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Potentialism (Lucan) Potențialism is the largest religious organisation in LucaMiclea, featuring 80 million belivers, most in LucaMiclea, and has two main branches, whith a few others: Traditional (orthodox) Potentialism (sometimes called Regulism) and Liberal (Progressive) Potentialism. Being polytheistic, potentialists believe only in four gods, The Father (Tatal), The Son (Fiul) and The Daughters (Ficele). The dynamics of the divine family affect the real world spiritual balance, The Order. The Creator of The Order is belived to be "I Am" the supreme being, above all Gods and above existance itself. "I Am" releases small amounts of energy, energy which can be converted into luck, or earthly energy. Potentialism is sometimes called the oldest religion in the world, but there are no proofs to uphold such a claim. What is sure however is that potentialism has appeared around 300 BC, when the oldest potentialist text was written, although some claim that "The Divine" is actually a potentialist text, making the religion date since 2000 BC. The philosophy of potentialism flowered around 200 AC, being developed by important characters such as Ioan Limba-Aurie, Marcus Gargalau, or Gheorghe Barbat. The Theology was written by Florian Sacau in colaboration with Robert Ciobanu around 210 BC. Their work was detailed and extended by Emanuel Roman, Arsene Boca and Victor Lucescu in 109 AC, forming the Potentialist holy writings "Argoul".


Planes of existence

Potentialism attests the existence of two planes, the material world and the Gods' world. The three worlds coexist and influence each other. Potentialists believe that every human can use the energy that exists all around us in their own advantage.


Apart from 'I Am', Potentialists belive in other three Gods, The Father, The Son, and The Daughters. The Father represents the justice, He brings good upon everyone, if He can. He is represented as a tall man, about 1.80 cm, very powerful, and calm. He never lashes out and never gets mad, but is very calculated. He often represents stability, power, stubborness, control and justice. The Son represents forgiveness, He is devouted to his dad, even tho He values freedom very much. His followers used to be nomads, but this tradition has long dissapeared.The Son is represented as an 1.70 cm man, whose all possesions are a stick he uses to defend hinself and for walking. He represents freedom, forgiveness, happiness, but also respect. The Good Daughter represents change, as, despite the fact that she remained somewhat loyal to her father, she is somewhat unstable. She is forgiving, nice and is also the protecter of the poor and weak. The Good One (as its called) is at war with her younger sister, The Bad One. She represents strenght, change and responsability. The Bad One represents life. She is often seen as violent and angry, but also a nice, full of life person. She cut all ties with her family, except for her brother. She was forced by her father to marry her brother, but refused, and tried to kill him. When he found out the fact that she was forced, he helped her escape her father. Her big sister wanted to help, but was attacked and knocked out by The Bad One. Later, it was found that she was pregnant with a mortal baby that was killed by her sister. Thats why they are at war.