Itayana Navy

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Itayana Navy
Country Itayana
AllegianceItayana Armies and Fleets
Size41,400 active

The Itayana Navy is the maritime serive branch of the Itayana Armies and Fleets, responsible for all coastal and oceanic activities undertaken by the Itayana military.


First Realm

Second Realm

Solar Autocracy


The top level of organization of the Navy is the Itayana Admiralty Staff, headed by the Grand Admiral of the Autocracy, and it is assumed that the holder of office reports to the Sun Manifested of Itayana directly. The Admiralty is divided on sub-sections and departments. Directly subordinated to the Grand Admiral are Naval Warfare Command, the Naval Operations Command and the Naval Inspection Command. The functions of the first office are uncertain, but reports indicate that it serves as an operaitonal and strategic planning office; at the same time, it is believed that the Conclave oversees actual operational deployments of naval squadrons. The Naval Inspection is further subdivided into Type Inspections, corresponding to major vessel categories in the Itayana Navy; its role is uncertain but assumed to be administrative for each vessel category.

Several additional departments have been identified, including General Affairs Command, assumed to constitute the administrative section, in addition to the Naval Inspection Command; the Conclave for Naval Development, determined to be responsible for cooperation with the Templar design bureaus; and the Quartermaster Command, determined to be responsible for general economic cooperation in the interests of the Navy.

Shipyards of the Navy

The following facilities have been identified to be responsible for supplying Itayana Navy with naval ships and additional equipment. Note that the list does not include contractors involved in the production chains of said facilities. The list is not extensive.

Facility Location Notes
Aircraft Plant No.98 XXX Supplies large aircraft, including K6M naval bombers
Shipbuilding Plant No.87 XXX Primary small ships construction plant
Shipbuilding Plant No.113 XXX Includes two 80-thousand ton drydocks and 3500-ton crane
Shipbuilding Plant No.143 XXX The only submarine construction plant


From its re-establishment in 1988 up to late 2000s, Itayana Navy was a strictly littoral force tasked with ensuring safety and security of the territorial waters of the Autocracy. The developing economy could not yet sustain any capacity for ocean-going fleet, or even construction of any kind. Its primary ships were acquired from Elatia and Sante Reze, and were of older designs. After the Central Itayana War, the fleet began a process of rapid expansion, a process correlating with the development of shipbulding industry in 2000s. Its blue-water capaility has since been demonstrated by its squadrons participating in maneuvers with navies of the Oorupaqi ocean and conducting independent operationas in Vespanian and Makrian oceans.

All ships of the navy currently in service are of modern designs, dating no earlier than 2000; they favor heavy armament-to-weight ratio, which is commonly attributed to Elatian influence. The navy appears to utilize the most out of the Temple's accumulated technological experience, making heavy use of shipborne automation, modern naval system architectures and deep combat systems integration and sensor fusion. Itayana Navy also employs several types of equipment not commonly seen in other navies, like 660mm torpedoes and, according to several reports, active anti-torpedo countermeasures employed by large ocean-going diesel submarines.

Key deficiences of the Itayana Navy were evaluated and established by a team of Arthuristan naval analysts in 2021. They include the lack of strong naval air arm, represented by a single carrier, a few Zacapine flying boats and converted first-generation K6M strategic bombers, and relatively deficient littoral force lacking hunter-killer submarines and support from the land-based systems. The number and quality of repair and maintenance facilities have also been put into question.

Service Vessels

Design designation system

All designs in service of the Itayana Navy are assigned a unique index of several digits. The first digit denotes the broad classification of the design, as explained in the table below. The second three digits form a random project code, usually employed in the internal design work, while the final digit stands for the "major design revision". The latter is officially stated to denote a running line of identical vessels, making it equivalent of a "flight" in various navies; it does not appear to include mid-life upgrades.

Type code Meaning Includes
0 Submarines Reportedly including special-purpose submarines
1 Oceangoing combat ships Aircraft carriers, guided missile destroyers, frigates and ocean-going corvettes
2 Littoral combat ships Littoral corvettes (under 2000 tons) and large missile boats
3 Auxiliary combat ships Minesweepers, training ships, landing ships and coast guard ships
4 Auxiliary non-combat ships Fleet oilers, replenishment and repair ships
5 Special-purpose vessels Intelligence ships, oceanographic vessels et al.

It apprears to be a common practice within the navy to drop the type and revison designators and use the project number as an oridnal; for example, Project 04261 SSK would be refered to as "426th". Itayana Navy vessels are also assigned Common Reporting Names by foreign observers, a long-standing practice done with regards to Elatian Navy ships. With a few exceptions, those follow the standard Common Reporting Names conventions.

Surface combatants

Class Origin Type Displacement Number in service Note
Project 11431  Elatia /  Itayana Fleet Carrier (CVF) 50,500 tonnes 1
Project 15350  Itayana Frigate (FFG) 5,600 tonnes 5
Project 12380  Itayana Corvette (DDC) 2,900 tonnes 14 Primary blue water combatant
Project 22700  Itayana Corvette (LCS) 1,200 tonnes 36 Primary littoral combatant
Project 31290  Itayana /  Orun Redisus Ocean-going Minesweeper 2,850 tonnes 8

Auxiliary ships

Class Origin Type Displacement Number in service Note
Project 37750  Elatia Landing ship 4,080 tonnes 16
Project 48870  Elatia Training Ship 7,270 tonnes 3
Project 45700  Itayana /  Sante Reze Sumbarine Tender 22,260 tonnes 4
Project 44630  Itayana /  Sante Reze Fleet oiler 33,900 tonnes (full) 4
Project 48330  Itayana /  Sante Reze Replenishment ship 48,400 tonnes (full) 3
Project 47170  Itayana /  Zacapican Repair ship 24,600 tonnes (full) 1
Project 58640  Itayana Intelligence ship 12,340 tonnes 2


Class Origin Type Displacement Number in service Note
Project 04261 (Claire-I)  Itayana /  Zacapican Diesel-electric attack submarine(SSK) 7,000 tonnes 8 Principal attack submarine
Project 04262 (Claire-II)  Itayana /  Zacapican Diesel-electric attack submarine (SSK) 7,000 tonnes 4 Upgraded version of Claire-I

Naval Aviation

Name Origin Type Description
A16S  Elatia Navalized fighter-bomber Heavy shipborne fighter
K4M / K6M  Velikoslavia Maritime patrol/strike craft Land-based anti-ship bomber
T-40  Zacapican Maritime patrol/strike craft Primary maritime patrol craft
T-42  Zacapican Amphibious SAR aircraft Search and rescue variant of T-40
Itz-31  Zacapican Carrier capable VTOL AEW&C aircraft Carrier-based AEW&C