Isicia Omentata

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A typical presentation of an isicia omentata, with a glass of white wine and a cream dipping sauce.

Isicia Omentata is a traditional dish originating from the cafes of the Empire of Exponent in the 18th and 19th centuries. It is a popular dish that is still served in the major cities of the region and is considered a staple of the local cuisine.

Ingredients and Preparation

The dish consists of a white wine soaked Hesperidesian roll, sprinkled with black pepper, and a seasoned meat patty. The patty is made from a blend of beef and pork and is seasoned with a mixture of salt, white wine, pine kernels, and peppercorns. This mixture is then formed into a patty and grilled until fully cooked. The patty is then placed on the white wine soaked roll and served.


The dish is believed to have been created in the cafes of the Empire of Exponent during the 18th and 19th centuries. It is thought that the dish was created as a way to use up leftover ingredients, including the white wine and Hesperidesian rolls that were commonly used in the cafes of the time. Over time, the dish evolved to include the addition of the pine kernels and peppercorns, which gave it its unique flavor.


Isicia Omentata remains a popular dish in the Blackhelm Confederacy, and can be found in most cafes and restaurants in the major cities of the region. It is considered a staple of the local cuisine and is often served as a quick and easy lunch option. The dish has also gained popularity in other regions, and can be found in many Astyrian cities.


While the traditional recipe for Isicia Omentata remains unchanged, there are many variations of the dish that can be found. Some cafes and restaurants add additional spices or herbs to the meat mixture, while others use different types of bread or rolls. Some even serve the dish with a variety of dipping sauces or toppings.