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Republic of Duquesne
République de Duquesne
Flag of Duquesne
National Emblem of Duquesne
National Emblem
Motto: "Paix et Pain"
Anthem: Hymne à la Liberté
Map of Duquesne
Map of Duquesne
and largest city
Official languagesGallo-Cosmopolitan and Estmerish
Recognized languagesGallo-Indigenous, Gallo-Yeomen, Gallo-Alpine, Gaullican, Lyonite
Ethnic groups
Gallois (81%)

Lyonite (10%) Asterian (6%) Roessan(2.4%)

Other (0.6%)
GovernmentUnitary Parliamentary Republic
• President
Marques Swen
• Vice President
Jean-Luc B. d'Est
• Chair of the House of Delegates
Charles Douchel
LegislatureHouse of Delegates
• The Free State of Duquesne
• The Revolution
• Civil War
• Functionalist Regime
• 2016 estimate
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
601 Billion USD
CurrencyWIP (WIP)
Driving sideright
Calling codeWIP
Internet TLDWIP

Duquense (Officially the Republic of Duquesne, or in Gallo-Cosmopolitan République de Duquesne), is a sovereign country in central Asteria Superior.


Duquesne was the name chosen by General Arthur Gerard when he led the Rousseauist imperial forces in retreat from the Federation of Asteria, to the mountains and valleys known today as The Republic of Duquesne. He chose the name based off of the name of a flower that he spotted in the fields of which was in a book of his when he was a child. He named the land for its beauty, but also because of the nostalgia he felt when he realized that he could never go back to Roeselle.

The Duquesne Flower



Duquesne was founded in 1847 after the defection of General Arthur Gerard of the Rousseauist Imperial forces in the Duquesne Territory. The Asterians had pushed the Rousseauist armies south towards their capital. The General, along with many of his commanders and associates decided to, rather than surrender, establish their own free state. This new country became the Free State of Duquesne. The General and his administration ran a harsh dictatorship, declaring himself President for life and due to his abuses the Country became impoverished, so much so that the young nation was already falling apart at its seams. The Gerard Regime cared little for the people of Duquesne, and allowed Asterian companies to enter the country and strip mine the northern mountain range. Over time, this, paired with his refusal to devolve any government powers, and his paranoia towards those he ruled over, led to what is now known as the ‘Year of Terror’. Beginning in March of 1852, Arthur’s men purged many Generals whom had sided with him during his defection from the Roessan Armed Forces, and furthermore he arrested many farmers, banning private militias and ordering troops to quarter houses throughout the land to prevent an uprising. However, this would directly lead to the regime’s downfall as commanding officers, who had become disaffected by his regime began conspiring with the mayors in many of the small villages. Their goal; to abolish the tyrannical form of government that existed and protect the rights of the farming communities from outside influence. Outspoken advocates of the movement included Henry Rosseau and Stanley Francois-Jacobieu.

The People's Revolution of 1856

Six years after the founding of the Free State of Duquesne, it was in major decline. The government had been corrupted by Arthur, and his suspension of elections for two consecutive years after the initial date of 1851 made him a very unpopular figure. He set these elections up as a response to demands by the people for a voice in the government. By this time, inflation was rampant, and the people were starving and dying in the streets of the Capital City, as farmers from the valleys struggled to be able to sell their crops in market. The People Revolted against the Dictatorship that the Free State of Duquesne had become, and in 1855, the reign of Arthur Gerard. had ended. The leaders of the revolution, Henry Rosseau and Stanley Francois-Jacobieu, executed the corrupt leaders of the dictatorship by way of firing squad. Their methods of execution and torture of the dictator and his administration are unknown, but are commonly known to be inhumane, and terrible beyond belief. The Two leaders created the Republic of Duquesne, a Democratic Republic “By the people, and for the people”. Stanley Francois-Jacobieu was elected the first President of the new government, and Henry Rosseau became his Vice President. Together, their first action was to divide the Republic into provinces. Each province would then elect a representative to a committee of electors, tasked with making the laws and other social programs of the Republic. Some major focuses of the new administration were securing the borders and crafting a new immigration system. This system became the Border Security Act of 1856, in which a complex immigration system and process was created, bringing extreme vetting procedures and an elite border control force that built walls, and patrolled the borders at all hours of every day. Catholicism continued to be the main religion of the Republic, and ideas on the Sodomites and other communities, as well as morals taught by the church, were some of the only things that remained from life under the Gerard Dictatorship.

The Lawrence C. Perrier Administration and the Duquesne Civil War (1904-1924)

