Nomination Roulette Season 3: In-Depth Episode Synopsis

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Introductory Statement
This is the episode synopsis for Nomination Roulette Season 3!

Each episode of the season will be receiving an in-depth synopsis, which will include confessionals. Confessionals are private moments when the contestant will tell the camera information, such as their thoughts on things or even strategy. In short, these are noted as CC or "Confessional Cam" in the synopsis. Their location in the synopsis is based off the edit on the episode.

Episode 1

Episode 1
Contestant introductions happen!

Calda Shannonoa is a 25 year old sous chef who is also a self-proclaimed superfan!

Deanna Guarisco is a 45 year old mother of four, as well as an attorney!

Evan de Mera is a 38 year old war veteran who has been back in Vitosium for the past two years.

Gavin Cortorio is a 41 year old graphic designer.

Joaquin Salinas is a 24 year old real estate attorney.

Jodi Vonnera is a 32 year old ______.

Joe Millan is a 31 year old ______.

Marina Solso is a 25 year old _______.

Matt Clemons is a 27 year old programmer.

Windsor Rochefort is a 25 year old ______.

The first five to enter are Calda, Evan, Joaquin, Joe and Matt. They explore the house and then sit down and wait for the others.
The group to enter the Secret Basement are Deanna, Gavin, Jodi, Marina and Windsor. Windsor is the first to point out that the house looks really creepy.
Jovi Laurita comes on the screen in both the Main House and the Secret Basement and lets them know that the contestants have been split up in both the Main House and the Secret Basement. Unless they want to be subjected to the basic of foods for the first week, the first challenge will begin ... now. Both groups will have puzzles they need to complete in order to open the two doors that lead into the Main House. They have two hours to complete it. Complete it and they will win a very generous grocery budget AND a feast tonight.

After a lot of struggle, the groups manage to complete the puzzles and open the doors. Now that they are together, they get together to do introductions
"I'm Joe and I'm a carpenter from Davenport, Navocalco." Joe CCs that what he won't tell them is that he is a superfan that loves this show and plans to backstab everybody.
"My name is Calda, I am 25 and I'm a sous chef." Calda CCs that she loves this show and is so excited to be on. She knows that she can't play hard in the beginning but she does plan to play hard.
"I'm Chief Warrant Officer Evan de Mera of the Vitosian army. I've been discharged for about two and a half years now."

It is now Day 2. Joe and Calda are the first two up. In the kitchen, Joe tells her that Day 1 was intense and he knows it won't slow down. Calda says that she watched both seasons a few times to prepare for this moment. Later, Jovi Laurita comes on screen and let's everybody know that, now that it is Day 2, he has a special surprise for them.

Rosetta Fonti from Season 1 enters through the door. Rosetta CCs that she had a blast in Season 1 and made it all the way to the Final 5. Since her season, she has gotten engaged to her fiancé and fellow Season 1 castmate, Scott Parra. The engagement is really recent, actually.

Devin Lauricella from Season 1 enters through the door. Devin CCs that, in Season 1, he had an incredible time. There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted to return. Since his season, he has become very good friends with fellow cast-mate, Leo. He even had him as one of his groomsmen during his wedding. Speaking of marriage, he and his wife, Ava, moved from Variatis back to Kingsland recently. He was born in Kingsland.

Lekendra Hedges from Season 2 enters through the door. Lekendra CCs that, of course, she was going to return. She is known as the woman who controlled half the season before being blindsided. Now, she is here to win the whole thing. Since her season, she started a perfume company called Passion Luxe. She is also still together with her amazing boyfriend.

Jerome Lancaster from Season 1 enters through the door. Jerome CCs that he made some glaring errors in his original season that he needs to fix in this one. Since his season, he has continued to be a programmer but, now, a more known one.

Helaina Montas from Season 2 enters through the door. Helaina CCs that she was a strategist from Season 2 that failed to make the end. She had a lot of fun and is still good friends with a lot of the Season 2 cast.

