Nomination Roulette Season 3: In-Depth Episode Synopsis

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Introductory Statement
This is the episode synopsis for Nomination Roulette Season 3!

Each episode of the season will be receiving an in-depth synopsis, which will include confessionals. Confessionals are private moments when the contestant will tell the camera information, such as their thoughts on things or even strategy. In short, these are noted as CC or "Confessional Cam" in the synopsis. Their location in the synopsis is based off the edit on the episode.

Episode 1

Episode 1
Contestant introductions happen!

Calda Shannonoa is a 25 year old sous chef who is also a self-proclaimed superfan!

Deanna Guarisco is a 45 year old mother of four, as well as an attorney!

Evan de Mera is a 38 year old war veteran who has been back in Vitosium for the past two years.

Gavin Cortorio is a 41 year old graphic designer.

Joaquin Salinas is a 24 year old real estate attorney.

Jodi Vonnera is a 32 year old ______.

Joe Millan is a 31 year old ______.

Marina Solso is a 25 year old _______.

Matt Clemons is a 27 year old programmer.

Windsor Rochefort is a 25 year old ______.

The first five to enter are Calda, Evan, Joaquin, Joe and Matt. They explore the house and then sit down and wait for the others.
The group to enter the Secret Basement are Deanna, Gavin, Jodi, Marina and Windsor. Windsor is the first to point out that the house looks really creepy.
Jovi Laurita comes on the screen in both the Main House and the Secret Basement and lets them know that the contestants have been split up in both the Main House and the Secret Basement. Unless they want to be subjected to the basic of foods for the first week, the first challenge will begin ... now. Both groups will have puzzles they need to complete in order to open the two doors that lead into the Main House. They have two hours to complete it. Complete it and they will win a very generous grocery budget AND a feast tonight.

After a lot of struggle, the groups manage to complete the puzzles and open the doors.

Jovi Laurita comes on screen and let's everybody know that, now that it is Day 2, he has a special surprise for them.

Rosetta Fonti from Season 1 enters through the door. Rosetta CCs that she had a blast in Season 1 and made it all the way to the Final 5. Since her season, she has gotten engaged to her fiancé and fellow Season 1 castmate, Dontae. The engagement is really recent, actually.

Devin Lauricella from Season 1 enters through the door. Devin CCs that, in Season 1, he had an incredible time. There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted to return. Since his season, he has become very good friends with fellow cast-mate, Leo. He even had him as one of his groomsmen during his wedding. Speaking of marriage, he and his wife, Ava, moved from Variatis to Kingsland recently.

Lekendra Hedges from Season 2 enters through the door. Lekendra CCs that, of course, she was going to return. She is known as the woman who controlled half the season before being blindsided. Now, she is here to win the whole thing. Since her season, she started a perfume company called Passion Luxe. She is also still together with her amazing boyfriend.

Jerome Lancaster from Season 1 enters through the door. Jerome CCs that he made some glaring errors in his original season that he needs to fix in this one. Since his season, he has continued to be a programmer but, now, a more known one.

Helaina Montas from Season 2 enters through the door. Helaina CCs that she was a strategist from Season 2 that failed to make the end. She had a lot of fun and is still good friends with a lot of the Season 2 cast.

Episode 2

Episode 2
Devin, Helaina, Jerome, Lekendra and Rosetta have just entered. Calda CCs that they may all be screwed. Gavin CCs that Jerome and Lekendra could be a deadly duo. Evan CCs that he isn't worried about them at all. As everybody welcomes the vets, Devin CCs that he notices Rosetta. Back in Season 1, he convinced her showmance to vote her out. She could want revenge this season. Rosetta CCs that Devin not only betrayed her but planned to betray Dontae right after. She needs to be cautious around him. Lekendra CCs that Helaina was behind her elimination in Season 2. She can't trust her. Later, Jodi CCs that Nomination Roulette is an intense game so the fact that she is here means that she needs to stay on guard. Other people, though, would rather treat this as a vacation. Marina talks to Jodi and says that she feels as though she won't have to do anything until, maybe, the Final 6. When asked why, Marina says that she won't be an immediate threat so why stress out when she can relax. Jodi doesn't think she'll be able to relax when this is a game. Marina tells her that nobody would want to take her out. Windsor CCs that getting to know everybody has been fun but one person who is just cold and distant is Marina. Marina is laying in bed and Windsor sits down and asks how she is doing. Marina says that, when she feels like talking to people, she'll call her over. Windsor rolls her eyes and leaves the room. Marina is in the pool and Gavin joins them. Gavin tries to ask her about her job but Marina tells him to stop and that she wants to relax, not flirt right now. Gavin says that he wasn't trying to flirt and just wanted to try and get to know her. Marina says that she really couldn't care less and, as far as anybody else is concerned, they will all fall in love with her one way or another. Marina CCs that it's not like she is wrong. Gavin CCs that he'd like Marina out first if possible. Joe is in the kitchen with Matt. He tells them that he isn't worried about the four vets. They'll be taken out sooner than later. Matt agrees and says that Jerome will, probably, be predictable and fail at the finale again.

In the living room (Deanna, Evan, Gavin, Jodi), Gavin discusses being married to his wife and having three children with her. Deanna says that she is also a parent. She has been married for 20 years and has four children with her oldest being 16. Evan says that he is 38 and is a war veteran and is, also, married with two kids. He CCs that he loves hockey and basketball but felt like he could do something more than be a professional like that. That is when he joined the military at age 19. Jodi says that she got married, recently, and has one kid.

The host reveals that somebody will be eliminated in the next episode.

Episode 3

Episode 3
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 4

Episode 4
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 5

Episode 5
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 6

Episode 6
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 7

Episode 7
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 8

Episode 8
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 9

Episode 9
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 10

Episode 10
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 11

Episode 11
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 12

Episode 12
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 13

Episode 13
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 14

Episode 14
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 15

Episode 13

Episode 16: Finale

Episode 14