President Lawrence C. Perrier was inaugurated on June 5th, 1904, in Marquette. In his inaugural speech, he called for expansion of Duquesne’s involvement in the global scene, whether participating in a alliance, or building trade deals with Duquesne’s neighbors: Roeselle, Marirana, and the Federation. The administration built their cabinet with the intent to execute these tasks, and they succeeded. Trade networks were established bringing coal and iron into the Federation, bringing agricultural products with more coal into Roeselle, and bringing “Verte Railway Company” lines into Northern Marirana. This was a time of great economic prosperity for the people of Duquesne. President Perrier was re-elected 4 times by the year 1924, and he was beloved by the Duquesne people. However, he was assassinated in the Summer of 1924 by a group of Distributist attackers, opposing his administration, and wanting to get a Distributist in the Presidential Mansion. Their fear tactic worked, as Vice President Jean Francois-Jacobieu called for a new Presidential election, and resigned, due to his fear of being killed. The race came down to a Distributist, Jacques Dufour, and a Populist candidate, Christopher A-La-Guarde. The election was heated, and came down to a 7-7 tie, with a Labor candidate the only remaining undecided elector. However, like Vice President Francois-Jacobiue, he was driven by fear, and voted for the Distributist, Jacques Dufour. The Populists, largely made up of Perrier’s supporters, were outraged by the results of the election, because the felt cheated by the assassination of their President, and the fear it drove into all who oppose the assassins beliefs. Bands of populists began to riot and protest in the streets of Marquette, as well as in many major cities throughout Duquesne, in response to the election. They also began to vandalize, harass, and attack homes of prominent Distributists, as well as many Distributist businesses, and gathering places, particularly in communities surrounding Lac Transversale. President Jacques Dufour placed many of the nation’s “Populist Hubs” under martial law, in hopes of quickly suppressing the new “Revolution”. Populists saw this as an invasion of their rights and freedoms, which increased participation in the Anti-Administration riots, and increased attacks on Distributist households. Enrollment in Populist Militias skyrocketed, as well as the mass purchase of guns and ammunition. The Dufour administration saw this as a danger to the public, so they put a temporary ban on the sale of guns and ammunition on January 1st, 1924. Even members of the Distributist party were opposed to the ban, because it would only further enrage the Populists on the brink of war in the country. The Militias began attacking police stations and Military outposts in order to raid guns, vehicles, and ammunition, and they began planning for “Operation Gerard” On Duquesne Independence day, January 24th, dozens of Populist Militias convened on the city of Marquette. The Provincial Guard, along with members of the Duquesne Special Forces, battled the citizen Militias in what became known as the Battle of Marquette. Militias surrounded the city, and began making their way into the city, using old mortars and small cannons as their artillery, which they obtained in raids on Government Weapons Caches. The Elite Troops made fortified positions, while the National Guardsmen maintained a constant artillery barrage on the Militias that were quickly advancing through the city. Citizens ran for their lives, and estimated hundreds, if not thousands, were killed by stray bullets or artillery fire. The Militias did considerable damage, setting fire to many government buildings, and attacking police stations and the military defenses. However, what they did not expect, was civilian retaliation. Civilians took up their own arms, and began shooting at the Militiamen from their apartment buildings and from alleyways. The Militias were forced to retreat, many of them dying in the retreat because of Citizen Retaliations. Casualties for the Duquesne Military numbered 500 dead, with 2,000 wounded. Militia casualties numbered 2,000 dead, and 4,000 wounded, with 300 captured. Civilian casualties numbered roughly 1,200 dead, and 5,000 wounded. The Militias were devastated by the attacks. They succeeded in dealing a blow to the Military, and in damaging government buildings, but they lost more men than they killed. News of the attack spread like a wildfire throughout the Country, and Distributionist Militias began to take up arms against the Populist Militias. At this point the Populists were dealing with two war fronts: Their fellow citizen Militias and the National Guard. The Populists were desperate for recruiting, and they began a massive recruitment effort throughout the Agrarian communities and Middle-Class Townships. It was not at all successful. They were laughed at, and called suicidal for trying to fight a war against the opposition Militias, as well as the government. The Populist Militias decided to retreat into the mountains, where they would try to regroup and assess their supply situations. However, several of the Populist supply convoys were attacked by the Distributionist Militias, so the men in the mountains were left with barely any guns and ammunition. The leaders of the Militias came together, at what is known as the infamous Council at Sahos, where they decided to surrender to the government on June 2nd, 1924. The Civil War had ended, the Republic safe from the Populist Uprising, yet left devastated by the loss of life and the damage done to Marquette, and other Military and Police Outposts. However, President Jacques Dufuor lifted the ban of the sales of firearms, and the other freedoms that the Populists abused during the Civil War, citing the protection of the God-Given rights of the citizens. The war crippled the military and morale of Duquesne’s people, and it caused the country to attempt to isolate and rebuild. However, the people of Duquesne could not dream of what would happen to the country, and to the world, in the coming years.

The Great War (1926-1933)

In June of 1926, Euclea was in crisis. Several major states were sending international “protests” against the government of Negara due to their human rights violations due to the Negaran Revolution. However, Gaullica attempted to take over the weakened Negara, which put it against Glytter, and ultimately began the war. A complex system of alliances was formed, which began to bring the entire world into the conflict, including Duquesne. Duquesne and its closest ally, The Federation, both had no interest in ever entering the conflict. Duquesne was still extremely crippled by the recent civil war, and the Federation was economically recovering from their Great Depression. While both countries wanted desperately to remain out of the conflict, both were ultimately dragged into the conflict. Duquesne began fortifying all sides of the border except that with the Federation in 1926, immediately after the Great War started. Marirana entered the conflict soon after on the side of the Entante, which began a period of emergency planning for the worst within Duquesne’s government. The embattled President Jacques Dufour deployed 400,000 troops into the Sahos mountains, as well as in the valleys in Eastern and parts of Western Duquesne. Military vehicles including tanks, planes, and other vehicles were both manufactured and purchased from the Federation in preparation from a potential Mariranan invasion. President Dufour gave a national address in July of 1926, telling the people to be ready for invasion, since the Federation had officially joined the Grand Alliance several months prior. Duquesne was a perfect way to reach the borders of the Federation, given the lack of defenses and separation along the Duquesne-Federation border. Ultimately, Marirana invaded Duquesne on November 1st, 1926. Fighting began along the border, where Mariranan attackers were met with heavy artillery fire by the Duquesne Military. The Army was able to hold out until December 16th, where they eventually had to pull back into the Sahos due to the sheer number of Mariranan troops. As the fighting came to the Sahos, the Duquesne military began to gain advantages on the battlefield, as they had both the high ground, and the experience with the terrain. Several major battles took place in this portion of the war, including The 1st Battle of the Sahos, The Battle of Gerard Ridge, The Battle of Jacobieu Mine, and The Second Battle of the Sahos.

Duquesne Soldiers Fight in the Battle of Gerard Ridge

The first three of these battles were tremendous successes for the Duquesne army. The combined Duquesne Armed Forces used their height to their advantage, using artillery barrages down the mountains, as well as using the trees as cover for sniper nests. The Army also entrenched the top of the mountains, where they were able to safely shoot at the ground. This success lasted through May of 1927. Early in the morning of May 3rd, the Mariranan army began their plan, known as “Operation Climb”. The forces began by firing a 4 hour long artillery barrage at the entrenched Duquesne troops below. This was extremely effective, as the length of the barrage, and the ultimate damage it dealt to the troops, forced the Duquesne troops to retreat. The Mariranan forces charged up the mountain to take the high ground for the first time, and began the quick conquest of Duquesne. The Duquesne Military was crippled, and they retreated into the areas surrounding Marquette, hoping to make a last stand. The Mariranan Military was now able to send troops throughout the southern provinces, then making its way up the eastern and western provinces, leaving Hauteseaux and Hautes Terres de Cuivre as the only unconquered parts of Duquesne. President Dufour secretly ordered the remainder of the Duquesne ground troops, numbering about 250,000, into a network of secret bases in the Hautes constructed in the Perrier administration, and most recently used by the Populist Militias of the Civil War. President Dufour announced the complete surrender of the Duquesne Military publicly on August 27th, 1927, surrounded by cabinet members and national assemblymen, in an address to the Nation. The next day, oon August 28th, 1927, Mariranan tanks rolled into Marquette, and flew the Mariranan flag above the Presidential Mansion. This concluded the nearly 1 year long attempted defense of Duquesne by the military, who had lost roughly 100,000 troops in the campaigns in the Sahos, as well as at small outposts and police stations across the country. While the Mariranans had lost more men, roughly 150-200 thousand, the sheer size of the attacking force proved to be the demise of the Duquesne Military.

