Evangeline Miller

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Evangeline Miller is the Current Oligarch of Empireedy.

Early Life

Evangeline Miller was born in a seaside town in St Grameiss to Sarah Miller and her Husband Charles. She Regularly showed signs of enjoying to help people, and would typically be helping her parents do tasks within their town.

School Years

Evangeling Miller Attended Coral Charter Academy in the St Grameiss region of Empireedy, she attended this academy until she was 16 when her family moved to Rimecliff just outside of Haphis.

After they moved Evangeline transferred to Haphis National Secondary School for her level 3 qualifications, during these qualifications Evangeline joined the PenFriends Scheme consisting of schools in Empireedy, Sudbury, The Celtics, Ziromnia and Kurak.

During her school years Evangeline typically spent her time Volunteering and maintaining hobbies.




Notable Achievements