Episode 2

Episode 2
Devin, Helaina, Jerome, Lekendra and Rosetta have just entered. Calda CCs that they may all be screwed. Gavin CCs that Jerome and Lekendra could be a deadly duo. Evan CCs that he isn't worried about them at all. As everybody welcomes the vets, Devin CCs that he notices Rosetta. Back in Season 1, he convinced Dontae to vote her out. She could want revenge this season. Rosetta CCs that Devin not only betrayed her but planned to betray Dontae right after. She needs to be cautious around him. Lekendra CCs that Helaina was behind her elimination in Season 2. She can't trust her. They all have a toast to the cast. Later, in the pool, Helaina is talking with Windsor. Windsor says that she wants to work with her and says that, out of all 5 returnees, she has the smallest target. Helaina asks her about her reasoning for that. Windsor says that Devin had Dontae take out Rosetta and they both know that so they will target each-other. As for Lekendra and Jerome, everybody knows how strategic and powerful those two are. Helaina thanks her for the reassurance and wants to work with her too.

Later, Jodi CCs that Nomination Roulette is an intense game so the fact that she is here means that she needs to stay on guard. Other people, though, would rather treat this as a vacation. Marina talks to Jodi and says that she feels as though she won't have to do anything until, maybe, the Final 6. When asked why, Marina says that she won't be an immediate threat so why stress out when she can relax. Jodi doesn't think she'll be able to relax when this is a game. Marina tells her that nobody would want to take her out. Windsor CCs that getting to know everybody has been fun but one person who is just cold and distant is Marina. Marina is laying in bed and Windsor sits down and asks how she is doing. Marina says that, when she feels like talking to people, she'll call her over. Windsor rolls her eyes and leaves the room. Marina is in the pool and Gavin joins them. Gavin tries to ask her about her job but Marina tells him to stop and that she wants to relax, not flirt right now. Gavin says that he wasn't trying to flirt and just wanted to try and get to know her. Marina says that she really couldn't care less and, as far as anybody else is concerned, they will all fall in love with her one way or another. Marina CCs that it's not like she is wrong. Gavin CCs that he'd like Marina out first if possible. Joe is in the kitchen with Matt. He tells them that he isn't worried about the four vets. They'll be taken out sooner than later. Matt agrees and says that Jerome will, probably, be predictable and fail at the finale again.

In the living room (Deanna, Evan, Gavin, Jodi), Gavin discusses being married to his wife and having three children with her. Deanna says that she is also a parent. She has been married for 20 years and has four children with her oldest being 16. Evan says that he is 38 and is a war veteran and is, also, married with two kids. He CCs that he loves hockey and basketball but felt like he could do something more than be a professional like that. That is when he joined the military at age 19. Jodi says that she got married, recently, and has one kid. Deanna suggests that the four parents stick together and the others agree.

Matt and Jodi are in the bathroom. Matt says that they don't trust Deanna at all and thinks that they should consider taking them out as soon as possible. Jodi disagrees and says that Deanna is a fun person to be around but Windsor may be trouble down the road. Matt agrees and says that Windsor is a better target. A bit later, Matt finds Windsor in one of the bedrooms and tells her that Jodi wants her out and is already campaigning. Windsor finds Jodi in the backyard and sits with her. She tells Jodi that there is this part of her that really trusts her. Jodi appreciates that and says that she was hoping the two of them could talk more.

Deanna is alone in the parlour, thinking to herself that she needs information. She is seen hiding in a stall when Lekendra and Devin come into the bathroom and discuss working together. They leave and Deanna then sneaks out of the bathroom. Joe, Devin, Rosetta and Gavin are in one of the bedrooms. Gavin says that Deanna was caught spying on him and Matt a few hours ago. Rosetta comments that Deanna doesn't know how to be sneaky and they also caught them eavesdropping on a convo they and Helaina were having earlier. Joe and Devin suggesting going after Deanna as soon as possible.

The host reveals that somebody will be eliminated in the next episode.

Episode 3

Episode 3
In the backyard, Gavin tells Deanna that nobody trusts her and she may be in trouble if she doesn't win Immunity. Deanna thanks her for the heads up and asks what people are saying. Gavin says that she's been eavesdropping on conversations and she got caught a couple of times. Deanna laughs and says that, yeah, she has. Elsewhere, Jerome, Calda and Joe are in the kitchen. Jerome says that being a part of the first season was huge for him. They are going to look back and love the experience. Later, Jerome is talking with Deanna and Evan and says that he is up for whatever they want. He wants them to consider him a number. Deanna is with Evan, Gavin, Jodi. She CCs that she has three people on her side right now. If she is nominated, those three can sway others. She says that it has come to her attention that she may be targeted so she wants them to solidify an alliance right now. They all agree to it. Evan CCs that he is completely loyal to this alliance.

