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British Tax Code Act 2022

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British Tax Code Act, 2022
Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland
An Act to establish a comprehensive taxation code and regulations for economic activity within the empire.
CitationOriginal Text
Enacted byHouse of Commons
Date enacted28 October, 2022
Enacted byHouse of Lords
Date enacted04 November, 2022
Date of Royal Assent04 November, 2022
Signed by HM Queen Elizabeth III
Introduced by Miann Lleyton (BRP)
Status: In force

Article I || Titles

1.00 || This Act may be cited and referred to in short as the British Tax Code Act, 2022.

1.01 || This Act may be referred to in full as An Act to establish a comprehensive taxation code and regulations for economic activity within the empire.

Article II || Definitions

2.00 || The "£" refers to the Pound Sterling as defined in the Nova Treasury Act, 2022.

Article III || Properties of the Citizenry

3.00 || There should be three types of property that citizens can own: 3.00a || Businesses; commercial companies that can be owned by an individual citizen or a group of citizens; 3.00b || Religious Institutions; properties related to religious activities that can be owned by an individual citizen or a group of citizens; 3.00c || Residences; private residences, owned by individual citizens. 3.00d || Estates; the extension of one’s private residences that enables the construction of other buildings upon the land.

3.01 || Any citizen shall be able to own a property in the Empire of Great Britain if they meet the following requirements and other regional laws: 3.01a || They have posted at least thirty (30) posts on the regional forum excluding the Citizenship Application post and the Property Application post, and; 3.01b || Are not serving a sentence at the time of the posting of the Property Application.

3.02 || Should a citizen start serving a sentence post an Application for Property is made, the application shall be put on hold until the said citizen finishes their sentence.

3.03 || A citizen may own only one estate and one religious institution at any given time but may own up to three (3) businesses.

3.04 || Those citizens that wish to apply for a property may do so by filling out the Property Application form that shall be available under the Home Office’s board of the forum. HM’s Government is charged with maintain a template for the form that must contain, but not limit itself, to the following: 3.04a || The name of the property; 3.04b || The type of the property (whether a business, religious institution or residence); 3.04c || A short description of the property no longer than fifty (50) words; 3.04d || The location of the property (specifying which Home Nation or Dominion); 3.04e || Up to three (3) sub-boards, of which no more than one (1) can be password protected.

3.05 || Properties shall be located on a publicly accessible area of the forum designated by HM’s Government.

3.06 || The Sovereign is the sole authority for accepting Property Applications, with said authority being delegated to HM’s Government.

3.07 || A property can be archived by HM’s Government if at least one of the following requirements is met: 3.07a || The owner has lost citizenship; 3.07b || The owner requests that the property is archived; 3.07c || There has not been a post on the property for more than sixty (60) days and 3.07d || In any other circumstance as determined by law.

Article IV || Properties of the Crown

4.00 || Crown Estates are hereby established.

4.01 || Crown Estates are those estates whose ownership lies with the Crown and may be used by the Sovereign at their pleasure. The Sovereign may grant permission to members of the Royal Family to use these estates at their pleasure.

4.02 || Crown Estates are those estates that have been established via OiC 027 dated 23rd June, 2022. Any modifications must occur via amendments to this OiC and it may not be repealed without a replacement.

4.03 || The Sovereign and the Royal Family may hold private residences like other citizens.

4.04 || Crown Estates cannot be sold or rented.

4.05 || The Household Division is tasked with the protection of these estates.

Article V || Revenue and Reasonable Limits

5.00 || HM Government, via HM Treasury, shall be responsible for governing revenue from estates and imposing reasonable restrictions on estates in regard to their income, construction activities and operations as deemed fit by Parliament.

5.01 || HM Treasury shall determine the maximum land that may be purchased by a citizen for their estate per cycle. This must be part of a budget proposed to Parliament.

5.02 || Estates shall generate income per acre subject to the following: 5.02a || The construction of the farmhouse building, and; 5.02b || A minimum of ten (10) acres owned by the estate.

5.03 || Estates’ income per acre shall be determined by HM Treasury and may be priced no more than five percent (5%) of the salary of a Member of Parliament, per acre per payment cycle.

