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Pulatec volunteers in the Iqozi-Cuhonhico War

Numerous Pulatec citizens fought as volunteers in the 1967-1971 Iqozi-Cuhonhico War, also known as the Third Uhlangan Civil War. For various reasons, fighters were drawn to join both sides. As the state of Pulacan bordered the conflict zone, Pulatec volunteers made up some of the largest foreign volunteers by nationality in both Iqozi and Cuhonhicah service. The war was an unpopular one in Pulacan, and imposed numerous issues onto the country through disrupted trade, wayward munitions and a massive influx of refugees avoiding conflict. As a result, many Pulatec volunteer fighters were treated with scorn upon their return to Pulacan, especially those that had fought for the defunct Cuhonhico.


For much of the 20th century, the area now comprising the modern state of Phansi Uhlanga was made of two states: the Coyotec-dominated Cuhonhico, and the Komontu-dominated Democratic People's Republic of Iqozi. Both states, along with most of modern-day Pulacan, made up the Malaioan possessions of the predominantly-Nahua Heron Empire up until the 19th century. Though all the territories were nominally under the suzerainty of the subnational monarchy in Ytzac Tlalocan descended from Itzcoatl, in reality their authority was meaningless. Modern-day Pulacan was administered by a governor (Nahuatl: tlatoani) sent by Angatahuaca, and Cuhonhico fell outside of his sphere of control: it was effectively self-governed by an entrenched planter elite almost entirely comprised of Nahua settlers.

Pulatec volunteers in Cuhonhico

Pulatec volunteers signed up with the Cuhonhicah armed forces for numerous reasons.

Pulatec volunteers in Democratic Iqozi

Much like its counterpart, the people that

Return to Pulacan

Iqozi supporters

Cuhonhico supporters

Coyotl refugees