Orders, decorations, and medals of Atmora

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Current orders of chivalry

The current system is made up of six orders of chivalry and four orders of merit. The statutes of each order specify matters such as the size of the order, the use of post-nominal letters and insignia design and display.

Complete name Ranks (letters) Ribbon Established Founder Motto Awarded to/for/by Associated awards Refs
Military Order of Alexandra
Militaire Alexandras-Orde
Knight Grand Cross (GKMA)
Commander (CMA)
Knight (RMA)
NLD Military Order of William - Knight BAR.png 17 May 1815 Alexandra the Great Voor Moed, Beleid en Trouw ("For Bravery, Leadership and Loyalty") Performing acts of excellent Bravery, Leadership and Loyalty in battle.
Order of the Great Wolf
Orde van de Grote Wolf
Knight (RGW) Order of the Garter UK ribbon.png 1 May 1438 Visenna, Princess of Wolf Nemo me impune lacessit ("No one provokes me with impunity") Appointments are made at the Sovereign's sole discretion None
Order of the Black Eagle
Orde van de Zwarte Adelaar
Knight (RZA) Order of the Black Eagle - Ribbon bar.svg 29 May 1801 High Queen Alexandra the Great (as Queen of Lieseltania) Suum Cuique ("To each according to his merits") Appointments are made at the Sovereign's sole discretion None
Royal Order of Alexandra
Koninklijke Orde van Alexandra
Knight Grand Cross (GKA)
Knight Commander (CKA)
Officer (OKA)
Knight (RKA)
Royal Victorian Order UK ribbon.jpg 29 May 1835 High Queen Alexandra the Great Desiderantes meliorem patriam ("They desire a better country") Civil division: senior civil servants; Military division: senior military officers. The Sovereign makes all appointments to the Order on the advice of the Government. None
Order of the Star of Atmora
Orde van de Atmoraanse Ster
Knight/Dame Grand Cross (GKAS)
Commander (CAS)
Knight (RAS)
Order of the Indian Empire Ribbon.svg 28 April 1863 High Queen Sierra Imperatricis auspiciis ("Under the auspices of the Empress") Diplomats and colonial service. The Sovereign makes all appointments to the Order on the advice of the Government. None
The Order of Military Merit
Militaire Verdienste-orde
Knight (RMV)
Commander (CMV)
Officer (OMV)
D-PRU EK 1914 2 Klasse BAR.svg 6 September 1886 High Queen Sierra Officium ante commodum ("Service before self") Military officers for leadership while on active service. The Sovereign makes all appointments to the Order on the advice of the Government. None
The Distinguished Service Order
Voorname Dienstorde
Companion (VDO) - plus bars Dso-ribbon.svg 6 September 1886 High Queen Sierra None Military officers for leadership while on active service. The Sovereign makes all appointments to the Order on the advice of the Government. None
Order of the Golden Eagle of Atmora
Orde van de Gouden Adelaar van Atmora
Knight Grand Cross(GKGA)
Commander (CGA)
Officer (OGA)
Knight (RGA)
Ordre du Lion d'Or de la Maison de Nassau ribbon.svg 9 June 1951 High Queen Katherine Nec aspera terrent ("Frightened by no difficulties") Services to the Crown. Appointments are made at the Sovereign's sole discretion The Royal Katherinian Medal, The Royal Katherinian Chain
The Order of Merit Member (OM) Order of Merit (Commonwealth realms) ribbon.png 23 June 1902 High King Richard For merit Military, science, art, literature, culture. Members are personally appointed by the Sovereign with the assistance of their private secretaries. Limited to 24 members. None
The Imperial Service Order Companion (ISO) Ribbon Imperial Service Order 100x30.jpg 8 August 1902 High King Richard For faithful service Civil servant for 25 years (in administrative or clerical capacity) The Imperial Service Medal (ISM)
The Most Excellent Order of the Crown Knight/Dame Grand Cross (RGK)
Knight/Dame Commander (RCK)
Commander (CK)
Officer (OK)
Member (LK)
Order of the Netherlands Lion ribbon - Knight.svg 4 June 1917 High Queen Elizabeth Tria juncta in uno ("Three joined in one") Miscellaneous (military and civil). The Sovereign makes all appointments to the Order on the advice of the Government. The Atmoran Empire Medal
The Order of the Companions of Honour Companion (CH) Lint van de Orde Compaions of Honour.jpg 4 June 1917 High Queen Elizabeth In action faithful and in honour clear Arts, science, politics, industry, religion. The Sovereign makes all appointments to the Order on the advice of the Government. None

Other honours and appointments

Hereditary peerage


Other orders
