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Anthony Akano

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Anthony Garrett Akano
Personal information
Born16 March 1995
YouTube information
Total views1,453,732[1]

Anthony Garrett Akano, known by his channel name Antakano, is a Garetolian social media personality and online influencer. AS of May 2023, his channel has amassed over 1.4 million views and has over 12,000 subscribers.

Early life

Akano was born in Ule'eka on 16 March 1995 to his father Alomo and his mother Catherine. When Akano was about 4 years old, he fell out of an unzipped trampoline and landed head-first onto a concrete patio, which he insists has "accelerated [his] brain damage".

Akano picked up the piano at an early age. At one point, his grandparents attempted to grow his abilities, but Akano claimed "[he] never really wanted to play it. It was just something [he] found interesting for a while but then it faded." Later, in his teens, Akano developed a new passion for the guitar, but his lack of skill diverted him away from musical talent.


In December of 2019, Akano began his channel, then called "Anthony Explains", in which he would clarify common misconceptions and develop oversimplified videos of complex subjects. His first video, titled "North Korea explained", gained over 200 views in one week.

  1. 1.0 1.1 "About". YouTube.