A Mariranan Tank and Mariranan Troops Arrive in the Outskirts of Marquette

The Mariranan government allowed the Duquesne Government to remain in administrative control, but the army was required to be disbanded. President Dufour ordered the continuation of the defense preparation and maintenance of the Duquesne Army in the Hautes Mountains, which remained unexplored and unvalued by the Mariranan military. September of 1927 began the 6 year “Duquesne Depression” which included mass unemployment, trade restrictions placed by the Mariranan government, and mass starvation in rural communities. The Mariranan military occupied Duquesne’s military bases across the country, where it worked with repairing equipment, and bringing new soldiers into Duquesne via the railway lines once used in the “Glory Days” of the Perrier administration. Communication between the Duquesne government and the Federation was barred from the moment of surrender, as the Federation was seen as the “prime target” of Entante forces in Asteria. The Duquesne people continued to live in economic despair, and mass starvation, since Mariranan troops seized a massive amount of crops and other resources to supply the Mariranan army. Eventually, the feared day came, and Mariranan forces, combined with small amounts of Entante troops, as well as with armies of troops on The Federation’s western border, Entante forces invaded the Federation in the Spring of 1930. The main offensive on the West Coast drew most of the Federation’s defenses, as hundreds of thousands of Entante troops landed on the shores of Asteria, and began to push into the country. Since most of the defenses were in Western Asteria, Mariranan troops from Duquesne were met with much less resistance than expected. The Mariranan military continued to funnel troops and supplies through Duquesne and into the Federation Campaign for 3 more years. These 3 years were met with continued economic hardship and suffering for the people of Duquesne, who still experienced mass unemployment and starvation.

The Federation began to push Entante troops out of the country in 1933, which resulted in massive amounts of Mariranan troops re-entering Duquesne at one time. This ravaged cities and farms near the Federation border, as Mariranan troops sackied cities and farms to feed themselves, since supplies from Marirana were running out.

The City of Passe Nord in 1932

By March of 1933, The Federation had pushed all Entante forces out of the country. Yet, Duquesne remained occupied by the Mariranan army, as they were attempting to regroup, and eventually re-enter the Federation. Immediately after the Federation made its announcement about all Entante troops being pushed out of the country, President Dufour began secretly communicating with Federation leaders, and began planning an offensive to take back Duquesne after 6 years of Mariranan occupation. “Operation Duquesne-Freedom” was scheduled for June 1st, and would consist of a two-sided attack at the Mariranan forces. About half of Marirana’s forces remained near the Federation border, while the other half was spread out in bases throughout the rest of the country. The plan was for Federation troops to cross the border and engage Mariranan forces, and have the Duquesne forces remaining in the Hautes bases to surprise attack from behind Mariranan lines. While the Mariranan government had learned that a force was being maintained in the Hautes, they believed that it was such a small force that it could pose no threat to the forces occupying Duquesne. On June 1st, the Federation forces began a mass-offensive into Duquesne, sending lines of tanks, trucks, and airplanes above to engage the Mariranan forces.

Federation Planes Drop Bombs on Mariranan Forces in Sud Centralia

The Mariranan forces had been expecting an attack of the sort, knowing how close allies the Federation and Duquesne were, so the defenses were prepared to hold off an attack, no matter the size. However, the surprise attack remained a surprise, and Duquesne forces, numbering 150-200k, began an artillery barrage from the mountains, and began sending swarms of ground troops, which completely caught Mariranan forces off-guard.

Duquesne Troops Begin Surprise Attacking Mariranan Forces in the Valleys of Sud Centralia

The Mariranans took heavy casualties, numbering in the tens of thousands, before they finally surrendered before dusk. The operation was a success, and the remaining thousands of Mariranan troops were brought into prisons in the mountain bases in the Hautes. When news of the surprise attack was spread to the Mariranans near the capital of Marquette, Mariranan forces were quick to act, as roughly 30,000 Mariranan combatants descended upon the Presidential Mansion in Marquette. Security forces were no match for the Mariranans, so they surrendered immediately, leaving President Dufour and his cabinet unprotected. Forces stormed the Presidential Mansion, and captured the President and his cabinet. President Dufour, along with members of his cabinet, were immediately questioned about the secret army that had planned a surprise assault on Mariranan troops. President Dufour would not offer any information, so the Mariranan troops shot him and his cabinet on the spot. Word did not reach the public until several weeks later, when Presidential Mansion security guards and other aides anonymously got the information published in the Marquette Star, the city’s main newspaper. The news reached the troops in the Hautes, as well as civilians across the country, in a matter of hours. This prompted the Duquesne military and Federation forces to immediately start pushing south through the Hautes, and towards the main Mariranan force at Marquette. On August 27th, on the six year anniversary of Duquesne’s occupation by Mariranan troops, the combined Duquesne-Federation force attacked the Mariranan blockade outside Marquette. Unlike before, the Duquesne army was now the greatest in number, due to the major support of the Federation troops. This allowed the force to launch a full-frontal assault at the Mariranan defenses. The Mariranan troops quickly realized that they were outnumbered, so late in the day, Mariranan troops began a retreat that lasted 2 weeks, with skirmishing between both sides, until Mariranan troops were finally pushed out on September 15th, 1933.