In the bathroom, Joaquin tells Rosetta that he doesn't trust Marina as she is very cold to people. Rosetta agrees and says that this game has proven to be a social game above all else so Marina being like this will either send her out early or everybody will believe that they can beat her. Joaquin says that she has "early boot" written all over her as nobody will be able to trust her.

EVAN WINS IMMUNITY while Helaina is auto nominated for being the first one out.
Everybody congratulates Evan. Marina heads to Bedroom #2. As Jodi comes in to get some clothes, Marina tells her to leave. Jodi says that she also sleeps in this room. Marina says that she wants that to change. Jodi sighs and leaves. In the bathroom, Helaina CCs that the first one to be nominated has the most power each round as they decide the next in the order and that can influence who goes home. Jerome tells Helaina that he wants to be nominated. Yeah, he'll be at risk but that's the point. Helaina says that she'll think about it. Jerome CCs that, if he is nominated, he'll be at risk and people will continue to underestimate him. To him, it is all about not winning Immunity.
As the first person to be eliminated, Helaina nominates Jerome, who nominates Gavin, who nominates Marina, who nominates Windsor. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
Jerome CCs that he knew people wanted Deanna up but he felt like that would be too easy so he chose Gavin since a lot of people trusted him and it would be good for him to show his cards. He wasn't expecting Marina to be his choice. Marina tells everybody that, if any of them want to play the game, they'll get rid of Windsor. After she leaves for the bedroom, Windsor is confused but says she won't entertain her as she is looking for TV moments. In the backyard, Lekendra is talking to Devin, Joaquin and Rosetta. She CCs that Marina is difficult to live with but she is too easy of a target. She suggests they go after Gavin. The others agree and say that they can vote Marina out at any time. Joaquin talks with Matt about how Lekendra wants Gavin out but he would prefer to go after Jerome. Matt says that Jerome is a good idea. Matt then talks with Jerome about how he was approached by Windsor earlier about going after him. Jerome is surprised and goes to talk to Windsor. He says that he would love to really work with her and target whoever she wants to target this round. Windsor thanks him and says that she has somebody in mind. Windsor CCs that her target is Marina and she knows Gavin wants her out too. She has treated everybody in the house horribly since the game began. Windsor talks with Gavin and says that they need to get everybody back on track to get rid of Marina. Gavin agrees and says that he has heard others targeting her (W) instead. Windsor says that they may see Marina as an easy vote but she would rather stay here.
Marina is banished by a vote of 10-0-0-0-0.

Episode 4

Episode 4
Marina has just left. Windsor CCs that she is so glad Marina is gone. She was incredibly lazy, expected others to do everything for her and was just cold to everybody. It was easy to turn things back around when she was on the hot seat. Deanna CCs that she had her own target but she was approached by Windsor and she brought up a good point that if she ends up next to Marina, others would vote her out instead.

Earlier That Day:

  • Windsor is talking with Deanna and says that if people are thinking to get rid of a target just because Marina is an easy vote off, they will regret it when it is their turn to go home against her.
  • Windsor is talking to Joe and says that what people may not remember is that a competition will decide the winner and Marina could very well be that winner. The farther she goes, the better of a chance she has.

It is now the next day (Day 6). Joe is alone in the hammock, saying to himself that he is very close to having complete control of the game. He says that he is doing so well socially and is allied with so many people in the house.

Day 2:

  • Joe is talking with Jodi, saying that the two of them would work well together.
  • Joe is talking with Gavin, saying that he could never see himself voting him out.

Day 3:

  • Joe is talking with Calda and Devin, saying that, as there are three spots in the finale, he wants to make a Final 3 with them.
  • Joe is talking with Joaquin and Matt, saying that, as there are three spots in the finale, he wants to make a Final 3 with them.

Day 4:

  • Evan is telling Deanna that he trusts Joe a lot and they could always bring him into the alliance. Deanna says that he seems like a good guy but she isn't sure at the moment.

Joe tells himself in the hammock that all is good.

