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Republic of Sumadrapura
Flag of Sumdrapura
Sumadrapuran Coat of Arms
Coat of arms
Motto: Seterusnya, Sumadrapura (Penanian)
(Anglian: Advance, Sumadrapura)
Anthem: Seterusnya, Sumadrapura (Penanian)
(Anglian: Advance, Sumadrapura)
CapitalBandar Emas
Official languages
Minority Languages
Ethnic groups
  • 88.4% Sumatrapuran
  • 5.6% Anglian
  • 2.3% Penanian
  • 3.5% Migrant Ethnicities
GovernmentUnitary dominant-party parliamentary republic
• President
Lee Hseing Chua
Desmond Feng
Chan Heng Poh
LegislatureParliament of Sumadrapura
• Independence
4,852,676.5 km2 (1,873,628.9 sq mi)
• 2017 estimate
GDP (PPP)2017 estimate
• Total
$7.282 trillion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2017 estimate
• Total
$6.38 trillion
• Per capita
Gini (2017)31
HDI (2017)Increase 0.910
very high
CurrencySumadrapuran Dollar (SD$)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideleft

The Republic of Sumadrapura, commonly known as simply Sumadrapura, is a unitary state in South East Asia. Sumadrapura has a total land area of roughly 2.7 million square kilometres and a total population of 220 million; the lingua franca is Anglian, but the use of Penanian is also widespread. The dominant-party government of the People's Vanguard Party exercises control over seven provinces, an autonomous region, and a single direct-controlled municipality - the capital of Sumadrapura, Bandar Emas, which has a population of 7.7 million in the metropolitan area. Sumadrapura is an island nation, made up of an archipelago of inhabited islands; the largest of which, Sumatra, is 75% of the total size of the country. Sumadrapura has been inhabited by humans since the ice age. The country is well known for its transition from a developing to a developed state in a single generation under the leadership of its founder Winston Feng.

The history of the Sumadrapuran archipelago has been influenced by foreign powers drawn to its natural resources. Indeed, it has been an important region for trade since at least the 7th century, when local princedoms traded with entities from mainland Zhenia and the Indian subcontinent. Local rulers gradually absorbed foreign cultural, religious and political models via trade and various Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms flourished in the early centuries. Baccanian traders brought Ardam, whilst from the 14th century onwards, Auroran powers brought Vayonism and fought one another to monopolise trade during the Age of Discovery. In the 19th century, Anglia consolidated control over the entire archipelago, laying the groundwork for the future state. In the early 20th century, the concept of "Sumadrapura" as a nation-state emerged proper, and an independence movement - principally led by Winston Feng- began to take shape, eventually evolving into the People's Vanguard Party, or PVP. Consequently, amidst the decolonisation of Asia after the Second Great War, Sumadrapura was granted self-rule in 1948. Under the rule of the PVP it became a "capitalist developmental state" and experienced remarkable export-led economic growth during the latter half of the 20th century.

Today, Sumadrapura is a developed, high income country, with a GDP PPP per capita of $33,100 in 2016, with an overall PPP GDP of $7,282 billion. It ranks highly in international development indices, with an HDI of 0.910; Sumadrapura is relatively equal, with a low gini rating of 31%. Sumadrapura has a mixed economy, with major utilities and economic sectors nationalised, but as an island nation is largely dependent on trade and commerce. Sumadrapura has a space program (Sumadrapuran Space Agency), a large hadron collider and is a leading researcher of cold fusion; 72% of the Sumadrapuran electricity grid is provided by nuclear power: Investment into technological and scientific research is a major state policy, with research and development comprising 4.3% of GDP.

Sumadrapura is a parliamentary republic with a unicameral parliamentary government. The People's Vanguard Party has won every election since independence in 1948. As such, Sumadrapura has been typified by commentators as a one-party state. Sumadrapura ranks moderately free on international political indices: It has received criticism for its human rights record, including conscription, censorship, eugenics program, strict franchise and disenfranchisement laws, and prohibition of extremist political parties. Sumadrapura has a military force of 450,000 active personnel and over 1,000,000 reserve personnel and is a nuclear weapons state, with a nuclear triad, and is a member of the Asia-Pacific Pact.


Modern Sumadrapuran history began in 1820, when the unpopular Kathic-backed Sultan of Bandar Emas was overthrown by the Anglian East India Company. The EIC turned Bandar Emas into a free port, and the city became a significant regional trade hub. This was followed up in 1823, when the Sumadrapuran island of Trincomalee came under direct rule of the EIC: it inherited the territory after the death of the local King, Rajasinghe II, followed by the island of Ujong for much the same reason in 1829. These colonies came to be collectively known as the Straits Territories, and in 1840 they were formally incorporated into the Anglian Empire as a self-governing entity, with unitary governance located in Bandar Emas.

