Imperatoria Terreistria Force

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Imperial Terrestrial Force
Imperatoria Terriestria Force
Imperium Romanum Coat of Arms.png
AllegianceImperia & Imperatricia
TypeLand-Based Fighting Force
RolePrompt and sustained land combat

Combined arms operations Combined arms maneuver and wide area security Armored and mechanized operations Airborne and air assault operations Special operations Set and sustain the theater for the joint force Integrate national, multinational, and joint power on land Large Scale International Operations

International Interventions
Part ofImperial Principate Armed Forces of Imperia
PatronAthena Invicta, Mars Ultor
Motto(s)"Gloria Excercitus"
Commander in Cheif/ImperatriciaJulia Caesaris
Imperial President of ImperiaCorrinne Aquila
Proconsul of ImperiaAlex Cooper
2nd Consul of ImperiaLuna Imperia
Imperial Secratary of DefenceVictoria Delphina
Chairman of the Council of Joint Praefectsn/a
Praefect of the Imperial Terrestrial Forcen/a
Praefect of the Imperial Terrestrial Forcen/a

The Imperatoria Terriestria Force is the land service branch of the Imperial Armed Forces. It is one of the nine Imperial Armed Forces Services. The Imperial Terriestria Force is Second in the order of prescedence, below the Praetoria. The Imperial Terrestrial Force were orignially formed as the Roman Army. After the fall of the Byzantine Empire the army was disbanded. After the formation of Imperia the Army was reinstated as the Imperatoria Terriestria Force.

The Imperial Terrestrial Force is a armed service of the Imperial Armed Forces. It is the largest military branch. As a branch of the armed forces, the purpose of the Imperial Army is to primiarly Defend and Fight the armed conflicts of Imperia, providing land dominance acorss a raneg of militar operations and combat. The Imperatoria Terriestria Force has participated in conflicts world wide and is the primary Land (Terrestrial) offensive and defencive force of Imperia.


The Imperial Terreistria Force's role is to primiarly Defend and Fight the armed conflicts of Imperia, providing land dominance acorss a range of military operations and combat, be able to carry out combined arms operations as well as joint operations with the Armed Forces of other nations and humaniotarian operations.


The Imperial Terreistria Force originated in the original Roman Army and later the Byzantine Army. After the formation of Imperia, the Imperial Army was reinstated as the Imperial Terreistria Force. The Imperial Terrestria Force has participated in multiple conflicts, with International Interventions making up most of the Imperial Terreistria Force's participation in conflicts.







Terriestria Commands


Legionnaire Structure

Divisional Structure

Combat maneuver organizations

Special operations forces/units


Myrmidons were the ledgendary Elite army led by Achilles during the Trojan War and were said to have their origins from Ants being turned into an Army by Zeus for his son, creating the first Myrmidons and giving them their name. Today, the Myrmidons are a Elite Commando Unit of the Imperial Terreistria Force, being one of the most effective and feared units. Myrmidons are chosen from thoes who have distingushed themselves in combat and have been recommended by their commanding officers. Myrmidons also go through more frequest training than other units in Her Imperial Majesty's Armed Forces, having required training every once a month but have had instances were non-required training was schedualed for 2-3 times a month. Training can be terminated if in wartime or decided by Commanding Officers. Along with having to be distingushed in Combat and recommendations by their Commanding Officers, Myrmidons candidates must also have good physique and score 90% or above on a Examination which is both a physicial and also a writen exam.


Imperial Rangers


The ITF's Paratrooper-Commando Units are elite special forces deployed on covert and special operations missions. Currently the PARACOMM Regiment consist of 7 battalions which form the core of the Paratrooper-Commando Units. Although other SpecOps units exist in the Imperial Terreistria Force, the Para-Commando Regiment is the main unit, forimg the Core of Imperium' ITF SpecOps Units.

  • Vipers
  • Cobras
  • Taipans
  • Commando Unit D
  • Commando Unit E
  • Commando Unit F
  • Commando Unit G




  • Imperial Praefect
  • Vice Praefect
  • Praefect
  • Liuetenant Praefect
  • Grand General
  • General of the Army
  • General
  • Liutenant General
  • Legatus
  • Junior Legatus
  • Centurion 1rst class
  • Centurion 2nd class
  • Commandant
  • Captain
  • Liuetenant 1rst class
  • Liuetenant 1rst class
  • 1rst Officer
  • 2nd Officer
  • 3rd Officer
  • 4rth Officer
  • Cadet 1rst class
  • Cadet 2nd class
  • Cadet 3rd class
  • Cadet 4rth class

Feild Titles

  • Praearcha
  • Vicearcha
  • Centuriarcha
  • Vicearcha
  • Limearcha
  • Tetrarcha

Auxilliary Officers

Enlisted personnel


Relations with other Service Branches

Imperial Aquaria

Imperial Aeria

Imperial Astra

Imperial Cybersecurity


Praesidia Aora

Vestal Legions

Imperial National Gaurd



Individual weapons

Crew-served weapons