5.04 || A forum account must be created for every estate and may be created for a business or religious institution at the request of the owner. These accounts shall remain in the possession of the property owner. 5.04a || All income generated by an estate, business, and religious institution shall be managed by the respective forum account. 5.04b || Income generated by an estate shall be granted by the Bank of Scotland rather than the Bank of England.

Article VI || Housing Market

6.00 || HM Government has the exclusive right to construct, grant and sell estates, residences, businesses and religious institutions. 6.00a || HM Government shall provide any citizen who pays the most current construction price with the number of square metres for which payment is made unless this citizen is excluded or does not qualify in accordance with the law. 6.00b || HM Government shall set requirements and procedures regarding the payment of the construction price and the method of application.

6.01 || Citizens cannot sell or rent their estates, business or religious institutions and are not entitled to a refund of a monetary amount if their estate, residence, business or religious institutions has been closed, deleted or archived in accordance with the law.

6.02 || In addition to the construction price of estates, residences, businesses or religious institutions, citizens must pay a permit fee to HM Government. HM Treasury may set these fees via a directive. At the time of the passing of this Act, the fees stand at: 6.02a || The permit fee for residences shall be £750. 6.02b || The permit fee for businesses shall be £100. 6.02c || The permit fee for religious institutions shall be £1,500. 6.02d || The permit fee for estates shall be £500.

6.03 || Citizens who have sold a permit fee and construction price and have been assigned an estate, residence, business or religious institution, are entitled to the following: 6.03a || A forum location in one of the boards under the Home Nations and Dominions category under the following sub-boards: 6.03a I || Trafalgar Square, under England. 6.03a II || Saint Andrew Square, under Scotland. 6.03a III || Loudoun Square, under Wales. 6.03a IV || Fitzwilliam Square, under Ireland. 6.03a V || Bastion Square, under Canada. 6.03a VI || Civic Square, under Australia. 6.03a VII || Aotea Square, under New Zealand. 6.03b || Moderation rights in the thread of threads belonging to their estate, residence, business or religious institution. 6.03b I || The administration team reserves the right to withhold moderation rights at any time, without stating the reason.

Article VII || Construction and Demolition

7.00 || All estate holders are entitled to construct buildings, as outlined further in this article, and demolish them on their estates.

7.01 || HM Treasury shall set the prices for the construction of these buildings.

7.02 || A minimum of ten acres of land per building must be available for the construction of a building.

7.03 || Applications for the construction or demolition of buildings for estates should be submitted to HM Treasury. 7.03a || HM Treasury shall maintain a public thread to process such aforementioned requests.

7.04 || An estate holder may construct the following religious buildings: 7.04a || A Place of Worship may be built at a cost of £1500. 7.04a I || Estates with a place of worship will receive a sub-board under the main board of the religion they are affiliated to, wherever applicable. 7.04a II || An estate holder may not build more than one place of worship.

7.05 || An estate holder may construct the following trade buildings: 7.05a || The market place can be built at a cost of £1,500: 7.05a I || The marketplace shall increase the income gained from the estate’s land by five percent (5%); 7.05a II || An estate holder may not build more than one market place. 7.05b || The trade depot can be built at a cost of £3000: 7.05b I || The trade depot shall increase the income gained from the estate’s land by seven percent (7%); 7.05b II || A trade depot may only be built if the estate already has a marketplace on it; 7.05b III || The trade depot replaces the benefits of the marketplace; 7.05b IV || An estate holder may not build more than one trade depot.

7.05c || The dock can be built at a cost of £5000: 7.05c I || The dock shall increase the income gained from the estate’s land by ten percent (10%); 7.05c II || A dock may only be built if the estate already has a trade depot on it; 7.05c III || The dock replaces the benefits of the trade depot; 7.05c IV || An estate holder may not build more than one dock.