The Battle of Bandar Emas, 1820

From this base of influence, Anglian indirect rule was gradually developed over other Sumadran princely states between 1830-70, effectively creating a hegemony over the region in its entirety with the formation of the Federated Sumadrapuran States in 1860.

In 1870-71 Anglian direct rule was established. This was prompted by the growing aggression of Zhenia: Anglian officials were able to convince the various Sumadrapuran satrapies of the threat Zhenian imperialism presented. They presented the solution as the strengthening of Sumadrapura through the end of federalism, and the establishment of a unitary self-government along the lines of the Anglian parliamentary system in Bandar Emas. Although this would effectively rob the various princes and sultans of their remaining political power under federalism, the threat of Anglian withdrawal forced their hand, and the state-in-the-making was officially created in 1872 as the Dominion of Sumadrapura.

Under Lord Reginald Barkley, the newly empowered Sumadrapuran government in Bandar Emas set about strengthening its legitimacy and authority. It created a Civil Service formed almost entirely of natives, in effect co-opting the burgeoning middle class. It also successfully petitioned investment from Aurora, with a commensurate increase in industrialisation.

Finally, the formation of the Royal Sumadrapuran Army in 1880 centralised the armed forces. It was initially formed of a combination of Anglian colonial regiments stationed in the former Straits Territories and the more numerous, but less professional ex-satrapy armies of the Federated Sumadrapuran States. The colonial regiments were thus used as training cadres for the native forces, with ex-satrap troops trained in the Auroran way of war. Unlike in other Auroran colonies, natives were allowed to serve as officers. More military reforms came in 1892, when the Sumadrapuran government secured the newly created Royal Sumadrapuran Navy‘s formal jurisdiction over patrol duties in the Straits.

The Great Wars

Successfully defended during GW1 thanks to majority-native local forces, however, the Anglians pulled back for the fight in Aurora - foundations of the independence movement created due to the feeling of abandonment by their colonial master. Now isolated, however, as Zhenia has occupied surrounding territory: Suma'pura is occupied by Zhenia in the run-up to GW2 - PVP is essentially an outgrowth of the leadership of the resistance movement, which is fierce and highly successful. Explains at least early popularity.

As a result of these factors, Sumadrapura has a siege mentality; sees allies as unreliable and enemies as ruthless and dogged, and therefore must be able to fend for itself. 200 IQ megamind leadership thusly embraces pragmatic realpolitik with Marxist-Leninist lens on international relations. However, they are like the IRL CCP and understand the limits of Marx and do not have any real desire to achieve socialism. Unlike the Chinese, though, they never claimed to desire this in the first place. The PVP is not known as a Marxist party. It probably developed its own ideology called 'Post-Colonial Vanguardism' from experience of being an exploited colony slap bang in the middle of great power politics vis a vis the Great Wars.

Since 1948

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Government and Politics

Sumadrapura is a parliamentary republic with an Anglian system of unicameral parliamentary government representing regional constituencies, which are known as electoral wards. This system of representative democracy is laid down in Sumadrapura's constitution. Under the constitution, executive power rests in the hands of the Cabinet of Sumadrapura, which is headed by the Prime Minister. Also within the executive is the President, whom occupies a largely ceremonial role with a nominal veto over a select number of decisions. The Cabinet is formed of sitting Members of Parliament, whilst the President is elected by popular vote.

The Parliament Chamber

The Parliament of Sumadrapura serves as the legislative branch of the government. Members of Parliament (MPs) consist of elected, non-constituency and nominated members. Elected MPs are voted into the Parliament on a first-past-the-post basis and represent either single-member or group representation electoral wards (GREWs). The People's Vanguard Party has won control of Parliament with large majorities in every election since self-governance was secured in 1948.

Sumadrapura has received criticism for its human rights record: extremist political groups are banned and their members prohibited from political organisation; permission is required from civil authorities for groups greater than five to assemble in public, the press is regularly censored in the name of protecting public order, and there are strict criminal defamation laws, with several dozen cases being heard each year. Moreover, since 1997 it has been illegal to commercially publish a photograph of a person without their permission.

Nevertheless, Sumadrapura has been consistently rated among the least corrupt countries in the world. The unique combination of a strong almost authoritarian government with an emphasis on meritocracy and good governance is known as the "Sumadrapura model", and is regarded as a key factor behind Sumadrapura's political stability, economic growth, and social order.

Political Divisions

Sumadrapura is currently comprised of seven provinces, which are further subdivided into districts. Each district possesses its own legislature with devolved powers, known as District Councils, which have the power to formulate local laws and regulations. However, their decisions may be overturned by centrally appointed Provincial Standing Committees, members of which are nominated by the Prime Minister's Office and confirmed by Parliament.