The Picardian Distributionist Era (1933-1938)

The Duquesne National Assembly held emergency elections in October of 1933, due to the assassination of the entire Presidential cabinet by Mariranan forces, and Jean Francois-Jacobieu, a Picardian Distributist, was elected President of The Republic of Duquesne. President Francois-Jacobieu was left with the daunting task of rebuilding a broken nation. The people of Duquesne had no time to heal or rebuild from the catastrophic civil war before they were thrust into the Great War. In an effort to avoid yet another conflict, whether internal or external, the government began to implement isolationist policies, with the ultimate goal of complete isolation. Trade restrictions were lifted, with the removal of the occupying Mariranans, but President Francois-Jacobieu chose to keep the economics isolated from the outside of the world. Hundreds of thousands of new construction and military jobs were created in the first five months of the Francois-Jacobieu administration, as the government needed to repair sewage systems, power lines, water systems, roads, bridges, railway tracks, government buildings, and the newly commissioned Duquesne Border wall, which would stretch along all of Duquesne’s borders except that of the border wall with the Federation, Duquesne’s closest ally. The rebuilding process lasted until 1937, during the Samuel Le-Pen-Dune administration. During these years, the economy was stagnant, as most of Duquesne industry, other than construction and mining, had been decimated. Millions of acres of farmland had been destroyed by the prescence of heavy military vehicles, frequent bombings, and the mass carnage left behind in the fields. In January of 1934, in his yearly address, President Francois-Jacobieu announced the creation of the veterans protection agency, in order to properly bury the fallen soldiers still scattered on many of the battlefields and mountains, as well as to care for permanently injured veterans. The public put major support behind the industry, until the tax increases were announced. The government's budget was already almost depleted due to the mass reconstruction efforts that had begun immediately after President Francois-Jacobieu took office. President Samuel Le-Pen-Dune, also a Picardian Distributist, was elected in the fall of 1934. His previous experience in public service included serving as the interim chairman of the National Assembly during the Francois-Jacobieu administration. He continued the mass reconstruction campaign, and also oversaw the opening of several new veterans cemeteries and memorials to commemorate the work of Duquesne troops during the Civil War and the Great War. In The border wall was completed on February 16th, 1937, and was opened with a special ceremony to honor the work of the construction teams, and of the soldiers who died defending and re-taking Duquesne. Due to new policies passed by the Duquesne National Assembly, Presidential Terms were shortened to 3 years due to a power struggle within the committee. Total isolation was ordered in 1937 by President Jacques Dubois, the last of Duquesne’s presidents in the Picardian Distributist Era. The only ties that Duquesne had to the outside world were with the Federation, and the Vatican. With the sudden death of President Dubois in 1938, Duquesne was once again left without a leader. The committee began appointing military leaders to the presidency, the first being General George Bucard. This presidency began the Burmeoisian Distributionist Era, ending the period of rebuilding, and moving into a new era of Duquesne isolated from the world.

The Burmeoisian Distributionist Era (1938-1959)

The Burmeoisian Distributionist era began with the appointment of General George Bucard to the Presidency in July of 1938 following the death of President Jacques Dubois. General Bucard was a veteran of the Great war, as he helped coordinate the efforts with Federation forces during the beginning of “Operation Duquesne Freedom”. During his one year in office he worked closely with his ally in the Assembly, Chairman Marcel Crecy, to continue implementing total isolation policies, and constructing impenetrable defenses around the country. General Bucard knew full well the damage that the great war caused, being one of the only surviving administration officials able to see the carnage and destruction left on the people of the Vallee de Cuivre. He also managed to cut completely the foreign aid budget, and he used the funds to complete and toughen the Duquesne border wall, and its surrounding defenses. The economy was still churning compared to the depression in the late 20s, but compared to economies throughout the rest of the world, it was dismal, due to the economic isolation and lack of foreign trade. General Bucard served as President from July 3rd to May 3rd 1938-1939. On May 3rd, Chairman Marcel Crecy was elected President of the Republic of Duquesne. The election was controversial, because it was thought to have been rigged, but no one dared challenge the results, for the civil war remained close in the memories of many of Duquesne’s citizens. Marcel Crecy also made several controversial moves as President, beginning with his unprecedented appointment of the Chairman of the National Assembly. He appointed a political ally, Etienne Floren, to lead the passing of legislation that pushed Crecy’s agenda forward. However, it was discovered that Floren, along with a slieu of staff members, violently threatened opposite party’s Assemblymen, which convinced them to always vote aligned with the wishes of the President. This led to the resignation, and imprisonment of both Crecy and Floren, charged with making violent threats to Assemblymen, and dozens of ethics violations. They were both sentenced to 20 years in prison. An emergency election was called in the summer of 1941 in order to fill the Presidency and the Chairmanship of the National Assembly. However, military leaders did not trust a tattered National Assembly to begin and regulate a new election process. As a result, the military seized control of the Duquesne government on September 1st. The Field Marshal of the Duquesne Army, Marques Swanson, assumed power, and successfully led a new election cycle, organizing and managing the Provincial Elections, and the final election in the National Assembly. He also amended the constitution, so that the winner of the Presidential Election would serve without a term limit, in order to restore public civility and trust in the government. Germain F. Chevalier was elected President of Duquesne in the Spring of 1942, becoming the President that would serve without a term limit. He began his administration by holding meetings with members of the Federation Government in order to ask for money to expedite the rebuilding process from the Great War. Much of the National Infrastructure, as well as millions of acres of farmland, and the city of Marquette, were still damaged from the Civil War in the 20s, and the Great War, which had ravaged much of Duquesne. The Federation began making investments in rebuilding Duquesne, which involved the development of new buildings in Marquette, as well as the repair of rail lines, and the restoration of tens of thousands of acres of farmland. This investment was able to give a boost to the economy, unseen since the administrations in the beginning of the Picardian Distributionist Era. As 1944 approached, the city of Marquette had been completely fixed of all damages left by the wars of the 20s and 30s. In addition, the economy was churning back to that of the Perrier administration, as the farmlands began producing product again, and the fixed rail lines began distributing products throughout Duquesne again. President Chevalier became extremely popular among the people of Duquesne. In 1947, as he turned 70, he began the restructuring of the Duquesne government, preparing for the next administration to take power. He dismissed all members of the Duquesne government, other than his essential cabinet, military leaders, and government agency staffers. This led to the dismissing of all Provincial Representatives, Provincial Governors, and National Assemblymen. He began the new election process in 1948, which saw a surge in isolationists taking power throughout the country. President Chevalier did not want to return to the unsuccessful isolationism that had ruled Duquesne since the end of the Great War, so he began to appeal to Federation companies to make more investments in Duquesne industry, in order to make isolationism less appealing. Yet, 8 of the 15 provinces elected Isolationist governors, which led to the appointment of a pro-isolationism majority National Assembly. This greatly troubled President Chevalier, yet he worked to continue bipartisan cooperation with the isolationists in the National Assembly. The 1948 elections gave the Duquesne people even more confidence in President Chevalier, since he did not attempt to alter the election results, or scare the Assemblymen into voting (like Presidents before him). In the beginning of 1949, President Chevalier signed new bills of legislation to begin construction of interstate highways, in order to provide paved roads to both transport Duquesnians across the country by car, but also to create thousands of jobs in both the automotive and construction industries. It worked. Tens of thousands of Duquesnians began taking jobs as construction workers, surveyors, and car and truck manufacturers, which eliminated Duquesne unemployment, and even caused the government to begin accepting immigration from the surrounding countries of Marirana, Roeselle, and the Federation. This saw a wave of investment by the Duquesne Trucking Company, founded by the Goldman Mining Corporation in 1949, and the Duquesne Automotive Company, founded by the Bank of Marquette in 1953. While Duquesne did not allow foreign cars and trucks to be imported, the government allowed countries like the Federation to invest in the industries, in order to boost their economic success and importance in Duquesne. This new Interstate Act successfully boomed the economy for the next 6 years, as thousands of miles of new roads were constructed, and as hundreds of thousands of new cars and trucks began using these new roads. However, the happiness in the country came to a grinding halt in January of 1959, when President Chevalier was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. He gave a speech to the nation on January 17th, 1959, asking for the prayers of the Duquesne people as he battled his illness. He served out 4 more months to the best of his ability, highlighting the period with the Veteran Care Act, which provided free healthcare to all Duquesne military veterans who had served in combat during the Civil War and during the Great War. However, he succumbed to his illness on May 8th, 1959. The Chairman of the House of Delegates, David Green, declared 17 days of National Mourning, since President Chevalier had served as President for 17 years. A holiday was quickly established by the Duquesne National Assembly, naming January 17th as Chevalier Day, to remember the life of President Chevalier. This ended the Burmeoisian Distributionist Era, and began the period of Picardian Restoration.


