian priority over trades and port usages. The official term is Foreign Funds for The Development of Freice (並外民発展のための外資, Namimin Hatten no Tame no Gaishi). Although the term technically only covers the portion of financial support from the Hoterallian government, it is popularly used to refer to Hoterallian support as a whole.[4]

The term originates from comments made in 2002 by the then member of the Common Wealth Party, Pijal Biraqu, in criticism of the sudden growth of Hoterallian influence in Freice. When questioned about the expenditure, Pijal replied that they were provided out to "bribe the Freicians".[5]

The support provided by the Hoterallian government has rapidly expanded since 1985. Although initially handled on an ad hoc basis, since 1987, the Freician and Hoterallian governments have signed a series of Special Cooperative Agreements (SCA) formally establishing the Hoterallian commitment of support. The most recent SCA, covering the six-year period from 2009–2014, was signed in January 2009.


  1. Yōhei, Tanaka. "The Taiyō Initiatives as a legacy and a myth." Hoterallian Journal of Freician Studies 3 (2016).
  2. Masahiro, Hattori. "The Theory of "The Great Diplomat" Taiyō Yamashita" (PDF). Sakutaro University. Retrieved Jan 10, 2018.
  3. Takuma, Ishihara (1992). The Taiyō Initiatives and Freice: New dimensions in Hoterallian foreign policy. Ryume Prefecture: Ryuiki Imperial University.
  4. Chiezō definition for Wairo Shikin (Hoterallian)
  5. "Nuejel minutes from 2002/1/6 (Freician)". Archived from the original on 2012-02-17. Retrieved 2009-08-22.

See also

External links