In the living room, Helaina is talking to Calda, Jerome, Rosetta, Windsor, and Gavin. She says that Season 2 was wild. She was constantly paranoid about what was going to happen next but she learned that paranoia doesn't lead you anywhere. Since her season, she is still very good friends with Chanelle and her and Jon Hub started dating. Everybody congratulates her. Jerome says that everybody on his season talks to each-other but the first three out are not included in that. Karson and Tonya went nuts on social media and Monica wanted to stay out of the spotlight. Rosetta says that Season 1 was insane. Windsor asks Jerome if he is still good friends with Terry. Jerome says that he and Terry talk almost every day. Despite the arguments he had with Arica, the two of them are good friends to this day. Rosetta says that Arica is probably one of the friendliest people she's ever met. Everybody in the room shouts out Arica Romanacci.

Evan and Deanna are in the bathroom. Evan tells her that he trusts her and Jodi the most. He isn't too sure about Gavin. Deanna says that Gavin was the one who warned her about her being targeted. She has since tried to stay under the radar. Evan says that staying low should be their priority right now. Later, in Bedroom #3, Deanna tells Jodi that the four of them need to stick together until the very end. She trusts them so much. Jodi says that she is loyal to the very end.

EVAN WINS IMMUNITY while Joaquin is auto nominated for being the first one out.
Joaquin talks to Deanna and Helaina about trying to get Matt out. While the two agree at first, after Deanna leaves, Helaina tells him that she doesn't know about Deanna but, if he wants Matt out, she is completely for that. Later, Helaina tells Devin that if they get nominated, they plan to nominate Calda as it is clear that she is a superfan of the show. Devin agrees that the superfans need to go before the returnees are targeted. Elsewhere, Rosetta talks to Calda, Matt and Joe about how she wants to try and get Devin out after what happened in Season 1. She may even try to get nominated just so she can nominate him. Calda, Matt and Joe are all for taking out Devin.

Joe talks to Joaquin about how he has an amazing idea. He wants to be nominated. Joaquin doesn't understand the idea and tells him that he would like to get Matt out sooner than later. Joe says that he'll nominate Matt. Meanwhile, Matt is telling Devin that Rosetta just spoke to him, Joe and Calda about targeting him and Joe and Calda are completely for it. Devin says that he isn't surprised about this. He then talks to Calda and asks her if Rosetta wants him out. Calda CCs that somebody clearly told Devin what Rosetta is up to. She says that she is and she agreed to go along with it to appease her but she has no intention of actually going after him. Devin thanks her for the honesty.

As the first person to be eliminated, Joaquin nominates Joe, who nominates Matt, who nominates Lekendra, who nominates Deanna. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
Right after the ceremony, Joe tells everybody that he would like to be voted out so he can win the Battleback. Later, Joaquin talks to Gavin in the bathroom about how Joe is insane. Gavin agrees and says that there is such a little chance he would win the Battleback. He would never chance it. In Bedroom 2, Lekendra tells Helaina that Joe may have a crazy plan but it doesn't mean that they should waste this opportunity. Helaina agrees and says that they could easily turn on Joaquin as he is pretty charming to a lot of the house. Lekendra agrees. Jerome tells Helaina and Matt that, if Joe wants to go out that badly, they could always vote him back out should he win the Battleback.

Joe is alone in the hammock. He smiles and tells himself that he is a genius. He can relax until the Battleback then win it.
Joe is banished by a vote of 5-3-1-0-0.

Episode 5

Episode 5
Deanna is in a room with her alliance (Evan, Gavin and Jodi). She tells them that they should branch out to ensure they will always have the numbers, as well as figure out this round's target for them. Deanna CCs that her focus was less on targeting people and more on trying to re-establish trust again.

Lekendra talks to Devin in the bathroom and about how Jodi has been pretty quiet. Devin says that Jodi has been keeping to herself and Deanna. Jodi CCs that, until now, she has been super guarded but she knows she has to reveal something about herself once in awhile so people don't think she is too quiet. In the kitchen, Jodi talks to Deanna, Gavin, Evan, Calda and Windsor about how her family watches a lot of other Reality TV shows. Her husband, Alec [Vonnera], is a massive fan of them himself and got her to watch this show while Season 1 was airing. She was hooked instantly but she would not call herself a superfan like others would. They even named their daughter Gina after their favourite Survivor player, Gino Vivolo. Later, Windsor talks with Devin about Jodi finally opening up to people after 8 days. Devin says that he doesn't trust Jodi one bit. Windsor says that Jodi is a huge Reality TV buff so it may be good to be on guard about that. Windsor CCs that her game has been to be everybody's best friend. In the background, she wants to play an under the radar strategic game as well.