File:Duquesne with Mountains and Lakes and Cities.png
Map of Duquesne with major cities labeled

Provinces and Territories of Duquesne

Hautes Terres de Cuivre

The Northern Haute territory is named after the Hautes Mountains. The economy of the territory has been centered around the mining industry since before the founding of Duquesne, and in the past 50 years, tourism with the establishment of several national parks . The most common mines are for coal and copper. While not having an organized provincial government, or a seat on the national Delegation, it maintains major significance in the national economy.

Vallee de Cuivre

Vallee de Cuivre is the province to the west of Hautes Terres de Cuivre. It is full of valleys, as it sits next to the Hautes Mountain range. The province is not highly populated, but it is filled with large farms, critical to Duquesne’s farming industry. Tourism of battlefields along the Federation border is also a growing industry, since the Vallee was bridge of both Marirana and the Federation in and out of Duquesne. It also is very important to the Duquesne Trucking Industry, due to its many warehouses along the open highway roads.


Sud-Centralia is the province to the North of Hautes Terres de Cuivre. It has some valleys, but mostly rolling hills and plains. It is critical to the Duquesne Military and government, as it borders Asteria. In recent years, the border with Asteria has urbanized, and cities are extending further and further into the ancient farmland. With the recent joining of the JDF, plans to bring in many Asterian military vehicles and equipment, along with Asterian Vehicles. Many vehicle factories and transport facilities are also being constructed, due to the new influx of imported Asterian and Valentir vehicles.

Pays Compache

Pays Compache is the province to the East of Sud-Centralia. The province is filled with rocky, rolling hills, which are home to a major portion of Duquesne’s mining industry. Many types of rocks used in home construction are mined and collected here, and they are distributed by train and by Tractor-Trailer all across Duquesne. It is also rumored that the Duquesne government has been digging tunnels in that land for centuries for use in smuggling of goods, and spying on neighboring countries.

Vallee Verte

Vallee Verte is the province that holds the largest open farmland in all of Duquesne. Other than the few rocky hills to its northern border with Pays Compache, the province is filled with open farmland, and small Agrarian communities. The province also pioneered Duquesne’s railroad industry, particularly the cargo industry, and it is home to the largest railroad company, The Verte Railroad Company. (see Verte Railroad Company) The Verte Railroad company maintains the position of the largest amount of agricultural products transported per year, as the vast farming communities produce considerable amounts of grain and other vegetables. A separate government railroad line also goes through the province, which leads to a series of government food storage facilities, to supply the people with food in case of drought.

Vallee de Ste. Marc

Vallee de Ste. Marc lies to the south of Vallee Verte. It lies as the Easternmost Province in the “Indigenous Secture” of Duquesne. It is in the valley of the Sahos Mountains, named after an indigenous tribe found in Northern Mariana, and the surrounding valleys of the Sahos bordering Mariana. The valleys are a rich, rainforest like area, where Duquesne’s coffee industry thrives. The jungle itself is part of the Greater Rossean Rainforest/Jungle, and is home to many secret military outposts.

Vallee Catacosse

Vallee Catacosse borders Vallee de Ste. Marc to the west. It is still a major factor within Duquesne’s coffee industry, however, it is home to Duquesne’s southern military base network. Special Forces are trained in the Rainforests, and soldiers constantly patrol the border both on foot, and in the air.

Grande Marecage

Grande Marecage is the province to the west of Vallee Catacosse. It is similar to the neighboring valleys in that it is filled with rich rainforests and a thriving coffee industry, but it is also a major part of the copper mining industry, as its companies control mines throughout the Sahos.


The Sahos territory contains the Sahos mountain range, and the majority of the indigenous population of Duquesne. While not playing much of a political or economic relevance, its economy is still important for the mining industry.


