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The Socialist Republic of Murmusa
Социјалистичка Република Мурмуса
Flag of Murmasa
Motto: Умираме како стоиме
(Narendian: We die standing)
Murmusa in Northwest Meridon
Murmusa in Northwest Meridon
and Largest City
Official languagesNarendian
Ethnic groups
  • 97% Narendian
  • 2% Gökan
  • 1% Other Meridonian
Demonym(s)Murmusan, Murmusans
GovernmentSingle Party State
• General Director
Valentin Mladenovski
• Chief of the Self Defense Force
Zoran Klimentina Pandev
• Autark
Slobodan Grozdana Ivanovski
• Independence from Göke
18th of November, 1928
• Establishment of the Triumvirate
8th of April, 1984
46,082 km2 (17,792 sq mi)
• 2019 estimate
6,708,432 (18)
• 2012 census
• Density
145.576/km2 (377.0/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)2019 estimate
• Total
$45,395,959,344 NSD
• Per capita
$6,767 NSD
Date formatdd-mm-yyy
Driving sideright

The Socialist Republic of Murmusa (Narendian: Социјалистичка Република Мурмуса) is a one party state located on the Murmus Plateau in Northwestern Meridon, and a Narendian ethnic exclave, and with heavily restricted migration to and from the nation, largely imposed by its neighbor Göke. The Murmusan state, since the end of the 1978-1982 Gökan invasion, and the 1983 Coup of the Triumvirs, the Murmusan state has become increasingly authoritarian in nature; with the state authorities intensely marshaling resources for the defense of Murmusa from invasion.

Humans would arrive on the plateau of Murmus shortly after the arrival of modern humans to the Gökan Plateau, roughly 9,800 years ago, primarily as nomadic herders in transit through the plateau to other, more evidently areas. No permanent settlements would exist on the plateau until the mid-900s when proto-Narendian prospectors began to form small mining towns on the mineral rich Murmus plateau. These towns were initially small, with limited access to food being a significant factor in slowing their growth and spread. However, by the 1300s, settlements became more widespread as nomadic herders became more settled into the region of the plateau, and farmers managed to tap into an aquifer for irrigation.

The plateau was seized by the Second Gökan Empire in the late 1480s; and became herding grounds for a number of significant Gökan clans even after the Empire disintegrated. The Murmus plateau was, as a result incorporated into the Gökan Confederation, in spite of its extraordinarily high population of non-Gökan citizens. This was initially a small issue during the high times of the 1870s and 1880s. Increasingly however, ethnic tensions rose, particularly as Göke leaned increasingly hard on the ethnic Narendian population as a source of conscripts for their army. This came to a head during the Valden War, when, spurred on by a revolution in Walakia revolted against the Gökan state, sparking the Morning War, and the Narendian genocide, at the conclusion of the turmoil, and with the intervention of Narendia however, an independent state on the Murmus Plateau, Murmusa was established under the rule of a handful of leftist and centrist political parties.

The next few decades of uneasy peace between Murmusa saw the socialist republic rebuild from the damage caused by the Morning War, as well as kickstart the process of industrialization in Murmusa. Narendian ethnics and the Gökan army engaged in a number of border clashes in the late 1970s resulting in full scale war; and the occupation of Murmusa by Göke, ending only after years of brutal guerilla war, and the intervention of Narendia. It was after this disastrous conflict, that the Triumvirs, rallied the remnants of the Army to oust the government; and establish a stronger, centralized, single-party Socialist Republic, that according to the new leadership would be better equipped to resist invasion, and death at the hands of the Gökans.

Murmusa is one of the poorest nations in Meridon, having the sixth smallest economy in the region. As a result of this, the damage caused by conflict with Göke (including the ongoing sanctions and blockade of the state), and prioritization of the military over civil infrastructure, it is also critically underdeveloped, suffering from shortfalls of several resources and services. The Triumvirate and indeed the entire Murmusan state is focused almost entirely on preparation for a Gökan invasion, and Murmusa has something of a reputation as a hermit republic, and is not a member of the Meridonian Union.


The term Murmusa is a permutation of a term used in ancient Kumurz to describe the plateau that is the defining geographic feature of the nation, the term Mumus meant high plain in the langauge; but was itterated into Murmus over time and contact with Proto-Narendians; with the term Murmusa (literally land of the high plain) being coined by Narendian ethnonationalists in Murmusa in the mid 19th century. The demonym for citizens of Murmusa is Murmusan or Murmusans.




Largest cities or towns in Murmusa
2015 Census
Rank Division Pop. Rank Division Pop.
1 Belakarpa Južen 1,301,250 11 Shishevo Južen 110,410 Pekol Balka
Pekol Balka
2 Vilkbreg Istok 752,125 12 Dolna Matka Južen 71,612
3 Pekol Balka Centralno 746,812 13 Arnakija Centralno 58,710
4 Strana Južen 742,941 14 Semenishte Severno 52,101
5 Volkovo Centralno 485,124 15 Chajlane Zapaden 41,750
6 Badovsti Severno 262,181 16 Bukovikij Centralno 40,885
7 Severtočka Severno 251,810 17 Rashche Južen 40,486
8 Krushopek Centralno 249,110 18 Gornjane Istok 40,399
9 Vodno Zapaden 240,850 19 Pobozhje Estmar 36,288
10 Grchec Istok 142,110 20 Brodets Taranar 35,213



Economic Indicators

Monetary Unit: Suveren (Су)

Conversion Rate: Cy1 = $.02 NSD

Fiscal Year: Calendar Year

Nominal GDP: $45,395,959,344 NSD

GDP per Capita: $6,767 NSD

Labor Force: 5,031,324

Unemployment: Records of unemployment not publically available


Law Enforcement

Human Development
