Cabinet of Delamaria

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The Cabinet of Delamaria is the senior and ultimate official body tasked with running the Government of Delamaria. It is led by the Prime Minister of Delamaria and is made up of Government ministers, with some Cabinet level agency directors being present. It was originally formed as a loose meeting of department heads to discuss, but has become a more formal weekly arrangement, in which important topics are discussed, and allows for the Prime Minister to direct high level officials. Officially it is formed in the name of the Monarch of Delamaria and all ministers are appointed by the monarch, by recommendation of the Prime Minister. Rarely are all members of the cabinet invited to cabinet meetings due to the large number of cabinet positions, therefore only the senior heads of ministries are always invited, with other attendants decided based on the agenda.

The Cabinet currently consists of;

  • Office of the Prime Minister
    • The Prime Minister
    • The Deputy Prime Minister
  • Ministry of Defence
    • The Minister of Defence
    • The Secretary for Veterans Affairs
    • The Secretary for Global Defence
  • Department for Foreign Affairs
    • The Secretary of Foreign Affairs
    • The Secretary for Foreign Security
  • The Treasury
    • The Secretary of the Treasury
    • The Secretary for Budgetary Affairs
    • The Parliamentary Secretary for the Treasury
  • Department of Home Affairs
    • The Secretary for Home Affairs
    • The Secretary for Domestic Security
    • The Under-Secretary for Youth Violence and Prevention
    • The Under-Secretary for Violence Against Women and Minorities
  • Ministry of Justice
    • The Minister of Justice
    • The Secretary for Prosecutions
    • The Secretary for Prisons and Parole
  • The Department for Commerce and Labour
    • The Secretary of Commerce and Labour
    • The Secretary for Global Trade and Investment
    • The Under-Secretary for Employment and Workplaces

  • The Secretary of Agriculture
  • The Secretary of Health and Social Care
  • The Minister for Education
  • The Secretary of Energy
  • The Secretary of Housing and Urban Affairs
  • The Secretary of Transport and Trade
  • The Secretary of Natural Resources
  • The Secretary of Culture
  • The Secretary of Technology and Sciences
  • The Secretary of Infrastructure
  • The Secretary of Welfare
  • The Director of the Agency for Environmental Substainability
  • The Director of the DSS
  • The Director of InBe
  • Special Advisor for Foreign and Defence Policy
  • Sepcial Advisor for the Economy and Social Issues
  • Chief of Staff to the President
  • Press Secretary of Pritchett House