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Lutezzik Federation

Pronounced Loo-tez-zik, the Lutezzik Federation is a federation with six (6) member states. Each member state sends an elected delegation to represent it at the Federation Council. Every ten (10) years the Federation Council votes for a Chancellor to chair the council. The Chancellor is a non-voting member of the Council and simply serves as a chairperson and acts as Head of State for the Federation. Coinciding with the Council's election of a Chancellor, the citizens of the Federation are granted the right to vote for a Chancellor-Regent to serve as a tie-breaker, an assistant head of state, and head of the government. Each member state is largely autonomous, and generally conducts internal political affairs with little or no interference from the Federation Council. Each member state must abide by Federation Standard Law, and the Articles of Universal Recognized Rights. The currency used in Lutezzik is the Federation Dollar.

Flag of the Federation of Lutezzik
Category Information
Capitol Bitanga, Capitol District
Land Area 95058 km²
Founded 1899
Government Type Federated States
States, Territories, and Districts 8

States, Territories, and the Capitol District

Name Population Capitol Federal Assembly Votes Congressional Seats Federation Status
Esserix 6,618,832 Kuza 183 139 Full Member
Capitol District 3,952,346 Bitanga 108 87 Capitol
Yastead 973,646 Yastead 20 20 Provisional Member
Dradena 2,948,965 Srona 83 57 Full Member
Zaía Territory 749,984 Argealon 20 20 Provisional Member
Ansson 10,836,610 Endar 300 229 Full Member
Quar Alliance 1,525,449 Takara 55 32 Full Member
Luross 2,564,356 Luross 66 51 Full Member

Republic of Esserix

Status Full Member
Former Currency Esseraki Republican Dollar
Main Language(s) Federation Standard, Austral, Corliian, Corlansanese
Date of Admission August 19, 1899
Founded 1274
Largest City Kuza
Land Area no value
Disiplinary Actions 1
FSL Compliance Status In compliance
Head of State Government President Iwan Guerra
Disaster Sanctuary Yes

The Republic of Esserix traces its roots back to the aftermath of the Luross Empire's collapse and the ensuing fracturing of the nation into smaller city-states. In the year 1034, following a devastating civil war, the region of Esserix emerged as an independent and sovereign entity, laying the foundation for what would later become the Republic of Esserix.

Led by visionary leaders who sought to build a just and prosperous society, Esserix quickly established itself as a beacon of stability and progress. The early rulers of Esserix, recognizing the importance of safeguarding individual rights and promoting a system of governance that reflects the will of the people, initiated a series of landmark reforms.

The city-state's leaders promoted democratic principles and the idea of collective decision-making, paving the way for greater citizen participation in the governance process. As a result, Esserix adopted a republican style of government, where elected representatives, accountable to the people, held the reins of power.

Over the centuries, Esserix expanded its territorial boundaries and forged diplomatic ties with neighboring city-states, solidifying its position as a prominent regional power. It also developed a thriving economy, known for its focus on trade, culture, and education. The city of Bitanga, in particular, emerged as a center of commerce and intellectual exchange, attracting scholars, merchants, and artisans from across the region.

Throughout its history, the Republic of Esserix faced both internal and external challenges, ranging from territorial disputes to invasions by larger neighboring empires. Yet, the resilience and unity of the Esseraki people allowed them to withstand such trials and emerge stronger than ever.

When the opportunity arose to form the Lutezzik Federation in April 1899, the Republic of Esserix eagerly embraced the idea of unity and cooperation among the various states in the region. As one of the founding members of the Federation, Esserix actively contributed its democratic principles and dedication to human rights to the formation of the Federation Charter.

Today, the Republic of Esserix stands as a testament to the enduring pursuit of democratic governance, individual freedoms, and inclusive prosperity. Its story is intricately woven into the fabric of the Lutezzik Federation, embodying the shared values and aspirations of all member states as they strive for a better and brighter future together.