Deanna is talking with Devin, Jerome and Lekendra in the backyard. She says that she met her husband during a trip to Tolagovia, which is where she lives now. She was taking a week off with a couple friends and met him at the mall and the rest is history. Deanna CCs that she hopes that her new social game can lead to everybody trusting her for good. In Bedroom #3, Rosetta talks to Jodi and Jerome about how Devin needs to go really soon. If he finds himself nominated, they should take the shot. Devin talks to Evan, Helaina and Joaquin about how a part of him feels as though Rosetta is campaigning to get her out. He says that, if she is up, it may be good to take the shot.

EVAN WINS IMMUNITY while Jerome is auto nominated for being the first one out.
Jerome pulls Lekendra, Matt and Joaquin into Bedroom #2 and says that he may have caught onto something. The only four parents in the season are Deanna, Evan, Gavin and Jodi. He's noticed that the four of them are around each-other a lot and it is safe to speculate that they could also be in an alliance. Joaquin says that it would be very likely so it may be best to keep a lookout to know to sure. In the backyard, Devin talks with Jerome about nominating him so he can nominate Rosetta. He was told by Matt and Joaquin about how she is campaigning to get him out. Jerome CCs that, yes, Rosetta wants him out badly, but he has other plans in mind. Jerome says that he isn't worried about Rosetta right now and he'll do whatever he can to ensure she goes soon. The only issue is getting her out and then her coming back in. Devin CCs that Jerome brings up a good point about the Battleback but she can easily go soon and not win her way back in.
As the first person to be eliminated, Jerome nominates Gavin, who nominates Calda, who nominates Jodi, who nominates Windsor. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
In Bedroom #3, Calda asks Gavin why she nominated him. Gavin tells her that they have barely spoken to each-other so she was one of his only options. Jodi comes in and asks Calda why she nominated her. Gavin excuses herself as Calda says that Jodi is way too quiet and she finds it hard to trust her in this game. In the kitchen, Windsor is talking to Devin and Matt about how she thought she was good with Jodi but apparently not. Gavin approaches and tells Windsor, Devin and Matt about how he doesn't trust Calda or Jodi.

Deanna and Evan are in the backyard. Deanna tells Evan that there are eight votes in total. Jerome approaches them and says that he just wants to say that, if they keep him, he'll be super grateful. After he leaves, Deanna says that a part of her wanted to target Jerome but, now, she'll go after Calda. Jerome hears that, CCing that he is glad that those are two votes to keep him safe. Lekendra is talking to Joaquin, saying that Gavin and Jodi are her targets this round. Joaquin says that he doesn't need to ask why as it makes sense. One of the alliance needs to go this round.

Gavin is banished by a vote of 4-2-2-0-0.

Episode 6

Episode 6
Will update later. Realizing that their alliance may have been found out, Jodi tries to throw the alliance under the bus to Windsor. Windsor then talks to Joaquin and Helaina about Jodi's confession. Joaquin talks to Deanna about what Jodi said, turning Deanna against Jodi. Lekendra organizes Calda, Helaina, Joaquin, Matt and Windsor to try and ensure Evan doesn't win.
WINDSOR WINS IMMUNITY while Lekendra is auto nominated for being the first one out.
Matt makes an alliance with Gavin, Matt and Joaquin. Matt goes to Helaina and Calda and says that Joaquin made the alliance.
As the first person to be eliminated, Lekendra nominates Evan, who nominates Calda, who nominates Jodi, who nominates Deanna. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
Deanna opts to make a new alliance.
Evan is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 7

Episode 7
Feeling as though now is the best time, Rosetta tries to take Devin out.
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
Matt makes an alliance with Jerome, Devin and Deanna. Matt tells Lekendra that Devin made the alliance to take her out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
Rosetta is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 8

Episode 8
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 9

Episode 9
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 10

Episode 10
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 11

Episode 11
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 12

Episode 12
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 13

Episode 13
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 14

Episode 14
TBA WINS IMMUNITY while TBA is auto nominated for being the first one out.
As the first person to be eliminated, TBA nominates TBA, who nominates TBA. The host says that, tonight, one of them will go home.
TBA is banished by a vote of TBA.

Episode 15

Episode 13

Episode 16: Finale

Episode 14