First Morrawo-Wassilian War

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The former Kingdom of Morrawia had held up until the mid 1600s, a reasonable peace with the Wassilians, and very few periods of instability between the neighbors had occurred. The two countries had developed side-by-side with little in the the way of border disputes. When monarch Rudolf I passed away in 1640, his successor, Augustus I


Invasion of Errala

The Empire of Morrawia began its invasion of the Wassilian Confederation with a naval attack on the city of Altapadys, as well as landing xxxxxxx soldiers west of the town to begin a siege of the city, catching the defending Confederation army off guard. This coincided with a separate attack in the Austaras and Olavaian provinces in the western theatre of combat. Morrawian armies captured the city after a month of fighting and many of the Wassilian fighters in Altapadys fled south across the Wallach Sea to the cities of Eleksiadorys and Murslarai and down the peninsula to Bursinai to regroup. With the Errala peninsular being relatively flat aside from the Sunadic coastal highlands Morrawia made steady progress pushing Confederation armies south across the Inner Wallach Sea coastal plain. Wassilian Confederation leaders decided to leave the open countryside territory of northern Errala to the Morrawians as there were not many defensible positions, retreating south to the Wassilian towns of Gryius and Rostinas to form a defensive line which had plenty of access to the Wassilian southern heartland.

Advance toward Tyonek

Western Theatre

Fall of Tyonek

Pushback in Errala

Treaty of Sren