Luross Republic

Status Full Member
Former Currency Imperial Dollar
Main Language(s) Federation Standard, Lü, Uldastral
Date of Admission Example
Founded 1304
Largest City Dekreius
Land Area no value
Disiplinary Actions 1
FSL Compliance Status In compliance
Head of State Government First Ludor Tasmin Arias
Disaster Sanctuary Yes

The Luross Republic has a rich and tumultuous history that dates back to the collapse of the once-mighty Luross Empire. Following the assassination of Eminence Gaski, the last Emperor of the Luross Empire, in 1304, the entire region descended into chaos and lawlessness. Out of the ashes of the fallen empire, various factions vied for power and control.

Amidst the turmoil, the city-state of Takara was founded as a refuge for those seeking stability and security. Aspiring to establish a just and democratic society, Takara's founders drafted a governing constitution that embraced principles of popular representation and civil liberties. The establishment of the city-state marked the beginning of the Luross Republic's journey towards democracy and self-governance.

Over the years, the Luross Republic expanded its influence, forging alliances with neighboring city-states and territories. As part of the Diparte Alliance formed in 1612, the Luross Republic collaborated with other member states to address shared challenges and advance their collective interests.

In the centuries that followed, the Luross Republic weathered numerous trials, including assassinations, civil unrest, and external conflicts. However, it persevered and evolved, firmly upholding its commitment to democratic ideals and the rule of law.

By the time of the formation of the Lutezzik Federation in April 1899, the Luross Republic had solidified its place as a key member state, contributing its experience and vision to the creation of the Federation. As one of the founding members, the Luross Republic played a crucial role in shaping the principles and governance structure of the new Federation.

Today, the Luross Republic stands as a testament to the resilience of unity and the enduring pursuit of democratic values. Its history is interwoven with that of the Lutezzik Federation, embodying the spirit of progress and cooperation that binds the member states together.

Quar Alliance

Status Full Member
Former Currency Alliance Coin, Eldorta, Runi
Main Language(s) Federation Standard, Draki, Quarese, Malm, Palran
Date of Admission Example
Founded 1591
Largest City Takara
Land Area no value
Disiplinary Actions 0
FSL Compliance Status In compliance
Head of State Government First Minister Safiya Hurst
Disaster Sanctuary No

The Quar Alliance, also known as the Quar Federation, finds its roots in a period of transformative cooperation and alliance-building among several neighboring tribal collectives. Emerging in the late 16th century, the alliance was forged out of a collective desire to protect their shared interests and stand united against external threats.

Amidst the backdrop of an ever-changing geopolitical landscape, the Maleme, the Pallas, the Dres, and the Taki realized that strength lay in unity. Facing the expansionist ambitions of the Empire of Yastead, the four city-states saw an opportunity to come together and pool their resources, expertise, and military might.

The Quadrilateral Alliance, as it was initially known, was built on the principles of mutual defense, economic cooperation, and cultural exchange. Bound by a formal treaty, the member states vowed to aid one another in times of crisis and to maintain a common front against external adversaries.

The alliance soon proved its worth when the Empire of Yastead declared war on the Alliance in 1598. The ensuing conflict, known as the Federation War, saw both sides suffer heavy losses. Despite the hardships, the Allies' determination and strategic acumen allowed them to hold their ground and resist further territorial encroachments by the Empire.

In the wake of the hard-fought war, the Alliance emerged as a respected regional power, admired for its resilience and determination to preserve its independence. In 1599, the city-state of Dradena, impressed by the unity and strength of the alliance, expressed interest in joining. After negotiations and discussions, Dradena was welcomed into the fold, transforming the Quadrilateral Alliance into the Quar Alliance.

With Dradena's inclusion, the alliance expanded its reach and influence, further solidifying its position as a formidable force within the region. The Quar Alliance embraced diversity, recognizing the unique contributions and strengths of each member state. Together, they fostered cultural exchange, established shared economic policies, and promoted peaceful coexistence.

However, as the years went by, internal tensions and ideological differences began to surface among the member states. The alliance faced challenges in finding common ground on various issues, and camaraderie started to wane.

