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Arclonia, officially the United Socialist States of Arclonia (USSA), is a country in Asia. It constitutes a major portion of the continent and mostly consists of the Nubun Desert to the north and west. The union consists of the states of Aminia, Dhodh, Venas, Southtia, Tsogia, Nubu, and Zig. The Aminian river is the largest river in the country and the 2nd longest river in the continent. Arclonia's border with the country of Southeast Asia is heavily debated as Arclonia claims control of the region. Dhodh is the country's capital and largest city.

In 1942, the Japanese Empire had invaded the northern region of the country while Arclonia was embroiled in their own civil war against the Aminian government. Dhodh united the seven states into one alliance to fight off the Japanese invaders and successfully invaded the mainland of Japan, taking Tokyo by 1944 and ending World War II in Asia with Dhodh claiming control of Japan's former empire. After the end of the Second World War, Aminia tried an offensive against the Dhodh army, who besieged the capital of Aminia, finally forcing the government to surrender, uniting Arclonia under a one-party communist dictatorship under Dhodh the Unifier in 1948. Arclonia's claims that it owned Southeast Asia resulted in an invasion by Arclonia into the country in 1951. However, Arclonia lost the war, mostly due to assistance from the United States. Arclonia's government after the war suffered tremendously, with Dhodh purging all private businesses and kicking out foreign investors. However, by 1972, Dhodh, aging, began to ease up on the restrictions, resulting in Arclonia becoming a semi-open country. Arclonia became close allies with Iran and Russia by the end of the 20th century, relying heavily on Russian oil. In 1991, Dhodh passed away at the age of 103, leaving the seat of power open for Mog, a highly influential member of Arclonia's government. Mog's running of the country resulted in Mog's administration getting purged by a new rising member of Arclonia's government, the Russian oligarch Ivanovich Volskovki, known better by his simplified name, Ivan Volskov, seized control of the country and became the country's 3rd president. Under Volskov's current leadership, the country has successfully created it's own nuclear weapons and the economy has improved significantly with Volskovki, Volskov's own nationalized oil corporation, becoming a huge oil giant throughout the world, with several companies now relying on Volskovki's oil. Volskov has created a major cult of personality around himself, proclaiming himself as the "People's President". It is important to note that all of Volskov's previous rivals, including Mog, have mysteriously wound up poisoned and dead. It is unknown if it is connected to Volskov, but the government of Arclonia has pointed evidence towards American assassins.

Big textGeographyBold text Arclonia's vast landmass stretches over the majority of Asia. It has the world's 6th largest coastline and has over 17,600 miles. Arclonia has two mountain ranges: the Zig Mountains and the Trollia Mountains. Mount Dhodh is the largest mountain in the country with a peak of 16,322 ft. The lowest point is the Negathu Depression at 42.2 ft below sea level. Arclonia borders one ocean, which is the Pulnia Sea. The Pulnia Island is the largest island owned by Pulnia, although Pulnia's independence is speculated by many. Lake Erya