Alpena is the province to the North of Grande Marecage. It plays a significant role in the copper mining industry alongside Grande Marecage. It is most famous for its agriculture in the valleys, with major crops of wheat and cotton. It contains a major hub for the Marquette Trucking Company.

Passerelle de Sud

Passerelle de Sud is the southeasternmost province in Duquesne. It has a very small population, as it is a swampy wasteland, and the smallest province in population. The economy is practically irrelevant, other than its fishing industry.


Envale is the province to the direct north of Passerelle de Sud. It is a higher population area filled with factories for metals and metal-related goods. It is also a major railroad hub for the Verte Railroad Company, as it maintains direct lines from the copper and iron mines to the factories. The Duquesne military also manufactures ammunition, and military vehicles in Envale.

Nouvel Cuvimont

Nouvel Cuvimont is the province to the north of Envale. It has a large population, and its entire economy is based on agriculture growth, particularly wheat, cotton, and corn. The Verte railroad company also has hubs here, which go straight to the agricultural storage warehouses, where Tractor Trailers distribute the products around Duquesne.


Tuscinaw is the biggest province in terms of land, and comes close to highest population. With many cities, it is one of the most urban of the provinces, with manufacturing and work in the highrises for major corporations dominates the economy. Cost of living is extremely high, only lower than Hautesaeux.


Terre Moyenne is the province to the southwestern side of Hautesaeux. It holds major significance to the Duquesne military, as many military barracks and Air Force bases dwell in this province, due to its close proximity to the Capital City. The non-military population works in factories producing many goods for the military, such as uniforms and ammunition. There is no major farming industry in Terre-Moyenne, yet, the Railroad and Trucking industries remain vital to the nationwide distribution of uniforms and ammunition, among other vital military goods.


Hautesaeux is the most vital province to all of Duquesne. Being towards the center of the country, and home to Marquette, the nationwide Capital, it holds vital importance to the government of Duquesne, as all major Federal Government buildings are in the province. The Marquette river runs into the Great Lake, Lac Transversae, home to Duquesne’s Navy and various cargo and fishing industries. The beach along Lac Transversale is also a major tourist attraction for the country, and has several docks for private boating companies to take passengers across the lake and view the various wildlife and natural wonders. The most urban of the provinces, and the province with the highest cost of living, Hautesaeux represents the innovation of the people of Duquesne, and shows a bright future.


Charbonne is the province to the direct East of Hautesaeux. It is a very urban province, and holds the majority of the water-trade with Hautesaeux through the country’s “Great Lake”, Lac Transversale, and the many other rivers such as the Marquette River, and the River of Greater Charbonne. These rivers, along with the Great Lake and other bodies of water, make up the majority of the fishing industry in Duquesne.



Infographic of Duquesne Government Structure
Number of local districts in each province, 2018

Political Majorities and Maps in Duquesne, 2018

Current House of Delegates by political majority, 2018
Current Political layout based on party, 2018

Political Parties in the Republic of Duquesne, 2018

Party Position Idealogy Leader Seats in the Duquesne House of Delegates Bloc
Christian Democratic Party
Center-Right Pro-JDF, Christian Democracy, Conservatism Marques Swen
4 / 15
Agrarian Coalition
Center Agrarianism, Centrism, Environmentalism Arthur Macron
8 / 15
Working Families’ Front
Left Socialist, Distributionist, Isolationist, Nationalist Maria Le-Pen-Dune
2 / 15
Reform Party
Center Liberalism, Constitutional Republicanism Emmanuel Tibhirino
0 / 15
Populist Party
Center-Right Populism Samuel Jacobieu IV
1 / 15
Cooperativist Party
Far-Left Cooperativism, Internationalism, Postmodernism Benedict Triganuo
0 / 15
Conservative Party
Center-Right Classical Liberalism, Constitutional Republicanism, Social Conservatism Therese Meurka
0 / 15

Duquesne's Foreign Relations

Duquesne has isolated itself from the outside world for almost 100 years. However, the current administration led by the Christian Democrats and President Marques Swen are attempting to de-isolate, and move into the realm of international politics, trade, and overall relations. President Marques Swen announced in March of 2018 his decision to send a delegation to the JDF, in hopes of establishing new relations and eventually joining the pact. This resulted in Duquesne being unanimously voted into the JDF, which will be critical in Duquesne's continued de-isolating.

Duquesne Military

A Duquesne Military Jeep


The Duquesne National Army consists of 200,000 active duty men, and 500,000 men in reserves. All men are required to serve in some capacity of the Duquesne Military for 3 years, beginning at age 21. However, benefits are extended to those who choose to remain in service, and move through the ranks of the military. No females are allowed in combat in the Duquesne National military, except as combat nurses and doctors. The army uses helicopters and cargo planes to transport its troops, and uses Jeeps, Tanks, and Turreted HUM-Vs. The military is often used as border protection, and as guard for important government buildings and officials.

A Duquesne Navy Patrol Ship in Lac Transversale


A Duquesne Air Force Bomber Landing at Dufour Air Force Base

The Duquesne Navy is comprised of only smaller, yet quick boats, used to patrol Lac Transversale, and the other big lakes found in Duquense. It is made up of only 5,000 active duty sailors, with 2,000 in reserve. The boats used are Cyclone-Class patrol ships, which station roughly 50 sailors per ship.

Air Force

A border patrol vehicle patrols the border with Mariana

The Duquesne Air Force is a larger operation, patrolling the airspace in Duquesne, and managing a surveillance operation in nations surrounding Duquesne, as well as in international waters. It also manages and monitors the new Duquesne Missile Defense System, gifted to Duquesne by the Federation of Asteria in August. The Air Force uses spy planes, cargo planes, fighter jets, and bombers. It has 20,000 active duty members with 10,000 in reserve. It also manages and operates the Presidential planes, and ensures that the presidential plane is always guarded when in flight. Fighter jets patrol the skies of Duquesne, and are always on standby if unidentified objects enter Duquesne Air Space. The fighter jet of choice of the Duquesne Air Force is the f-35 Lightning ii, useful for ground assault and mid-air combat. The bomber of choice is the B-52 Stratofortress, although not used often, remains the pinnacle of Duquesne’s bombing fleet.