7.06 || An estate holder may construct the following production buildings: 7.06a || The plantation can be built at a cost of £1000: 7.06a I || The plantation shall increase the income gained from the estate’s land by five percent (5%); 7.06a II || An estate holder may not build more than one plantation. 7.06b || The workshop can be built at a cost of £2000: 7.06b I || The workshop shall increase the income gained from the estate’s land by seven percent (7%); 7.06b II || A workshop may only be built if the estate already has a plantation on it; 7.06b III || The workshop replaces the benefits of the plantation; 7.06b IV || An estate holder may not build more than one workshop. 7.06c || The mill can be built at a cost of £2000: 7.06c I || The mill shall increase the income gained from the estate’s land by ten percent (10%); 7.06c II || An estate holder may not build more than one mill. 7.06d || The manufactory can be built at a cost of £7,500. 7.06d I || The manufactory shall increase the income gained from the estate’s land by ten percent (10%); 7.06d II || A manufactory may only be built if the estate already has a mill on it; 7.06d III || The manufactory replaces the benefits of the mill; 7.06d IV || An estate holder may not build more than one manufactory.

7.07 || An estate holder may construct the following governance buildings: 7.07a || The townhall can be built at a cost of £10,000: 7.07a I || The townhall provides the residents with a personal income of five percent (5%); 7.07a II || An estate holder may not build more than one town hall. 7.07b || The stock exchange can be built at a cost of £12,500: 7.07b I || The stock exchange increases the total monthly income of the estate by five percent (5%); 7.07b II || An estate holder may not build more than one stock exchange. 7.07c || The library can be built at a cost of £12,500: 7.07c I || The library decreases the construction cost of all buildings on the estate by ten percent (10%); 7.07c II || An estate holder may not build more than one library.

Article VIII || Administrative Provision

8.00 || HM Treasury shall be responsible for the following: 8.00a || Keeping publicly accessible records of the estates, the holders of the estates, and the buildings owned by the estates; 8.00b || Calculating estate income and for requesting the Bank of Scotland to print and transfer the income to the forum accounts belonging to the estates.

8.01 || HM Government shall be responsible for the following: 8.01a || Keeping records of citizens registered as residents of an estate; 8.01b || Maintaining a publicly accessible application form where estate holders can apply for the grant of resident status to a citizen for their estate; 8.01b I || Citizens may only be residents of one estate.

8.02 || The forum accounts of the various estates must maintain a thread where they must display the amount of acreage the estate holds and a ledger.

Article IX || Taxation

9.00 || There shall be four types of taxes levied: 9.00a || Income tax: the tax levied upon the income a citizen earns from work, gifts, donations or from investments; 9.00b || Property tax: the tax levied upon the income generated from a citizen’s estate; 9.00c || Commercial tax: the tax levied upon the revenue earned from businesses; 9.00d || Inheritance tax: the tax levied upon the passage of an estate from owner to heir.

9.01 || Income tax shall be progressive and HM Treasury shall release tax slabs with each budget to determine the rate of tax for citizens. Income tax may, at no slab, charge a rate more than twenty percent (20%). Taxable income shall be calculated by: 9.01a || The amount reflected on the person's account as per the Central Taxation Ledger with the Treasury will be compared with the amount available to them, on their forum account, at the time of taxation. The positive difference shall be noted as Income from Posting. 9.01b || The salaries that they shall receive on the end of the cycle shall be noted as Income from Salary; 9.01c || The positive sum of Income from Posting and Income from Salaries shall be the person's Net Taxable Income upon which taxes will be levied.

9.02 || The amount available in the person's forum account, used in provision 9.01a shall be recorded in the Central Taxation Ledger for purposes of tax calculation next cycle.

9.03 || Property tax shall be progressive and HM Treasury shall release tax slabs with each budget to determine the rate of tax for estates. Property tax may, at no slab, charge a rate more than thirty percent (30%).

9.04 || Commercial tax shall be progressive and HM Treasury shall release tax slabs with each budget to determine the rate of tax for businesses. Business tax may, at no slab, charge a rate more than twenty-five percent (25%).

9.05 || Inheritance tax shall be levied at two flat rates: 9.05a || A rate of no more than six percent (6%) shall be levied upon all liquid assets passed down from owner to heir(s). 9.05b || A rate of no more than ten percent (10%) shall be levied upon estates passed down from owner to heir(s).

Article X || Ratification

10.00 || This Act shall come into effect upon passage by both Houses of Parliament and assent by the Sovereign or other authority as established under the Monarchy Act 2021.

10.01 || The following Acts are hereby repealed: 10.01a || Properties Act, 2022; 10.01b || Housing Act, 2022; 10.01c || Estate Development Act, 2022.