Ultimately, the Quar Alliance dissolved in 1626, marked by the signing of the Trecepio Armistice, which granted the Democratic States of Dradena full rights over the Lússí Peaks and lowlands. While the alliancee ceased to exist formally, its legacy lived on in the shared history and lessons learned by its former members.

Though the Quar Alliance was short-lived, its impact on the region's history cannot be understated. It demonstrated the power of cooperation and collective action in the face of adversity, leaving a lasting impression on the Maleme, the Pallas, the Dres, and the Taki as they continued to navigate the complexities of regional politics in the Lutezzik lowlands.

Empire of Yastead

Status Provisional Member
Former Currency Xyrila
Main Language(s) Federation Standard, Yad, Kazian
Date of Admission December 12, 2018
Founded 1007
Largest City Canta
Land Area no value
Disiplinary Actions 1
FSL Compliance Status Transitioning into compliance
Head of State Government Imperator (Whoever serves in the role is reffered to only as Imperator, unless speaking with family, friends, or occasionally in confidence)
Disaster Sanctuary No

The Empire of Yastead is a powerful and ancient civilization that emerged in the region of Lutezzik during the early 11th century. Its origins can be traced back to the consolidation of several nomadic tribes that inhabited the fertile lands along the Ursus River. As these tribes began to settle and develop agricultural practices, they gradually formed a loose confederation for mutual protection and trade.

Over time, one tribe emerged as the dominant force, led by a charismatic and visionary ruler known as Yarom the Great. Yarom was able to unite the various tribes under his rule, and his leadership brought stability and prosperity to the region. As the Ursus River became the lifeline of their burgeoning civilization, the confederation expanded its influence through trade and diplomatic alliances with neighboring city-states.

Under the rule of Yarom and his successors, the Empire of Yastead rapidly grew in both size and power. The empire's military might and well-organized administrative system allowed it to conquer and assimilate smaller neighboring regions, expanding its borders and influence even further.

The Empire of Yastead was renowned for its advancements in agriculture, architecture, and engineering. It boasted grand cities, impressive monuments, and a flourishing cultural scene. The empire's wealth and influence attracted scholars, traders, and travelers from distant lands, fostering a diverse and vibrant society.

However, as the empire's borders expanded, so did its challenges. Internal dissent and external conflicts with rival city-states and emerging regional powers put strain on the empire's resources. Despite these challenges, the Empire of Yastead endured for centuries, leaving a lasting impact on the history and culture of the Lutezzik region.

Eventually, the empire faced internal unrest and external invasions, leading to its eventual decline and petition to join the Federation. Nevertheless, the legacy of the Empire of Yastead lives on in the rich history and heritage of the Lutezzik Federation.

Zaía Territory

Status Provisional Member
Former Currency Union Skant
Main Language(s) Austral (English), Lü, Yad, Kazian
Date of Admission January 20, 2021
Founded 2000
Largest City Zaoria
Land Area no value
Disiplinary Actions -
FSL Compliance Status Not in compliance
Head of State Government Interim President Esha Derilan
Disaster Sanctuary No

Federated States of Ansson

Status Full Member
Former Currency Azur Dollar
Main Language(s) Federation Standard, Austral, Draki, Uldastral
Date of Admission August 19, 1899
Founded 1448
Largest City Verasillo
Land Area no value
Disiplinary Actions 1
FSL Compliance Status In compliance
Head of State Government Prime Minister Danyal Schultz
Disaster Sanctuary Yes

Capitol District

Status Full Member
Former Currency -
Main Language(s) Federation Standard, Austral (English),
Date of Admission August 19, 1899
Founded 1899
Largest City Bitanga
Land Area no value
Disiplinary Actions -
FSL Compliance Status In compliance
Head of State Government Mayor of Bitanga, Marshal of the Capitol District Kieran Crane
Disaster Sanctuary Yes

Democratic States of Dradena

Status Full Member
Former Currency Drek
Main Language(s) Federation Standard, Draki, Uldastral
Date of Admission August 19, 1899
Founded 1608
Largest City Uldon
Land Area no value
Disiplinary Actions 0
FSL Compliance Status In compliance
Head of State Government President Alexandre Cochran
Disaster Sanctuary Yes