Border Patrol

The Duquesne Border Patrol is made up of 300,000 active duty soldiers, with 50,000 in reserve. They use equipment similar to that of the army, yet they also maintain the various walls and customs entry points on the Duquesne border. They follow the strict immigration laws, and prevent mass-immigrations of refugees, or illegal immigrants.


Ethnic Groups






Science and Technology


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One of Duquesne's Nuclear Power plants located in the Sahos mountains

Energy in Duquesne comes from a wide variety of sectors. The second biggest part of Duquesne’s economy is the coal mining industry, which is present in both of the mountain ranges of Duquesne. Coal is used for trains, as well as for heating in poorer agricultural sectors of the country. Solar power is uncommon, but is present in small quantity in the wealthy neighborhoods surrounding Marquette. Oil and gasoline is imported from the Federation of Asteria, and is used for Airplanes, and Automobiles. The government and the military uses mostly oil and gas, but has been working on Nuclear plants in the Sahos mountain range since the mid 1990s. Old coal mines are also being built up and used as facilities for containing and managing Nuclear Waste.

Nuclear Power

Nuclear Power was only introduced to Duquesne in the mid-1990s. It has never been available for commercial use, but has been used only by the government and the military. The Duquesne National Assembly would have to authorize the start of commercial nuclear Power, but there is virtually no support, and no legislation has made it passed the provincial bodies.

Solar Power

A typical house with solar panels

Current president Marques Swen started the Solar Power initiative in 2014 with hopes of the people of Duquesne switching to cleaner energy solutions. The initiative controls the sale of the panels, which are marketed to residential districts in and around the city of Marquette, and other major cities. Currently, there is no private sector, but when the practice becomes more common and affordable, a private market is expected to thrive in the open rolling hills and fields.

Oil and Gasoline

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A train carrying oil and gasoline throughout Duquesne

Most of Duquesne’s oil and gasoline is imported from other countries, but a small amount of heating oil is produced by Standard Oil, the company with complete control over Duquesne’s oil wells and infrastructure. Gasoline companies are numerous, but the most popular companies are the Duquesne Gas company, Marquette Gasoline, and Gallois Fuel Services. These 3 companies dominate the industry with gas stations all across the country. They employ hundreds to thousands of people because federal law in Duquesne requires gas to be pumped into vehicles by a gas station attendant, a policy established in the 1930s after the civil war in an effort to create jobs.

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A train transports coal from the Sahos Mountains


The coal industry makes up the second largest sector of Duquesne’s economy behind agriculture. Both the mining and transport industries combine to employ tens of thousands of workers, across many different companies. The Duquesne Government controls coal mining, but sells it to the distribution companies, and in the near future, plans to open the doors to international trade. The two distributors of coal are Cuivre Coal, and Sahos Coal Distributors. Both companies have monopolies on their respective regions, but are the middleman to many other energy companies, and foreign entities. The most common form of transporting coal is by way of train, but since the mid-1980s, transport of coal has started to happen via tractor trailers. The trucking industry in Duquesne employs thousands of workers, 30 percent of those being coal drivers. The majority of coal transport remains on railways, which are also powered by coal. The Verte Railroad Company has contracts with both distributing companies, and it transports their product, along with tractor trailers all across Duquesne. From the distributors, the local energy companies send coal to power furnaces, factories, and poorer residential districts.



The Entirety of Duquesne's Railroading industry is the Verte Railroad Company

The Verte Railroad Company

A coal train moves through Vallee Verte

The Verte Railroad Company has been filled with controversy and public scandal since the dawn of the Duquesne Railroad industry. Not only did it pioneer the industry, but it monopolized control over all of the Major Commuter and Cargo railways, with the exception to city and suburban subway lines. The company was founded by Donald Gerard, Brother to the Founding leader turned dictator, General Arthur Gerard. He made millions of dollars in nationwide illegal tax collections, with which he founded the Verte Railroad Company. Due to the unregulated free-market policies, The company was able to monopolize the rail industry, and laid thousands of miles of track all across the country. The company continued to embed itself in controversy during the Duquesne Civil War. The company indirectly aligned itself with the Populist rebels in public, but actively supported rebels in secret. The company transported rebels free of charge around the country, as well as donated funds and hauled weapons around the country. It came under major scrutiny once this was revealed 5 years after the Civil War ended, but quickly paid itself out of trouble. It began to receive government funding in the 1970s, and was purchased by the Bank of Duquesne in 1988. The Bank’s funding was able to renovate the entire railway system as well as purchase and research new trains and other equipment. As a result, the Bank rose to become the most powerful corporation in Duquesne, and now, as a result of its immense commercial power, is facing government intervention. The infrastructure of the company is throughout all of Duquesne. In Marquette, and its suburbs, subways and newer train equipment is used throughout the lines. Throughout most of Duquesne, however, most of the trains are still coal powered, and are centerpieces of society.

Air Travel


The major airport in Duquesne is Marquette International Airport. It is located just outside Marquette, Duquesne’s capital, alongside the Marquette River, which feeds into lac transversale. It has six terminals, as it is Duquesne’s only international airport, and it is the most modern and high tech airport in the country. The air industry was founded in the late 1960s with the introduction of several airline companies, as well as deals made with other international companies selling space in the international terminals. There are many other regional airports within Duquesne, but none comparable to Marquette International Airport


Name Area of Service Popularity
Duquesne Airlines Nationwide and International Service The Nation’s Luxury Airline with the most airplanes and overall flights in the country. It has a very high popularity and Customer ratings. It pioneered Duquesne’s air industry, as early investments on its part established it as the most powerful and well-known airline within the country.
Agrarian Airways Nationwide Service Agrarian Airways is made up of all propeller planes made for use in the farm valleys only. The business also has a sector for crop-dusting, however, which makes up about a quarter of their yearly revenue.
Budget Air Service from the Southwest and West to Marquette and between Budget Air is a popular airline for their reliable service, quality airplanes, and inexpensive price. The business is also a major player in the cargo industry, and is chartered by the Duquesne National Post Service.
Sahos Airlines Service to the jungle valleys of the Sahos, and its northeastern territory Sahos Airlines is a small airline, using old jets, and providing cheap regional service.
Southeastern Air Service to the Southeast, but also the Northernmost provinces One of the biggest Nation-wide presences in the industry. Big aircraft for passenger and cargo service.
Marquette Airlines Service to the high populated provinces around Marquette Marquette Airlines prides itself on its brand new, top-of-the-line aircraft and equipment. High customer ratings, and high price tags appeal to the wealthiest of Duquesne
Transversale Air Travel Service to the high populated provinces around Marquette Transversale Air Travel is a biplane company specializing in small aircraft and helicopters for tourism around Marquette and Lac Transversale, as well as advertising with sky banners along the beaches.

Duquesne Automotive Industry

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The original Duque Car

The Duquesne Automotive Company

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A Duquesne Automotive Company Pickup

The Duquesne Automotive industry became relevant in the 1950s, while still fighting off the fierce competition of the horse and buggy. Duquesne Automotive LLC was founded by the Bank of Marquette, which was the only company willing to risk an investment in an infant industry. They developed the “Duque” as the first automobile model in the company’s history. It became extremely popular in the city, which caused the company to file a patent both in manufacturing, and in the “4-wheeled civilian vehicle”. For decades, many potential companies attempted to take the ruling to court, which failed, resulting The Duquesne Automotive Company purchasing a large number of these companies. It maintains its monopoly today, and no company has challenged the patent ruling since 2003. Since then, the government has invested billions of dollars establishing a national highway system, which created jobs for thousands of Duquesians. Trucking companies carrying manufactured cargo, agricultural products, or coal and iron from the mines pack the highways, making the upkeep of highways essential to the Duquesne economy. Since its founding, The Duquesne Automotive Company has expanded into the pick-up truck market, mimicking several models from The Federation of Asteria. It has become wildly successful in Duquesne, and has been the most sold vehicle since 1987. The Company attempted to enter the luxury and sports car industry, but failed miserably, so the wealthiest Duquesians have resorted to importing foreign cars for decades.

Duquesne Trucking Industry

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A Current-Day Velo Truck

Marquette Trucking Company

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An original Velo Truck

The Marquette Trucking Company was founded in 1949 by the Goldman Mining Corporation. The Goldman Mining Corporation, which was founded in 1848, is the country’s largest, oldest, and most successful mining corporation. It owns mines in both the Hautes and Sahos mountain ranges, and for the first 125 years, relied on railroads only to transport their products throughout Duquesne, and to their factories and warehouses. However, seeing the rise in popularity of the Automobile, and seeing other countries’ continued use of “Tractor Trailers”, the company secretly sent a team of engineers to the Federation of Asteria to purchase an Asterian truck, and reverse engineer a new truck, taking blueprints and each part associated with the truck back to Duquesne, where they created the new truck, dubbed the “Velostar”, or the “Velo” for short. The Company built hundreds of these trucks, and immediately deployed them into service. The company now always had trucks on standby, and was able to transport its mined products much more efficiently. Today, the Marquette Trucking Company remains Duquesne’s only Tractor-Trailer vendor, and continues to serve the Goldman Mining Corporation, and other manufacturing organizations throughout Duquesne.



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A wealthy Duquesne Couple
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A female Duquense Farmer

Men and women wear clothing specific to their gender and profession. Cross dressing is extremely frowned upon, and in certain cases, is against the law in Duquesne.


Traditional men’s dress is overalls with a straw hat, suitable for working long hours in the fields, or in the mines. Only the hat changes for formal events, switching to a cap. Affluent farmers or men in the cities wear business suits or other formal clothes. The way one dresses is a symbol of not only wealth or social status, but a symbol of your profession and professionalism.


Traditional women wear a dress suitable for work, and for management of the household. Women in the cities wear a business suit, or dresses more opulent and better for city life. Women in the cities do not typically wear hats, but some women in the countryside wear straw hats, similar to those that men wear, but typically with a colorful ribbon wrapped around.


Most of the Duquesne population is literate, due to the high presence of schools, both Solarian Catholic, Private, and Vocational. Most of the books and pamphlets published in the Republic of Duquesne are either Religious, Political, or Historical books. One of the most famous historical books was written by President Jacques Dufour following the civil war, in which he wrote about his struggles and decisions during the civil war, and why the people of Duquesne must never fight each other in the capacity of civil war ever again. Reflections of a Conflict among Brothers remains the most sold book in Duquesne, only behind the Bible. In the past 20 years, bookstores have begun importing historical, political, and religious books and pamphlets from other neighboring countries, and even countries across the sea. Other types of literature, such as romance and other forms of extreme fiction, are highly frowned upon, and publishers are banned from publishing them.



Duquesne has 3 major News Channels, the SRG, which is a government funded news organization, IDN, a pro-Isolationist, hardcore conservative news network, and the CDPN, the news source of the Christian Democratic Party. These Three National News sources each have local branches across certain provinces, and regions of smaller provinces. FS1 is the main sports telecasting channel, providing sports analysis, and individual sports coverage on each of its local broadcasters. The DEC, Duquesne Entertainment Company, and the HTV, History Television Network, control the most popular channels regarding “drama TV” and Historical Documentaries and Television Programs.


The SRG controls the only major national radio network, while local stations carry topics such as Music, News, Sports, and Politics.


The Duquesne Entertainment Company controls the majority of the films produced in Duquesne, and specializes in action films, and historical documentaries. Romance movies and other unethical dramas are against the law in Duquesne, for they violate the morals and principles of Solarian Catholic Doctrine, which is critical to the stability of Duquesne’s society. In recent years, films that correspond with the law have been imported from other countries, such as the Federation, and have caught major popularity in the country.


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Director Marques Benedicti of the Duquesne National Symphony Orchestra

The most common genres of music in Duquesne are Classical, Military Marches, Folk/Bluegrass, and Country. Each province has its own music stations that cater to the population, and in recent years, consumption of digital music has surpassed that of radio by almost 3 times as much. One of the most popular Orchestras in The Republic of Duquesne is the Duquesne National Symphony Orchestra, which is based in Marquette, but travels around the country and the world performing native songs, and international classics. In 1971, they also signed a multi-billion dollar contract to play soundtracks for movies produced by the Duquesne Entertainment Company, which gained the group even more popularity, and the funds to massively expand, and create music education programs throughout The Republic of Duquesne.



Public holidays